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The same administration that waves a threatening finger every time Israel takes out an Islamic terrorist has nothing to say about the genocidal Muslim ethnic cleansing of Hindus in Bangladesh.
And why would it? The administration and the media supported the Islamist-Marxist riots and military coup that deposed an elected government, and whose supporters have now taken to persecuting and killing more Hindus, even as the WEF’s favorite boy, Muhammad, was imposed as part of the coup to govern the place.
Much like the Arab Spring, nobody in the regime or the media wants to talk about what’s happening.
Karine Jean Pierre certainly has nothing.
Q Secondly, over the weekend, several Hindu American groups held a protest march in front of the White House urging the president that he should be taking some steps to stop the atrocities against Hindu Americans — Hindus in the Bangladesh. And, also, two of the Hindu lawmakers, Raja Krishnamoorthi and Shri Thanedar — who both are from the Democratic Party — they have also written letters to the administration seeking their help in stopping atrocities against Hindus in Bangladesh and other minority groups.
MS. JEAN-PIERRE: So, look, we’re going to continue, certainly, to monitor the situation. I — I don’t have anything else to — to add — to say beyond that. But when it comes to any type of human rights issues here, the president is always — has been very consistent in speaking loud and clear in public and also privately. Don’t have anything — and he’ll continue to do that, but don’t have any specific engagement to speak to at this time.
KJP can’t bring herself to condemn the abuses. Neither can Kamala, America’s first “Indian American” Senator. But just ask her to condemn Israel and she’s got plenty of material.
It’s heartbreaking to see the scenes of terror from Bangladesh where an Islamist mob is burning Hindi temples and homes, and violently attacking Hindus. A full on pogrom has begun after Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned and fled the country.
— Brooke Goldstein (@GoldsteinBrooke) August 9, 2024
The Islamist attacks against the Hindu minority in Bangladesh continue.
Last night, they attacked the village of Debnathpara in the Thakurgaon district.
Several Hindu homes were set on fire
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) August 15, 2024
This is one of the most disturbing things I've seen. He's swimming for his life and they're trying to stone him to death.
There's a genocide against Hindus in Bangladesh. The obsessively anti-Israel left has NOTHING to say about it.— Sia Kordestani (@SiaKordestani) August 9, 2024
Looks like Bangladesh Army joined hands with the radical Islamists & beating & Killing Hindus in Bangladesh for protesting against Hindu genocide. They forgot that the Pakistan army did the same with them in 1970-71 & india rescued them & made Bangladesh. #SaveBangladeshiHindus
— Baba Banaras™ (@RealBababanaras) August 11, 2024
The Biden/Obama administration/White House and the woke leftist democrat party have been in bed with depraved psychopathic murderous berserk violent oil blackmailing Islamic swine for many years now.
And without doubt, the Laughing Hyena Harris and her traitorous Pimp companion Walz, have something drastically wrong and defective with their moral compass as well as their intellectual capacities.
The Laughing Hyena Harris and her Pimp Walz clearly hate America and hate and harm US citizens.
Laughing Hyena Harris and and American traitor Pimp Walz deserve to be soundly defeated come November 2024.
Is it a sin to pray to God to euthanize Hyena Harris and Pimp Walz like an injured horse is euthanized ?
This is an important theological question.
No offense to horses in intended.
I will consult the Pope on this matter.
That old buzzard is ranting on TV right now. It’s 2:pm on the Least Coast, so I guess he’s awake and hopped up on drugs now. He’s lying about everything reverse reality style. As if “his” administration lowered drug costs and helped seniors.
“Reverse reality” indeed.
The administration has been favoring Muslim coups.
I was going to make the comment already made in the article. West Pakistan was ruling East Pakistan and the army was mass murdering Bengalis in the East. Many fled to India. We saw photos of them residing in large tubes not yet installed as water tunnels. India saved the Bengalis and they became independent. If India were to intervene now to save Hindus, India might be accused of genocide. After all, nowadays, defense against genocide is called genocide.
Make it a battleground. Give the Hindus weapons.
India should invade ant take out the Bangladesh army and police. Just kill them along with the islamopithecines. They’re vermin.
Mickdickporn sucks dog dicks.
….and eats the jizzz….
For Hindus, Kamala is GUNDA HARRIS
For radical Islam she is KAMALA AKBAR
For Jews she is TREIF
For America and the free world she is RECKLESSLY DANGEROUS
Kamal is NOT INDIAN.
This is evidence.
What Indian woman hangs out with Rupaul and Meghan thee Stallion!?!
Every single old photo is easily forged. Photoshop. All the fake relatives easily hired. SHOW ME HER COLLEGE RECORDS AT HOWARD UNIVERSITY. I bet they are fake too. I bet there are zero genuine old friends or photos from this SHAM.
I doubt it’s a woman either !!
Our media is obviously hiding the Hindu slaughter in Bangladesh. I’m amazed because there certainly seems to be more Hindu voters than Moslems. GOP should jump on the media for this.
Islam is Not the Trligion of Peace any anyones who thinks it is must have rocks in their head
Kackling Kamala’s mother was an Indian Hindu but Kamala, her sister, niece, step-daughter, etc. are “woke” so naturally they support those, e.g. Muslims, who wish to wipe out Hindus, Jews, Christians, etc. It’s not complicated.
Why no mention they are doing the same to the tiny Christian community?