America last, illegal aliens first.
That’s the Biden way. The Democrats and their allies in the government bureaucracy created a massive pile of cash by allocating a fortune to assorted pandemic efforts. And, as is usual in the government, that money can be creatively allocated to their actual policy priorities.
Like illegal aliens.
The Left loves illegal aliens almost as much as terrorists and cop-killers. So this was all but inevitable.
The Biden administration will reallocate $860 million of funds designated for COVID relief to address pandemic-related costs for illegal immigrant children, according to reports.
In a letter to leadership of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees dated Tuesday and reviewed by Bloomberg News, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra informed the lawmakers that his department needed the funds to ensure the safety of unaccompanied migrant children arriving at the border.
They also need to cover costs associated with staffing at shelters for these children, Becerra wrote.
Also, as usual, there are two levels to this game.
The Biden administration continues to promote illegal migration which is a huge boost to its electoral prospects and allows it to move money over to its various political allies from “community groups” to assorted refugee handling organizations. The latter, as we’ve already seen with refugee resettlement, created a powerful economic drive and a constituency that is bent on promoting more migration.
Congress provided flexibility in its pandemic allocations and that is, as always, a bad idea which allows for daylight robberies like these.
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