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When the Biden administration pressured Israel to open up more aid to the Hamas territories, it swore that the aid would not fall into the hands of Hamas.
“If Hamas in any way blocks humanitarian assistance from reaching civilians, including by seizing the aid itself, we’ll be the first to condemn it. And we will work to prevent it from happening again,” Secretary of State Blinken pledged.
Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer assured CNN that “the president was quite clear that if this assistance goes in, it cannot be misappropriated, it cannot be taken by Hamas fighters and so we are going to be watching that very closely.”
On Halloween, John Kirby, Biden’s national security spokesman, denied anything was going on.
“We have seen no indication, none, that Hamas has gotten their hands on any of the humanitarian assistance that has gone in. None of it. It goes from these U.N. trucks to humanitarian organizations and the U.N. for delivery to the people of Gaza. That’s what we’ve seen with every single one of them,” he claimed.
In late December, an UNRWA official claimed that, “there’s no hijacking of our (UNRWA) supplies by Hamas.” The official then argued that accusations that Hamas was taking aid were a “disinformation campaign” which was “aimed at the very agency trying to help people.”
These kinds of lies go through three stages.
1. It will never happen
2. It’s happening and it’s a good thing
3. How dare you prevent it from happening
There are numberless examples in the political arena, but we’ve now reached stage 3 in the Hamas aid lie.
The Biden administration asked Israel to stop targeting members of the Hamas-run civilian police force who escort aid trucks in Gaza, warning that a “total breakdown of law and order” is significantly exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in the enclave, three U.S. and Israeli officials told Axios.
U.S. officials say they are increasingly concerned “that Gaza is turning into Mogadishu” as a security vacuum and desperation have opened the door for armed gangs to attack and loot aid trucks, putting even more pressure on the Strip’s already strained humanitarian system.
Armed gangs? A Total breakdown of law and order? Who exactly do U.S. officials think Hamas is?
Months after the administration lied to our faces and told us over and over again that Hamas would never get the aid, that they won’t put up with it if they do, they redefine Hamas terrorists as members of the local police who are just providing an “escort” for aid trucks and killing them will lead to a “total breakdown of law and order”.
The alternative to a “total breakdown of law and order” is Hamas.
Here’s footage, by the way, of Hamas terrorists providing an escort for aid trucks.
Gazan web users:
Hamas "borrows" aid trucks and takes them underground…— Jayne (@HappyHardyHar) February 21, 2024
And some more.
Hamas, much like the Houthis and the Taliban, appropriate aid, resell it and deliberately cause famines in order to profit from them, politically and financially.
We know how it works. We’ve seen it done in country after country.
There’s a larger significance to this messaging. The Biden administration is pivoting to protect Hamas. They’re redefining elements of Hamas as the thin line between anarchy. The “Mogadishu” talking point has been crafted and gone out.
Biden administration officials raised their concerns with their Israeli counterparts and asked that Israel stop targeting the Hamas civilian police as long there is no alternative that could provide security to the aid trucks, Israeli and U.S. officials said.
But Israel rebuffed the request because one of its goals in the war is to ensure that Hamas no longer runs Gaza, two Israeli officials said.
Go figure.
Tell Biden to Go Pound Sand
R M says
Precisely. Israel was attacked. Biden cares less. Mr. Netanyahu needs to show the world that Israel will destroy Hamas and countries financing hostage taking, and if civilians are collateral damage, do everything including napalm, carpet bombing, etc. to destroy hostile forces and take down hostage taking for good. Leave Gaza, Tehran, etc. giant ashtrays if necessary!
