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In all of the pretense that this war has something to do with “human rights” in Gaza and not an Islamic religious war against a non-Muslim minority group, there is an awkward fact that has to be talked around.
Hamas called their Oct 7 assault the “Al Aqsa Flood”. Hamas leaders stated that it was about the Al Aqsa Mosque. That’s what the Muslim invaders called the mosque that they built on top of the former site of the Jewish Temple when they invaded and conquered what had been Israel.
And Muslims get very upset when Jews visit the Temple Mount. They get even more upset when Jews pray there. On the Jewish fast of Tisha Ba’av, which commemorates the destruction of the two temples, Jews mourned by trying to visit the Temple Mount.
National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir visited the Temple Mount on Tisha B’av (the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Av) and stated that Jews should be able to visit and pray there. There were immediate condemnations from European countries and the Biden administration.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a statement declaring that “the United States strongly opposes Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir’s visit to the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount on August 13, which demonstrated blatant disregard for the historic status quo with respect to the holy sites in Jerusalem.”
By “status quo”, Blinken means that under Muslim apartheid rule, Jews were not allowed to visit or pray at their holiest site. Even after starting and losing two wars, along with the rest of Jerusalem, Muslims demanded that the apartheid status quo be maintained or they would kill Jews.
Rather than say the ugly ‘apartheid’ word, Blinken uses the vague term “status quo”. What it means is the same thing as it was the status quo for black people to sit in the back of the bus.
Blinken continues by describing Jews praying on the Temple Mount as “provocative” and demanded that the “Government of Israel prevent similar incidents in the future. The United States reaffirms our commitment to the preservation of the historic status quo.”
The Biden administration is committing to maintain an apartheid Islamic status quo that bans Jews from praying at their holiest state. And it doesn’t have the guts to say so clearly.
And, obscenely, Blinken, who is of Jewish descent, demands that Jews stop praying.
No one asks why Muslims are so enraged by Jews praying. Or why that justifies violence. That’s one of those questions we’re not allowed to ask.
NAVY ET1 says
1) When Muslims consider the fact that the Jewish state is surrounded by Jew-hating Muslims yet they are still unable to destroy Israel, they are forced to admit to themselves that maybe Yahweh is greater and more powerful than Allah and they’re afraid those temple mount prayers are getting through.
2) The hubris of governments and world leaders, thinking they command the ability to stop someone from praying somewhere, cannot be overstated and I would recommend those leaders check out the book of Daniel, specifically about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Faith is the opposite of fear…but leaders are too “smart” for that.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Absolutely right. If the pattern holds, Israel will add another feast day of celebration to her calendar. God bless Israel.
Mickorn says
You seem to be asking the question, so I’m not sure what you mean “we’re not allowed to ask.” Maybe you’re not clear on what “allowed” means.
You don’t understand why ben-Gvir going to Al-Aqsa is provocative? You might approve of the provocation (which you clearly do; after all, neither you nor your children will have to actually fight in any war), but to pretend it’s not provocation is just blatant propagandistic sophistry.
mgoldberg says
It is not a provocation. To bend to the ‘apartheid’ demands of Islamic totalitarians that no one may utter a pray as it’s ‘dirty’ on any place of the Temple Mount is an obscenity. Allowing an obscenity to be perceived as understandable, ie one shouldn’t stand against that or they might fight and kill over it is no reason to believe that it’s ‘provocative’. That Jews are not permitted into Al-Aqsa has not been transgressed. That Jews and others are not permitted into the Dome of the Rock has not been transgressed. It is merely that a Jew goes up and utters prayers, on theMount built by Jews for Jews. And you might consider this contravenes what the Jews, the Temple stood for. it was a place for all to offer prayers. It was not an apartheid even 3000 yrs ago. So remember, any Jew who walks on the land of Israel is considered provacative by the muslims and worthy of being killed. Is that provocative to stand against that? You bet it is.
fsy says
Moslems consider the existence of Jews to be a provocation.
As Daniel points out, the Temple Mount has only been called “Al-Aqsa” (by Moslems only) since around the 8th Century. The first Jewish Temple was there over 1500 yrs earlier.
David Levine says
When they built the Mosque on top of the Temple Mount as a sign of supremacy it was the ultimate provocation. Mohammed never visited Jerusalem and their myth (lie) that the angel Gabriel flew him there on a winged horse is pure BS. You have the story backward.
Jeff Bargholz says
I thought it was a winged goat? Islamopithecines love their goats, you know. Carnally. I saw it in that documentary, “You Don’t Mess With the Zohan.”
Jeff Bargholz says
Al Aksa mosque should be razed and everybody in it killed. It’s an abomination which taints Jerusalem beyond measure.
Mickorn says
Like, everybody in it killed? Little kids and old ladies… everybody? Is that what you mean, JB?
Jeff Bargholz says
Women aren’t allowed in real mosques, idiot. And sand flea kids grow up to be terrorists.
Besides, you support the infanticide called abortion, so don’t pretend you care about kids. And when’s the last time you saw a pussy? when your mother gave birth to you?
