Congressional Democrats have agreed to jettison the military vaccine mandate. The Biden administration however continues to fight on.
“Making sure our troops are ready to defend this country and prepared to do so, that remains the president’s priority and the vaccine requirement for Covid does just that,” White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby contended.
“But Republicans in Congress have obviously decided that they’d rather fight against the health and well-being of those troops, rather than protecting them.”
“What we think happened here is Republicans in Congress have decided that they’d rather fight against the health and well-being of our troops than protecting them,” press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said. “And we believe that it is a mistake, what we saw happen on the NDAA as it relates to the vaccine mandate. Making sure our troops are prepared and ready for service is a priority for President Biden. The vaccination requirement for COVID does just that.”
Less than 100 military personnel have died of COVID. And that was at the height of the pandemic.
Over 500 servicemembers died of suicide in 2021.
13 members of the military were killed due to Biden’s treasonous actions in Afghanistan.
As part of its hostility and contempt for the military, Biden, Defense Secretary Austin and other leftist apparatchiks imposed a wholly unnecessary and illegal vaccine mandate that forced our men and women in uniform to leave and helped lead to a recruiting crisis in order to purge conservatives.
Now this same corrupt gang of traitors is talking as if they care about the lives of the troops.
Current military readiness rates remain terrible, but the Biden administration doesn’t care about military readiness. All it cares about is remaking the military through a series of political tests.
Yeah, quite dangerous how leftists and Islamists are able to co-opt their militaries once they have political power.
Where are the truth police with their letter L branding irons to the forehead?
Burglars got the letter B in old New England.
2 years since son in USMC vaccinated and boosted
Worried about his future especially when we are told he may drop dead in 3 years
He says never even met anyone that has gotten sick let alone incapacitated
Where do I find the truth
This appeared yesterday at Citizen Free Press. It is a very good summation of the truths that were forcibly suppressed in the last two years:
Go to There are numerous articles written by research scientists and doctors.
An interesting statistic would be Covid 19 jab injuries in the military cohort.
Did not Biden just trade a Russian arms dealer serving long-term for an America trashing millionairess pothead, instead of freeing an American Marine?
Brazil may be showing us how to deal with election tamperers.
For two years America has been “taken without a kiss”.
I want the takers to face real music.
Bearing in mind that the GOP made this all possible and it really smiled to do so Daniel Horrowitz has the message the messenger got shot for.
Treat the GOP Like a Wayward Servant, Not a Master
Of course Daniel Horrowitz does not entitle it “Treat Trump like a wayward servant” which would be more direct because he’d lose half his audience quicker than he abandoned Roy Moore but whatever.
Daniel has only discovered much later that he might have jumped to conclusions a little hastily on Roy. Daniel does not blame himself for this. People seldom do.
Instead Daniel is chasing down every conspiracy theory from moon landings to Sasquatch after the shocking revelation that the WHO and CDC might not exactly have our best interests at heart completely.
To predict what Biden will do on any issue, ask what would harm the US & its citizens the most while helping its enemies. THAT is what he does 100% of the time. 100% does not happen by accident or incompetence. China does not give people millions of dollars unless they expect to gain something for their money. They paid Biden & his son millions of dollars & then used their influence to have him installed as the US “President”. They are getting their money’s worth. Show me one instance where he chose to help the US over the interests of China.
There’s not one thing that biden has done good for the American people not one, but he’s been busy propelling china ahead of the USA
The Democrats don’t give darn about the Troops all they want them for is to be UN Peacekeepers. Biden is just another little Hitler
But the GOP claims the opposite. The troops should get out of the military unless they’re looking for freebies. The military is gone.
There’s no mission after Afghanistan.
They should get out and we should never hope never to return. Because there is no mission there is only intermission.
They should all get out but apparently we want them to provide us with an out.