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The Biden administration took Rick ‘Rachel’ Levine from a Pennsylvania health official whose COVID policies likely led to the deaths of the elderly and made him an admiral.
A state senator from Franklin County has called for the immediate resignation of Pennsylvania Health Secretary Dr. Richard ‘Rachel’ Levine, saying his actions were a major factor in the large number of covid-19 cases and deaths in the state’s nursing homes.
Instead, Biden made Dr. Dick a “transgender admiral”. And made sure to strip away the admiral status of another medical professional.
The Washington Post had a story claiming that the Navy had demoted Rep. Ronny Jackson from retired rear admiral to retired captain because someone had allegedly smelled alcohol on his breath.
The process was a form of blatant retaliation that was kickstarted by Trump nominating him to head the Department of Veterans Affairs.
These are the values that make or unmake an admiral.
The etymology of the word Admiral is fascinating. From Arabic (“commander”) to Latin to Old French to English.
I think “Admiral” means tranny faggot nowadays. Not that there’s anything wrong with being gay. Unless it’s a tranny. They’re gross.
Allow me to borrow Loyd Bentsen’s poignant phraseology:
I’ve met several actual Admirals over the course of my military career, and you sir are no Admiral.
Levine was chosen for the position for one reason and one reason only. He’s a freak weirdo and to rub Normal American’s noses in the optics.
So the guy in the dress and wig is a medical doctor. Anybody want to make an appointment?
I looked at the picture of this article, and all I see is the satire from a 1970s Saturday Night skit. How in the holy hell did this become a reality??
I liked the shot of “IT” on vacation with family (In a bikini Flashing “IT’s” Tats) The new freak show of America DNC rulers of this new circus. Decay of societal norms never seen before. maybe in HELL? Explain to me HOW and WHY infestation at this level can exist where do they find these freaks?
ummmm, shouldn’t his rank be “Rear” Admiral?
Wreckhole Levin. Even by tranny standards, that thing is fugly.
That’s a new meaning for “rear admiral”. Originally the British invented the term when they needed more admirals for their fleet, and a name for them. Or something like that 🙂
The thought of Levine gaying off with somebody is so disgusting I can’t even think of it.
When I see him, I become sick. Why is this?
Why? Because you’re normal.
People who should be tried for mass murder, exhibit A.
Just look at that photo. Now you know why America will fail as a nation. Will the last person leaving America please turn off the lights. You know we are facing a climate change crisis! I understand there will be new communities on Mars in fifty years. There will be a lot of sand beaches properties available, but unfortunately no water.