CowboyUp says
Maybe you’re not clear on what “provocative,” means, Mick. Provocative is telling Jews they can’t pray at their holiest site, especially when it’s theirs. Who’s not wanting to share here? Who’s being intolerant? You’d better hope the Israelis never do unto the muslims the way they’re done unto. There wouldn’t be a Mosque or a muslim on The Temple Mount, everm.
The biden administration sides with the terrorists. The terrorists get what they want in democrat areas. The democrat convention will be fun, from a safe distance. For people who want to defund the police, they sure do bring in a lot of police to protect them, lol. Maybe you can ‘splain that to us, Mick.
Cassandra says
Blinken has become an antisemitic parody figure, the way he bows to tyrants. His wife is not Jewish and nor are his children. He’s a typical “as a Jew” using his Jewishness to bolster anti Israelism.
He is an arch proponent of sinat chinam, baseless hatred that divides Jews.
MuggsSpongedice says
I was going to give Cassandra a thumbs up until this statement: “typical “as a Jew” using his Jewishness to bolster anti Israelism.”
April this year, I was talking to a very successful Hollywood Television creator, producer and writer from the 1970’s to the early 2000’s about a book he wrote and he said to me: “Because of the diaspora, Jewish people have lost their identity and keep voting for the wrong people”
That was mind blowing profound to me and I immediately thought of the wrong people as from hitler to biden –
Self loathing Jews are an anathema to YHVH – but there has to be understanding of the psychology passed down because of the diaspora and antisemitism in wherever the Hebrew people landed and set up their lives.
USA is the last bastion of protection of religious and personal freedoms and Israel the reclaimed homeland of the Hebrew people proclaimed by YHVH himself.
To say typical as a Jew is to also think in discrimination terms as typical as any ethnicity, race, gender, religion – it smacks as an antisemitic slander or a self loathing Jew slander.
Other than that I agree with Cassandra’s statement about Blinken
Cassandra says
Having lived with self-hating Jewish parents and the whole psychological nonsense that goes along with it, I have first hand experience, unfortunately. For some reason I was never like that, even though I was bullied at school.
Coco says
Good for you Cassandra, you are an independent thinker and can see past bullshit and weak thinking sheep
Coco says
You’re a lawyer aren’t you? Used a lot of words to say almost nothing
Jeff Bargholz says
Cassandra was criticizing Blinken, not Jews in General. She meant that he hides behind his Jewish heritage to be a prick.
Coco says
My lawyer comment was directed at muggs not Cassandra
Alix Brit says
He is up there with the repulsive husband of Kamala Harris, a man who married out twice and whose daughter hates Israel. The guy did not even understand the Channukah story and had an affair with the nanny. He also may have pressured her to have an abortion. Nice guy – like Blinken, who was in the Hamptons when Kabul fell.
Cassandra says
What about his most recent pose, playing guitar/fiddling in Ukraine while Ukrainians were being slaughtered? Nero and Rome burning comes to mind.
Algorithmic Analyst says
It’s irritating the way MSM spins this story in favor of the Muslims.
Coco says
They are ALL pathetic cowards and want to be the last beheaded
Don says
The status quo is Jim Crow. It is a bigoted policy under which Muslims are superior to Christians and Jews.
Cassandra says
How long before the muslims are in charge and up front? Communists are actually stupid and sooner or later they will be replaced.
Go soak your head Joe Biden
mj says
When you walk in the old city of Jerusalem on your way to the western retaining wall of the Temple Mount, the God of Israel’s House of Sanctuary, the hebrew being ‘Beit HaMikdash’, you may experience as I do, the feeling of walking on the top layer of many layers of buried history below, and being aware of all the invasions and subsequent, inevitable defeats of the invaders beneath your feet.
Excavations have dug down deeply, more than 2,500 years worth, to the ‘First Temple’ layer underneath all the invasions and destruction. So the height of the wall you see that surrounds the Temple Mount is only the top third of the total height of the wall. That’s all that Israel’s enemies see. They just want to add another layer of destruction.
Being God’s domain, this Temple Mount, or, literally, The [one and only] House Mountain, ‘Har HaBayit‘ in hebrew, exists for all human beings to worship and atone before their Creator.
It is not the private property of a group of people who want nothing less than the total destruction of Israel.
So Blinken grinds his axe against Israel and his forebears and pays homage to the new Nazis: Obama, Harris and Walz.
Just gird for the Democratic Nazzionale Convention.
Jeff Bargholz says
My Church congregation goes there every year.
Chief Mac says
Remove all Islamofascist trash from the Temple Mount and ban all their terrorists from Israel
RAM says
Thre remain some strongly held Orthoodox Jewish opinions that the area in question is off-limits to Jews who are not ritually pure (tahor). Purification depends on factors (ashes of red heifer, etc.) not yet available.
Jeff Bargholz says
I’ve heard of that red heifer stuff. It’s pretty weird to me but I guess it means something to some people. We all have our traditions, although many are disappearing.
Coco says
All the badass, brave fighting Jews stayed Israel while the effeminate cowards came to the US and became lawyers, bankers, heads of media and other cowardly pursuits.
