Yesterday, I drove by a gas station offering $6 a gallon gas. I commented that it was the Biden economy of inflation and trying to ban gasoline at work.
The Biden administration, like the rest of the Democrats, have declared war on what they call the “brown energy” industry. They’ve announced that they intend to eliminate oil, gas, coal, and any reliable source of energy, and replace them with expensive and unreliable subsidized “green” energy from windmills and solar panels.
In part by regulating it, banning it, and making it too expensive to use.
They’ve made no secret of this. Instead they’ve boasted of it.
But now that polls show that the public is upset about high gas prices at the pump, the Biden admin is going back to the Communist playbook and accusing the energy industry of “conspiring” to raise prices.
President Joe Biden’s administration is moving at home and abroad to try to address concerns about rising energy prices slowing the nation’s recovery from the pandemic-induced recession.
By “address concerns”, the media means “gaslight”.
National security adviser Jake Sullivan on Wednesday called on the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries to move faster to restore global supply of petroleum to pre-pandemic levels, and the White House asked the Federal Trade Commission to investigate the domestic gasoline market for any anti-competitive behavior that could be increasing prices.
The country wouldn’t be dependent on OPEC prices if Biden and the Democrats hadn’t gone to war against domestic energy production.
And can Biden investigate himself for killing the Keystone XL pipeline which could have moved 830,000 barrels of crude oil per day?
What about his own Energy Secretary’s ties to Big Green businesses?
“Higher gasoline costs, if left unchecked, risk harming the ongoing global recovery,” Sullivan said in a statement.
No kidding. Biden’s guys just figured this out now. Did someone hand them an economics textbook?
But wait, the gaslighting is getting more confusing, because the Democrats and their media can’t decide which lie to peddle.
Gas prices are up about a $1 from than a year ago as Americans hit peak summer driving season and return to roads after pandemic shut-ins. The White House says it’s no cause for alarm, saying the country is “not at an historically high gas price moment” and that prices are roughly where they were in 2018.
Pick a lie and stick with it.
Proles, gas prices are not high! This is false. Wait, no. They are high. Because the energy industry is conspiring to keep them high! We will appropriate gas for the people by investigating them! It worked in Venezuela, it’ll work in D.C. But no, wait, gasoline is properly priced!
This doublethink is going to be confusing even for Democrats who are expected to believe that women don’t exist and that they’re an oppressed minority at the same time.
Wednesday’s report from the Labor Department showed that consumer prices jumped 0.5% from June to July, down from the previous monthly increase of 0.9%. They have increased a substantial 5.4% compared with a year earlier, erasing much of the benefit to workers from higher pay.
Clearly the entire economy needs to be investigated for anti-competitive behavior and then nationalized. It worked in Venezuela, it’ll work for Biden.
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