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Biden deliberately postponed the public announcement of his weapons embargo on Israel until he was able to first speak at the Holocaust Museum and assure Jewish audiences of his “ironclad” “commitment” to Israel’s security. Even as he was delivering that speech, he knew that what he was saying was a lie.
But the lies go beyond Israel or the voters.
The Biden administration had leveraged military aid to Israel to pass a much larger (and much less popular) military aid package to Ukraine. Biden had refused to pass the stand-alone package to Israel that Republicans had wanted. I predicted at the time that it was a bait and switch and that Israel might never see that aid. And currently, Biden is blocking aid that predates the package.
In order to seal the deal, the Biden administration had conducted classified briefings for Speaker Johnson. And it turns out that they lied in those briefings.
Johnson said that even before Biden’s comments last night threatening to cut off weapons to Israel, he was deeply concerned by reports that the U.S. had already done so.
“And my reaction honestly was: Wow, that is a complete turn from what I have been told even in, you know, recent hours,” Johnson said. “I mean, 24 hours ago it was confirmed to me by top administration officials that the policy’s very different than what he stated there. So I hope that’s a senior moment.”
Johnson said he had been assured by Biden officials that the reports of a weapons cutoff were not accurate and did not violate his agreement with the president.
“I was in the SCIF having classified discussions with some top administration officials,” he said, referring to a secure facility in the Capitol. “My concern was we got word about these, you know, this shipment of munitions being delayed. And that was a great concern to us because I got commitments from top administration officials before we passed the supplemental package for the aid to Israel that that would not happen.”
He added that he was told “in writing and verbally” that there was “no delay in the delivery of weapons to Israel because it’s so desperately needed.”
So the Biden administration lied. It didn’t just lie to the voters, its personnel lied during classified briefings, they were instructed to lie directly to the House Speaker.
And they did.
Rodger says
This is Absolutely Disgusting‼️
Our president should Never lie to us!
Noah Andeark says
Agreed! But here’s the thing. Jojo Cabbage Brain Biden ISN’T president.
You may be referring to Lord Barackkk (pbuh)
Chief Mac says
Please give an instance when they haven’t
David Gin says
Ok House Speaker, so Biden lied and what does the Republican run House do, Nothing? Where are the articles of impeachment, or are we going to wait till Hezbollah is crossing the border of Lebanon, while shooting those 150,000 rockets at civilians, while the Houthis are shooting rockets into Eilat, and Iran again attacking with hundreds of drones, rockets and hundreds of cruise missiles?
Kasandra says
The fish rots from the head. As is apparent on a daily basis, Biden is a pathological liar. So why wouldn’t the rest of his regime feel entirely comfortable behaving similarly?
RS says
This isn’t the first time Biden betrayed Israel, or the last. In 1982, then Senator Biden threatened to withhold aid from Israel. Prime Minister Menachen Begin said to Senator Biden: “Don’t threatend us with cutting off aid to give up our principles. I’m not a Jew with trembling knees. I am a proud Jew with 3,700 years of civilized history. Nobody came to our aid when were were dying in gas chambers and ovens. Nobody came to our aid when we were striving to create our country. We Paid for it. We fought for it. We died for it. We will stand on our principles, and we will defend them, and when necessary, we will die for them again, with or without your aid.”
Mickorn says
“I predicted at the time that it was a bait and switch and that Israel might never see that aid.”
Are you going to admit it if your prediction turns out to be wrong? Hell, no! I’m Daniel Greenfield! I’m an expert on anything and everything! And, if proven otherwise, I just ignore it. My readers don’t really care!
Chaya says
STFU Exactly He’s Greenfield and buddy, you’re not!
Jeff Bargholz says
Dickporn, we all know you suck dicks but don’t you ever stop? Your jaw must be really sore.
JL says
Please. Mike Johnson has been around long enough to know better. He is not that naive. He made a deal whereby the Ds would protect his speakership if he did their bidding on the aid packages. Now he’s trying to play the victim.
CowboyUp says
Republicans feigning shock and outrage, and doing nothing when dems lie to them is tiresome. I quit being outraged at the dems for it a long time ago. It’s to be expected from the dems, it’s not like there’s ever a downside for them. It’s all on the Republicans at this point for being spineless suckers, falling for it every time, and letting dems get away with it. It’s to the point where they can’t be that stupid, and must be in on it.