Jeff Bargholz says
To be fair, America existed long before modern Israel did. 🙂
Cat says
Many of us were born in US after parents grandparents or great grands escaped pogroms (yes, by Christians at that time) in Europe and poverty and oppression, the real kind of oppression. See the origin of word “ghetto.” When my parents were born in the US, the modern state of Israel had not yet been formed. They rejoiced when it was, I am told. Yet they had lives in US. If I could, I’d leave this immoral wreckage of a country
AnnetteMarie says
You are mistaken to refer to the wicked ones who harmed Jews just because they were Jews, as Christians. They were not, and are not, Christians. They are Catholics, there is a HUGE difference, no connection at all.
Catholic means Universal taken from the Latin, therefore, these are people of the “Holy Roman Catholic/Universal Church,” which is pagan and indoctrinates evil. It opposes everything in the New Testament.
The word Christian is from the English translation, then from the Greek, then from the original Hebrew, of what first century believing Jews called themselves. They called themselves “Followers of Messiah,” (Jesus, Yahushua) which is translated in modern English, as Christian.
If one reads the New Testament and also knows the teaching of Catholic Church/Vatican, one would immediately see that they are in TOTAL OPPOSITION. Is it no wonder that for centuries, anyone found with a New Testament Scripture on their person or in their home was put to death, murdered. It is not even 300 years that mankind is free to read the New Testament.
The New Testament, is a Jewish book, to the Jew first and then the Gentile, it is the promised New Covenant that God promised to the House of Israel and to the House of Judah.
Do not blame Christians for the horror that has followed innocent Jews. True Christians are followers of Messiah, support Israel and love the Jews.
PaddyO' says
How any Jew can vote Democrat is beyond me. Trump will put an end to this nonsense. The Temple was built by the Jews and it belongs to them.
Cat says
Again, no one in my family or circle does vote as you imply we do.
And Idk if this is an issue Trump will tackle. But he’d never make a statement like Blinken does. He does note hate irrationally as Blinken does.
Mike Larkin says
The Israelis should have started the bulldozers they day after the captured Jerusalem back in 1948.
Then after clearing, and cleaning, the ground, they should have built the Third Temple.
When Allenby’s forces captured Jerusalem in 1917 the Ottomans were using both the Al Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock as stables for their horses and donkeys, and both were quite literally full of shit.
The only reason they are in the state they are in and not fallen down, which is what they were very close to doing, is that the British restored and refurbished them.
The muslims don’t give a damn about either of them when they are in muslim hands, only when they are in Christian or Jewish hands.
As for it being “the furthest mosque”, the first time it was identified as such was by Saladin during the Third Crusade, in the 13thC, 600 years after the arabs first captured Jerusalem.
There is no mention of Jerusalem in the quran, in the hadiths, or in the suras.
Maynard Hirsch says
Another self hating Jew
AnnetteMarie says
So the Biden Admin Demands Jews Stop Praying at Site of Temple.
I am not Jewish and I apologize in advance for expressing my opinion in a blunt unladylike fashion, but it is what it is: Screw you Biden Admin.
Learn history. There is no such place as Palestine, there never was. Palestine has never existed. When the Roman General, Titus, with his army, attacked Israel in 70AD, looted and burned down the Temple and murdered about one million Jews, he wasn’t satisfied, he wanted to add salt to the wound of the Jews, and so he renamed Israel, Palestine!
God calls it Israel, therefore, it is Israel, the home of Jacobs’s descendants, their promise land forever. If God says it, I believe it. Let every man be a liar and God Word be true. Amen.
Jeff Bargholz says
I thought it was Emperor Hadrian who named Judea “Palestine” out of spite after he quelled the Bar Khochba revolt?
Bar Kochba is a hero to some Jews but he was a stupid SCUMBAG. He caused his country to be destroyed and the third diaspora because he was a fanatic. He was as bad as the first century zealots. As if he had a hope against Rome’s legions. Hide in caves as long as he could, he was driven out like the rat he was and killed. Rome was the mightiest empire to ever exist, much more powerful and influential than America. The stories about Romans putting statues of their mythological Gods in Temples are all LIES.
Hadrian was very cosmopolitan and admired foreign cultures but you didn’t fuck with that guy if you had a functioning brain.
RS says
This administration does not want Jews to pray because (GOD IS THEIR HELPER.) Psalm 54: 1-3 O God, save me by your name, and vindicate me by your might. O God hear my prayer; give ear to the words of my mouth. For strangers have risen against me; ruthless men seek my life; they do not set God before themselves.
James 5:16. The prayers of a righteous person has great power as it is working.
Don’t let the enemy take away your spiritual guidance, it matters just as much as physical weapons.
God Bless Israel, and give them your mighty supernatural power!
Old Fogey says
“When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”
Perhaps the safe future of Israel will be better assured by the Lord who rescued the Hebrews from Pharaoh than by secular soldiers and politicians who turn their back on the faith of their fathers and trust in their own works.
Jeff Bargholz says
RS says
Why is anything about prayers removed? Do they not think that God is powerful and will answer prayers especially for His people? We are praying for Israel anyway.