It’s good to remember that the Biden administration isn’t just trying to run America into the ground. Like the Obama administration, it’s also trying to run the world into the ground.
And like Obama, Biden’s regime is hostile to conservative governments and traditional allies like the UK and Israel. Now it’s the UK’s turn in the barrel for cutting taxes instead of raising them.
The Biden administration is alarmed over the market turmoil triggered by the new UK government’s economic program and is seeking ways to encourage Prime Minister Liz Truss’s team to dial back its dramatic tax cuts.
Why can’t the UK be more like Biden and spend billions to audit Americans to pay for electric car subsidies and MA student loan giveaways while hammering the country with interest rate hikes to raise unemployment, cause a recession and wreck the housing market? Why?
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen declined to directly address UK policies when speaking with reporters Tuesday. But her cabinet colleague, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, was candid on Wednesday in describing Truss’s approach as misguided.
“The policy of cutting taxes and simultaneously increasing spending isn’t one that’s going to fight inflation in the short term or put you in good stead for longer-term economic growth,” Raimondo said Wednesday during an event in Washington.
Did anyone in the UK ask the former governor of a tiny corrupt state? Considering her boss’ acumen at fighting inflation, maybe she should shut up?
“Investors, businesspeople want to see world leaders taking inflation very seriously — and it’s hard to see that at this point” in the UK approach, Raimondo said.
Anyone who’s been shopping lately can tell you how seriously the Biden regime takes inflation.
Chris Thomas says
As if anyone in the Biden regime knows how to handle economies.
Una Salus says
Nobody asked Liz Truss for what we’re going to get At least few in conservative constituencies. There are no more conservatives government just compromised abortions. And that’s going to be reflected in their electability which no longer matters. Because people are really, really slow but even Boris cheer leaders like Katie Hopkins catch on eventually.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Una!
Ugly Sid says
Q. If Trump were prudent enough to make covid shots available thru Emergency Use Authorization, as long-term testing was impossible, why did Biden mandate them?
A. Deadly Kryptonite being unavailable, mandating these mystery serums, combined with suppressing the effective therapuetics, was the best he could do.
Biden is a man of honor. A deal is a deal. He just followed through and completed his agreed tasks. His word is his bond. Why, if George M. Cohan were still alive, he’d create a Broadway play based upon his career. Leonardo DiCaprio could portray him. Danny DeVito can be his bagman brother.
Mo de Profit says
As the data on vaccine victims is increasingly becoming available in the legacy media, so the blame is being pushed onto Donald Trump’s warp speed development.
If he looks like running again they will use it against him.
Lightbringer says
I’ve been expecting them to lay this on Trump as soon as they admit that the problem exists. What else?
Christopher Riddle says
Joe”Bite Me”is the Most Effective”ENEMY”The USA has had in a LONG TIME!!!
John Bumpus says
The ‘thing’ about lefties is that they are ALWAYS trying to tell EVERYONE else What to Do!
Lightbringer says
Of course. It’s because they’re smarter than the rest of us are. You can see proof of that in a century of dismal failure, environmental degradation, and 100 million deaths, with the failures, the environmental degradation, and the deaths increasing daily.
Cassandra says
America has now become the enemy of UK. I am of the age who grew up with American tv shows in 50s and 60s, who loved America and it’s music of those times, modern art and architecture, film and people . Maybe I wasn’t listening then, but now as. UK citizen, America has become the dangerous enemy to the West. The fact that Britain colluded with what they did to President Trump woke me up: we’re we blackmailed into this or pressured in some way? Boris was a weasel but in spite of that, I feel I’ve been betrayed.
SkippingDog says
America is hardly the enemy of UK. In fact, since your Brexit nonsense, you’re lucky to have any economic friends at all.
Noah Andeark says
Can you imagine being so foolish as to give up your sovereignty? That takes some major idiocy, don’t you think?
Mo de Profit says
Too right, we really need to have EU bureaucrats making decisions, those unelected elites are far better at economics than elected governments.
jojthedogfacedboy says
Brexit nonsense? you statement is nonsensical
Mo de Profit says
It has been interesting to see how the choices of American bourbon in supermarkets increased dramatically during the Donald Trump presidency along with many other American products. The choice of bourbon is declining again.
Lightbringer says
Yep. It’s called a robust economy, with entrepreneurs willing to take risks and invest in long-term products (remember that all whiskeys have a long lead time prior to hitting the market). Now that our economy is in tatters, people are either afraid or unable to take those risks and the customers suffer. Bourbon is not the only product affected.
Mo de Profit says
From a book called crisis what crisis about Britain in the 70’s:
“the boldest of Europe’s young generation’– had called for the new tolerance being shown towards homosexuals to be extended to other ‘sexual eccentrics’, including paedophiles. Not, he hastened to add, that he thought ‘all grown men ought to be allowed to manipulate children’s genitals’, but rather that understanding should replace criminalization until a better solution could be found: ‘The sexual deprivation of the “dirty old men” is a problem to be solved by tomorrow’s humanely oriented society.’ It wasn’t solved, of course, but there was at least a brief period when the general culture acknowledged that the lines of what was permissible were on occasion blurred. ‘Sometimes, I’m the new master at a girls’ high school,’ says Terry in Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads?,”
Please stop copying us democrats in America, it doesn’t end well for the leftist elites because Margaret Thatcher arrived.
Lightbringer says
May we all merit another Margaret Thatcher soon, everywhere in the Anglosphere!