Mickorn says
Biden delaying telling the truth until after he could ingratiate himself with a “voting bloc” is or was a winning political ploy.
It would absolutely would have worked with legacy media dominance. They cover for Democrats. With social media and the terrible truth of October 7th it remains to be seen if it will work.
Biden lost Rappaport, so i am betting he will lose percentage point of the liberal Jewish vote. IDK if Rappaport is Jewish. IDC if he is, What Rappaport is emblematic of is of is a secular religious leftist.. That is major. that is noteworthy.
MuggsSpongedice says
When Lyin Joe Briben opens his mouth it’s either to shove and ice cream cone in or he’s lying! When doesn’t Joe Biden lie? What the Joe Biden puppet masters have done is unleashed jihad on the entire world and USA is Number 1 target! FJB!!!
Mickorn says
“Johnson said that even before Biden’s comments last night threatening to cut off weapons to Israel, he was deeply concerned by reports that the U.S. had already done so.”
This actually helps Israel. It helped Ukraine. Without drones Ukraine would have lost by now based on conventional force ratios even with the lousy Russian generalship.
This stab in the back by Biden or virtually anyone with a (D) behind their name will be an impetus for doctrine to change and upgrade and for Israel to get better at drone warfare.
Most drones can be sourced locally. It won’t matter what the Oikos of J Street do
MuggsSpongedice says
FJB!!! Impeach the POS!!!!
Its going to get worst for Biden despite what the Media Bottom Feeders tell us
Joe says
The PRIMA DONNAS of the Political World, our betters, continue virtue signal and the world continues to suffer.
for non military people
the IDF will finish the job….
if we hold back smart bombs, the IDF WILL use more dumb bombs resulting in more dead on the ground and will only prolong the situation..
no one remembers that this is 100% what we did to saudi arabia 3 years ago resulting in many more people in yemen dying. yes the same thing.
there is a good chance that the war in yemen would have been over by now and the iranians would be gone.. but this admin banned the same weapons to saudi that we are blocking to the IDF now….
wars will continue and last longer if we withhold weapons to our friends…
Joe BiteMe says
Joe Biden in 2019 when asked about cutting off military aid to Israel.
“The idea that we would cut off military aid to an ally, our only true, true ally in the entire region, is absolutely preposterous. It’s just beyond my comprehension anyone would do that.”
Chaya says
Being lied to and believing it, or worse agreeing to betray Israel while pretending to support Israel and Jews in US ( he has a tell- a “ dance” with a left right sway and dip- when he lies).
Who thinks he sold out Israel and Jews of the world to keep his position? I am considering this as a possibility. Because if he’s dumb enough to believe a lie he is unqualified to be speaker or anything else. And if he betrayed the Jews he’s down there with SinWar Hitler and Obama and the rest of the DS.
Dr. Larry says
Chaya, don’t be ridiculous. Speaker Johnson is a decent man and a supporter of Israel. If believing a lie is evil, then what about all the Jews believing the lies of Democrats and voting for them in overwhelming numbers?
Steven Brizel says
This administration when not stonewalling legitimate avenues of investigation and requests for documents lies serially and daily to Congress
BLSinSC says
So Johnson is “surprised” that the DEMOcrats would LIE? Which TURNIP truck did he just fall out of?? ANYONE who has paid attention EVER knows that the DEMOcrats LIE! What about their PROMISE to President Reagan about AMNESTY for a few MILLION ILLEGALS and they’d BUILD THE WALL! The ILLEGALS are HERE – WHERE is THE WALL?
If Johnson was so STUPID to BELIEVE the DEMOcrats then he’s just TOO STUPID to BE in Congress!!
jazzfusionary says
Johnson and Biden are both pathological liars. Johnson said he won’t fund Ukraine then he funds Ukraine. He lied about supporting the Hastert Rule and was the deciding vote to allow FBI to make warrant less searches. Johnson had another deal with Biden to not fund Israel so he gets dem votes for Speaker.. Together they’re funding both sides in the Middle East war and the slush fund in Ukraine.
Q. How can you tell Clinton(Bill)Obama and Biden are lying? A. Their lips are Moving
John Sweet says
High crimes and misdemeanors.