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Sen. Bernie Sanders, whose legislative career consisted largely of renaming post offices and proposing assorted socialist nonsense that even his party wouldn’t touch (most recently, a four-day work week) has announced that he intends to run for another term to continue his important work of simping for Hamas and ghostwriting books about how he’d run the country if we ever had a Communist revolution.
As a millionaire with three homes and a non-existent track record, the 82-year-old senator, aspiring to be an 88-year-old senator, is everything his younger self used to criticize.
There is no shortage of useless New England senators from small states whose chief function is to take up space (Joe Biden, call your office) and collect bribes (Joe, really, call, now), but a trick of fate made Bernie a national figure when Elizabeth Warren refused to run against Hillary Clinton forcing the leftist gang to find a last minute replacement who turned out to be Bernie.
And that’s how Bernie became a millionaire while losing his soul. Despite being depicted as the avatar of integrity, Bernie has consistently jettisoned whatever principles and positions he had that didn’t fit in with his new masters. He decided he liked identity politics, open borders and Hamas after initially opposing them.
The dirty little secret isn’t just that Bernie’s a greedy little Commie who likes his dachas, it’s that it doesn’t take all that many struggle sessions to get him to toss aside his vaunted principles.
And Bernie’s current principle is that as an otherwise useless human being, he has no function except to remain in D.C. Having been unemployable before D.C., he can’t think of anything he’d like to do beyond it. Like the rest of the kleptocracy, he has to stay in office until he dies because he’s mutated into a pure swamp creature.
So Bernie is running for senator-for-life. It’s just one of the privileges of power. Not for the people, but for the privileged.
Arise o wretched of the earth and go to the Senate cloakroom.
Unfortunately Sanders is not going to pull a McCain or Kennedy. more likely he will pull a Feinstein, He had a heat attack in 2019 and has 2 stents, but the stents should not be a problem. Damn! Can’t count on skin cancer either.
If the octogenarian-pretend commie were replaced by a bought and paid for 50 year old it might give the system a smidge of credibility.
It might work out for us. It is about as in your face as having the meat puppet stand in for president. It is so in your face that the people might re,volt,
The lying dog faced pony soldier is stupid. Re,volts do start up as M-16s against F-16s. It is how the Sandinistas did it. They started with pea shooters and did small engagements until they snowballed and accumulated better arms.
Puppet ought to know that the F-16s are being retired in the very near term. I guess lying dog faced pony soldier does not listen to his presidential briefs..
About Sanders and communism
1/2 my relations are or were communist. Here is the interesting part. They never brag about it. They do state that they are tough. You can read between the lines.
So I am really sick of these pretend commies like Sanders. Fcking poser. Was a shtty carpenter. Is a shtty Senator and is an all around shtty excuse for a human being,
Dem Governor Kathy Hochul is forced to apologize after claiming ‘Black kids in the Bronx’ don’t know the word ‘computer’
Did you know that Vermont has about 20% of it’s population on some sort of public assistance ? Out of a population of roughly 647,000 that’s 129,400 on some form of dole. He will be re-elected.
Offshoring jobs has a price.
Let me guess… is that the percentage of the Vermont population with French Canadian roots? Most of them are not rocket scientists.
You called it! Bernout is such a fraud it isn’t even funny. As if he’s ever had a sociopolitical opinion he’s kept or shared his wealth and assets with the proles. Fake commie. Real bitch.
Thats why he always looks like he has been sucking on lemons and never smiles.
it’s not BS, another vile self loathing anti-Israel Jew, it’s the stupid AH’s in Vermont that keep voting for this hypocrite POS!!! Why? Get to the voters.
Phony poseur Bernie is a Democrat Socialist or commie. He should not be running on the Dem line although they are bought and paid for by commies. What a bunch of anti-American losers!
Well Bernie need the cash for the upkeep on his dachas.
Look on the bright side. He would be replaced by someone who was actually effective. Having a superannuated communist clown instead of some glassy-eyed but better behaved Staunch Democrat might be as good as Vermont gets.
Just you typical Socialists the kind McCarthy warned us all about
I was taught in Catholic School that calling someone a “fool” was a sin, so as much as it may fit I won’t. Although I will have to admit “pure swamp creature” does have a nice ring to it. Thanks Daniel.