Jeff Bargholz says
I can’t believe Israeli officials were dumb enough to allow totally unnecessary aid shipments into their occupied Gaza territory when they knew they were going to be stolen by Hamas anyway. As if the Paleosimians are starving or going without medical treatment, although I’m sure Paleosimian doctors are all incompetent, with or without extra medical supplies. The Hamas jihadis were so impatient they just hijacked the shipment trucks instead of waiting till they arrived and stealing the shipments then. If Netanyahu helped with this, I’m disappointed. Why the Hamas hijackers were shot with video instead of bullets, I have no idea. And I wonder if the Israelis were stupid enough to load there own trucks instead of Paleosimian ones? Those subhumans get so much for free from Israel and stupid Westerners I never know what’s going on although foreseeing this was such a no brainer even the Jihad Joe administration saw it coming.
The Jihad Joe administration is comprised of the lowest, lying scum in America, that’s for sure. I’d sooner be in the same room with an axe murderer than any of them. They make my skin crawl all the way out here in CA.
RAM says
Israeli officials have had to gauge how much to humor the Biden crew at Israel’s own expense. Once they realize the latter are true enemies, they’ll need to recalibrate. This may be happening now. True reliance needs to be on God and not on open and concealed enemies. Very few nations care a bit about the Jews’ well-being these days.
Chaya says
It is happening. It was about deals for planes, arms, ammunition other such materials I see Israel starting to manufacture what they can in Israel and buy direct and not from the US. But there are long standing agreements (Some of which apparently tied Israel’s hands in terms of where they shop – US only) and they needed what they needed to fight. That’s the reason for the “humoring” of Biden admin. Also Israel has its own leftists who make internal trouble and those are tied to the current US admin.
(Don’t ask me how they could be at this point. But, Leftists are nuts).
J. J. Septon says
Way past time to tell the anti-Semitic brandon and the Jew-hating JINO blinkden to STFU.
John Wood says
Biden is as racist and antisemetic as any klansman and would fit right in at a klan ralley..
R M says
Israel needs to forget about bas-tard Biden! Israel needs to demonstrate to the world “30 seconds over Tehran” like Gen. Doolittle did during WW II, taking the war home to Tokyo residents. Just think how quick this hostage taking garbage would stop if Israel showed chutzpah and dropped a nuke on Tehran…
Jeff Bargholz says
A nuke on Tehran would be a war crime. No need to wipe out an entire city of people, most of whom hate the mullahs. The mullahs could easily be taken out with a conventional bombardment along with their key Republican Guard military installations.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, Israeli lefties are every bit as whacked as American ones. Israeli lefties help Paleosimians murder them and American ones help illegal aliens and gutter criminals do it.
steven says
Lefty Jews
Bad for Israel
Bad for America
Bad for the World
Algorithmic Analyst says
Good analysis, thanks Daniel!
Maybe airdrop aid in small packets.
Tedf says
The American government airdropped packages to West Berlin after the war. The Russians encircled West Berlin. Because of the air drops, the Russians agreed to the bridge from West Berlin to West Germany.
NAVY ET1 says
“But Israel rebuffed the request” is the headline here. It behooves Netanyahu to use the Biden administration as the perfect example of what NOT to do. Should Bebe find himself at a crossroads and unsure of what to do in a particular situation, ask the Biden team…and do the exact opposite.
Steven Kardas says
U.S. and its allies providing food, water, and fuel to the enemy is some weird new concept of war. It is absurd and only sustains the enemy and prolongs the conflict. Strange times indeed.
RAM says
That’s because they favor Hamas. They do this with eyes open.
R M says
RAM:: They? You mean bas-tard Biden and company??
Chaya says
The US is on the terrorist side. If we get the needed change in November that may change somewhat. But we have intelligence agencies, the state department and others who will still be against Israel. The Deep State, or whatever you want to call it, is no friend to Israel.
Jeff Bargholz says
Trump has vowed to take out as much of the deep state as he can and we both know that guy is a man of his word. He wouldn’t lift a finger to help Hamas or any of the Paleosimians.
Del Varner says
Blinken is drawing a strong Obamaesque red line in the sand. If (actually When) Hamas steals (oops “misappropriates”) the aid, they will get a strong talking to.
