The U.S. military was far too concerned with implementing Critical Race Theory and making sure the troops were vaccinated to bother with something so trivial as planning a safe and orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan, and so when it all came crashing down and the strongest military in the world had to cut and run in the most ignominious manner imaginable, it ended up leaving behind $7 billion worth of American ordnance. This appalling turn of events was dismissed at the time, as we were assured that the Taliban wouldn’t know how to operate all this sophisticated weaponry. But the generous Taliban jihadis have shown that they are more than willing to spread their wealth around among their fellow warriors for Allah. And so Old Joe Biden has become the chief weapons supplier of the global jihad.
NBC News reported Monday that the weapons that Biden and woke Gen. Mark Milley were far too busy to be concerned about as they ensured that the U.S. exit from Afghanistan was conducted in the most shameful possible manner have now made their way to other jihadis, in the Indian province of Kashmir that has been a hotbed of jihad violence for years now. What’s more, NBC adds laconically that “experts” say that the transfer of this materiel from Afghanistan to Kashmir “could be just the start of the weapons’ global journey.” No kidding, really?
The Kashmir jihadis, who want to detach the province from India and attach it to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, are now armed with “M4s, M16s and other U.S.-made arms and ammunition that have rarely been seen in the 30-year conflict.” For these top-of-the-line armaments, they can thank not only the Taliban, but Old Joe, Milley, and Biden’s woker-than-woke Defense Secretary, Lloyd Austin. The groups that your taxpayer dollars have armed now include not only the Taliban, but Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) and Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), both of which the U.S. government has designated as terrorist organization.
Wait, it gets worse. Lashkar-e-Taiba has looked into perpetrating jihad massacres inside the United States. Investigative journalist Daniel Greenfield notes that the terror group has “a long history of recruiting Americans, including members of the Virginia Jihad Network,” a group that was discovered in the early 2000s to be training to participate in jihad attacks overseas. And maybe more than just overseas: Greenfield reports that “during the Virginia Jihad Network investigation, Masoud Khan, one of the men charged, revealed that the terror boss behind the Mumbai attack had asked them to conduct ‘information gathering’ operations in the United States, specifically ‘an unnamed chemical plant in Maryland.’”
That wasn’t all: “Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Sadequee, Pakistani and Bangladeshi immigrants operating in Georgia, were accused of making videos casing the Capitol Building in D.C. and other targets, and sent the videos to a facilitator for Lashkar-e-Taiba. Sadequee was convicted of conspiring to provide material support to Lashkar-e-Taiba.” And in yet another instance, “after Mir Aimal Kansi, a Pakistani Muslim, opened fire at CIA headquarters in Langley, he hid out at a safe house constructed by Osama bin Laden at Lashkar-e-Taiba’s headquarters. That same safe house was alleged to have been used by 1993 World Trade Center bombing operative, Ramzi Yousef.”
This is a clear indication that Lashkar-e-Taiba was looking into striking inside the U.S.; although they didn’t follow up on this at the time, now that Old Joe and his henchmen have supplied them with top-grade weaponry, maybe they’ll decide to revisit those plans.
In the meantime, an Indian army spokesman, Lt. Col. Emron Musavi, confirms that “it can be safely assumed that” Lashkar-e-Taiba jihadis “have access to the weapons left behind.” The Kashmir jihadis have been active of late. According to NBC, “the year opened in violence as Kashmir police blamed militants for a Jan. 1 gunfire attack that killed four people in the southern village of Dhangri, followed by an explosion in the same area the next day that killed a 5-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl. At least six people were injured on Jan. 21 in two explosions in the city of Jammu.”
For that and much more, we have Old Joe Biden to thank. But as with so much else, one thing is certain: the sycophantic Leftist propagandists that make up the establishment media will never ask the old man about this. To do so wouldn’t fit the narrative.
The irony is that Sleepy Joe didn’t extract payment for services rendered – not even the sale of a crackhead Hunter painting.
The Disgrace-in-Chief also gave away Viktor Bout (in exchange for a retarded America-hating bitch) who can now get back to doing the job democrats simply won’t do.
The five top-level jihadists that B. Hussein traded for a chickenshit deserter have to be marveling at their incredible good fortune.
First they’re set free; then they’re given access to $billions in our military hardware. (Any excess ordinance will be sold to Viktor.)
Our enemies did indeed hold wild celebrations when Sleepy took Office. Stolen elections have consequences, but for our enemies, the rewards have been jaw-dropping . . . with more certainly to come.
Our leadership is either incompetent or traitorous. Those are the only two possibilities I see. Anybody have a valid third possibility I’m not considering?
3rd choice is that I suspect them of both treason & incompetence (or in Sleepy Joe’s case, incontinence).
I would offer the word demonic, jealousy and hatred are derived from Satan. Satan and his minions wants to destroy what God loves, Israel, Jerusalem, His people, and those who are Faithful believers in Christ.
Biden is evil and follows Millah Obama’s plan to make America unlivable for
Americans, destroy the basic ground of citizenship and financially ruin all
but the elites who see working people as slaves in the making.
Will there be WAR crimes trials for Biden?
Democrats consider anyone who hates Jews as much as they do to be an ally.