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The cultural revolution continues. And its target of the moment is William Penn: the liberal Quaker who founded Pennsylvania. And since Columbus, Ohio canceled Christopher Columbus, the Biden administration is moving to cancel Penn in Pennsylvania.
The National Park Service proposes to rehabilitate Welcome Park to provide a more welcoming, accurate, and inclusive experience for visitors. Welcome Park was designed by the internationally acclaimed design firm Venturi & Scott Brown Associates. The park is located on the site of William Penn’s home, the Slate Roof House, and is named for the ship, Welcome, which transported Penn to Philadelphia.
Now, Penn and his house are no longer welcome in Welcome Park on the site of his house.
The Penn statue and Slate Roof house model will be removed and not reinstalled. In a separate and future effort, new exhibit panels will be installed on the south site wall to replace the Penn timeline.
Also visitors will be invited to burn American flags and chant for the decolonization of America.
The proposed rehabilitation of Welcome Park includes expanded interpretation of the Native American history of Philadelphia and was developed in consultation with representatives of the indigenous nations of the Haudenosaunee, the Delaware Nation, Delaware Tribe of Indians, the Shawnee Tribe, and the Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma.
The National Park Service solicited input from people living in Oklahoma, not in Philly.
Noah Andeark says
New York is named after a horrific slaver. Why won’t the New York racists change the name of their racist state?
Fred A. says
That would be nice. They could form a committee of twenty people for a year at a $500,000 salary per person plus an adequate number of staff people as well. At the end of the year, submit a 200 page report with their recommendation to the mayor for a final decision. Remember, money is no problem. Look at all the reparation committees being set up across the country.
Miranda Rose Smith says
New York is named after the city of York, in England.
Greg says
What exactly was William Penn’s crime? Toxic masculinity, I guess. Didn’t Joe Bite-Me just show up at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania to tell us that true patriots, like George Washington, hate Donald J. Trump? One wonders what would George Washington or William Penn make of Joe Bite-Me. Would they even recognize the country that he ostensibly leads?
gdnctr says
Lunch Bucket Joe never made it to Valley Forge; his regime caravan landed 12 miles away, since they were afraid of some snow.
JL says
Never in history have the conquerors bowed down to the conquered to appease the lunatic fringe among them. It’s insane.
Onzeur Trante says
The Bolsheviks in our midst on full display. What will they do when there are no statues left to pull down?
Kasandra says
It’ll be the Gulag for those who object.
Darryl says
Leftist should definitely decolonize America.
CowboyUp says
The left’s idea of inclusion always requires exclusion. It’s not like the Penn statue and Slate House marker fill the whole park, and must be removed to make room for the Indians. This is just a blatant attack on Penn, and the design firm that created it.
TomKat Books says
Let’s face it people. The Left plans to cleanse all vestiges of whiteness from the public sphere.
I wonder if they will next change the name of Pennsylvania (Named after William Penn) to a more appropriate and inclusive name like LeBronland?
Kasandra says
I propose the replace it with a statue of John Africa (born Vincent Leaphart). He was the founder and leader of M.O.V.E. in Philadelphia and would be an accurate exemplar of where our society has gone.
Spurwing Plover says
Will they replace it was Idol to their Patron Saint of Thieves George Floyd?
Dr. Dre says
Sick stuff. Everyone commenting/writing here please get on the phone ASAP and get in touch with your congresscritter wherever you live. Tell them this is a travesty and will happen in your/their district shortly if steps are not taken to rein in the idiots running the National Park Service (in the Dept of the Interior where that hideous Haaland is Secretary), I will be calling tomorrow. Please get everyone you know to do this!
Onzeur Trante says
Sorry. Your intentions here are good, but a phone call doesn’t do squat. A lifetime bureaucrat might (but probably not) tally the voice mails. It will take more than phone calls to set anything right in this country. Who knows — even voting might be a waste of time these days.
TruthLaser says
When William Penn and his family ran Pennsylvania, they were known for adhering to treaties with Indians. On the other hand, the Haudenosaunee, mentioned in the article, were selling land to whites that other Indians lived on. They claimed to be the overlords of the others who were not Iroquois, as they were. Colonialism and empire were not things that began when Columbus first put a quarter in a pin ball machine in 1492.
Frank b says
Progressive liberals should immediately negotiate with indigenous Indians, to return their property to them, and help them settle. Then sell there Land Rovers and spend the rest of their lives, walking around with acpetition, and ask others to do the same. It’s only the right thing to do if you’re a progressive
Liberal and own stolen property.
So when will they remove the State of Che from Central Park or shall we just let those Sparrows Starlings and Pigeons to their thing?
Onzeur Trante says
This just occurred to me. When do they change the name of the state Pennsylvania?
the song HIT THE RORAD JACK comes to mind when it comes to Biden
Miranda Rose Smith says
When are they going to rename the FDR drive? Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, ordering the internment of the Japanese Americans.😒!