Rob says
Hamas is a terrorist group and should not be trusted with anything. They are homicidal maniacs and should completely be eliminated.
Dave C. says
So, Blinken will continue to “watch them.” As usual.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, from his vantage point on his knees with a mouthful..
danknight says
Remember the $95Bn ’emergency’ spending package …
quote from AP: “The legislation contains also $9.2 billion in humanitarian assistance to provide food, water, shelter and medical care to civilians in Gaza …”
Why do we miss that?
$60Bn to get Ukrainians killed …
$14Bn to keep Israel in the fight …
and $9Bn to feed the terrorists Israel is fighting? …
Why are we funding BOTH SIDES of this war?
… And to be clear we’ve also made Pootler a ton of money, so we’re paying for both sides of that war too?
Who?! Who makes all of this money?! …
TruthLaser says
“No people in history have ever survived who thought they could protect their freedom by making themselves inoffensive to their enemies.” – Dean Acheson (not Anthony Blinken).
commonsense says
Why give the noncombatants in Gaza any aid whatsoever? They voted for Hamas to control the Strip when Israel unilaterally and completely withdrew, leaving intact a whole complex of income- producing greenhouses, left intact as a gesture of peace and goodwill. The greenhouses were deliberately,destroyed, their components repurposed for weaponry. Jew-hatred is paramount and universal among those in Gaza.. Support for Hamas, and its genocidal ambitions, by those in the Strip is still overwhelming. Why do Israel’s enemies deserve even a scintillating of aid from Israel itself or from the the rest of the civilized world? Let them suffer the consequences of the atrocities they committed and would gladly commit again.
commonsense says
Scintilla, not scintillating. Autocorrect strikes again.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, I hate auto-correct, especially the way it turns itself on after I’ve disabled it.
commonsense says
I finally had enough and disabled autocorrect just before your reply, Jeff.. Hopefully, it’ll stay disabled and not come back on without my authorization.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes let’s hope so. My phone also turns on the wi-fi sometimes even when I have it off, which is most of the time.
Oh well. I’m just glad our gadgets work as well as they do.
Jeff Bargholz says
All that and they aren’t suffering any shortage of aid whatsoever, especially not food and medicine. It’s a joke. With the influx of massive aid and money, Hamas is better equipped and richer than ever.
Part of the reason for Western aid is to make it seem as if people in Gaza are suffering because Israel is wiping out the Hamas jihad terrorists.
Any Westerner who believes the restuarants, coffee shops, food markets and pharmicies are closed in Gaza is a fool. The ones who know better but approve of the aid are anti Semitic, jihad terrorist loving scumbags who deserve to die.
Tedf says
We all know the answer to that. There’s an election coming up. The Muslims, the left, and The crazies won’t show up for the vote.
john blackman says
israel needs to ignore empty suit biden and get on with the job . if what occured on oct. 7 happened in the u.s. to jews living in the u.s. biden would be funding a program to stop islamaphobia . the towel heads will always be victims in the mind of the left . one authoritarian regime defending another . the jews have no friends , even jews in the u.s. were on the side of gaza . go figure . it doesnt matter where the left reside in the u.s. or israel they will bring destruction on the heads of everyone . its a cancer and it is now too late to reverse .
Sword of The Spirit says
And yet here we are, week after week, month after month, sending our money to the DemoCraps in the form of ACH transfers from our paychecks to the IRS / Treasury.
We need to stop funding our own abuse and all the evil of the DemoCraps. We need the conservative states to, at least temporarily, forbid the flow of income taxes through the federeal electronic tax payment system.
Mad Celt says
It is always a Democrat regime in charge in America when we try to defend ourselves against these enemies of God and mankind. They claim to cherish peace but have multilayer business deals in the works with these godless peoples.
Chum Lee says
But… don’t those kind of people get their hands cut off when they steal?
Jennifer says
The Hamas terrorists who hijack the aid trucks actually fired automatic weapons in the direction of desperate fathers who were trying to get food for their families.