Back in the day, the Bernie Sanders pitch was to talk about class warfare, not identity politics.
Bernie has since mostly backpedaled, embracing the worst of identity politics and making AOC and the Squad the heirs presumptive to his legacy. Some Bernie supporters are fine with that, others, like Tulsi Gabbard and some of the Intercept-adjacent people bailed out to do their own thing. But occasionally Bernie goes back to arguing for class warfare over identity politics.
Sometimes when it’s really obviously the thing to do.
Sanders continued to suggest that Democrats should frame their midterm approach around economic talking points — and not abortion — to drive turnout.
“So I think what we have to do is contrast what a strong, pro-worker Democratic position is with the corporate agenda of the Republicans,” he added.
The trouble with his advice is that the Democrats know the economy is terrible and they can’t really talk about it because a large degree of it is their fault. Much of it deliberate.
Bernie wants them to embrace class warfare and blame the whole thing on corporate greed. Biden and some Dems have tried it out, but the messaging is weak and runs up against the obvious problem that corporations are no greedier in 2022 than they were in 2018.
With abortion, the Dems at least have an issue that appeals to some of their base. But the economy is just a total loser. Denying it is futile, but they believe that so is admitting that it’s bad and running on it. The catch-22 leads to the confused messaging of the Biden boys who argue that the economy is great, but inflation is the fault of Russia and the corporation, also look, abortion!
Sanders, who is chair of the Senate Budget Committee, backed President Joe Biden on opposing the elimination of the debt ceiling, projected to be a key issue should Republicans take back the House and Senate in November.
“You have to increase the debt ceiling,” Sanders said.
Because while the Fed is cutting off the money supply for companies and small businesses, the thing to do is let the government spend as much money as it wants.
You can see why the Dems would rather talk about killing babies than killing the economy.
Killing the economy is important to the left because they see it as the fastest and best way to bring down the US and gain complete control.
Those working to kill the economy and babies are very good at killing. The problem they will encounter if they win will be the fact that they can’t bring the economy back to life just as they can’t bring babies back to life either. Whether they like it or not, they are losers and will go out being losers forever.
Yeah, that’s why “build back better” will never happen.
Those idiots think they can win on abortion, tranny rights and child grooming while they ignore Bidenflation, the recession, 31 trillion in debt, shortages of goods and services, 5 million wet backs, the highest taxes ever and losing 401 Ks.
And that lowlife, Hillary Clinthag, is already claiming the Republicans have a plan to steal the election with vote fraud, while Beijing Biden sez Republicans will destroy the economy. They have nothing going for them. And everybody knows Pedo Joe is a creepy old man with severe dementia who shouldn’t be allowed near any young girls.