[](/sites/default/files/uploads/2014/10/mob14n-1-web.jpg)Forget Ferguson: Black mobs may scream death threats at police in St. Louis, claiming they are the victims of racial violence, but around the rest of the country, black mobs are creators – not recipients – of racial violence. And reporters are loath to say it.
In Brooklyn, a mob of 100 black people rampaged through the streets on Saturday, destroying property, releasing the brakes on buses, and attacking the clerks in a grocery store.
Store owner Yanki Klein told CrownHeightsInfo.com that the violence is “an ongoing issue” and that he raised the matter a number of times with the local precinct, but he feels those complaints have fallen on deaf ears. “[Very often] these kinds of kids come by my store and yell ‘heil hitler,’ or steal things that are on shelves near the door,” he said.
This mob action is just the latest in dozens of such assaults and mayhem in this Jewish neighborhood of Crown Heights over the last five years — many documented in White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return of racial violence to America and how the media ignore it.
The attackers are almost always black. The victims almost always Orthodox Jews. But taking a cue from other local media, CrownHeightsInfo.com only described the assailants as “teenagers” or “hooligans.”
At least one reader was in on the secret: “Shame on CrownHeights.info for not calling it like it is. This was a group of black youth. This article is factually faulty and misleading. There was only half a story told here.”
At the University of Illinois in Champaign, a local version of the Knockout Game called “polar bear hunting” is back: Also on Saturday in four separate incidents, a group of black people attacked at least five students for “seemingly no reason,” said the campus newspaper. This was the second week in a row the attacks occurred.
“The unprovoked attacks on pedestrians on the University of Illinois campus in Champaign, IL weren’t even mentioned on the local News-Gazette newspaper’s website,” observed the web site, GunsSaveLives.com.
Polar bear hunting gained fame on this campus beginning in 2010 when black mobs attacked dozens of non-black students and residents in this local version of the knockout game. Even the local weatherman was a victim.
In Philadelphia Saturday night, a group of 15 black people on bikes assaulted several people over a two-hour period, breaking the jaw of one person who was knocked out with a single punch from behind. Neighbors report this has been happening there for a long time. At least one of the attacks is on video.
The local media there routinely do not report on routine racial violence. Last year, when Philadelphia Magazine tried to do just that with a piece called Being White in Philly, The Inquirer reported the resulting outrage: Not at the racial violence, but at the people who noticed it.
The Inquirer said the article was guilty of “dwelling on negative experiences that whites had with blacks that often fit into racial stereotypes.”
In Shaker Heights, the Cleveland Plain Dealer maintained its policy of “don’t ask, don’t tell” regarding routine racial violence in that city. A few days before the Brooklyn attacks, a group of ten people assaulted a man outside of his home. After punching and kicking and threatening him with a gun, they stole his phone and gym bag and fled.
The paper mentioned everything except the description of the attackers. They were black.
At the Arizona State Fair last week, a group of 60 to 100 black people rampaged throughout the fairgrounds, eventually attacking police as well. More than 30 were taken into custody, some on video. Some insisted that because some of those involved in the violence may have been Hispanic, race had nothing to do with it. Either way, not one local outlet reported that black mob violence is an increasingly frequent event at fairs and carnivals throughout the country. Much of it on video.
In Harrisburg Tuesday night, a group of “teenagers” tried to rob two Democrat state legislators. One of them, Marty Flynn, a former corrections officer, decided to pull out his licensed hand gun and shoot at them instead. Police arrested four black people.
In Brooklyn Sunday night, four black people stalked, taunted and attacked a gay man. He is in the hospital in critical condition. The Daily News actually identified the attackers as black.
In Minneapolis, this week, a member of a neighborhood group reported “A bunch of high school kids just went down 44th with a couple Metro Transit Police squad cars following them. Yelling, screaming, pushing, shoving, making threats, flicking people off.”
Cops there confirm: Just another day after school for black students in Minneapolis. And Cincinnati. And Harrisburg. And Kansas City. And … this a long list.
In Memphis, black student violence after school is now so bad that police ride several buses to protect the other riders– followed by patrol cars – when black students leave school.
Channel 3 News in Memphis this week wanted to get to the bottom of what it called a recent rash of “teen” violence. In September, a video of hundreds of black people rampaging through a grocery store parking lot, attacking three people, knocking out one, went viral.
The station interviewed two young black people who said no amount of programs or government assistance can deter them from their violent ways. And they were not shy in talking about the reasons behind the mayhem: “It’s fun,” said one. “To be honest, the police make you want to do things.”
Colin Flaherty is the author of a new e–book and video on racial violence called Knockout Game a Lie? Aww, hell no!
Don’t miss Colin Flaherty_ on the Glazov Gang discussing the epidemic of black mob violence all over the country and the media’s cover-up:_
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