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Bidenomics is great. For somebody. I’m not sure whom. But the media has spent months claiming that…
- Bidenomics is fantastic
- The only reason Americans don’t release it is because they’re morons obsessed with the price of food
After all the propaganda, the hectoring and the gaslighting, the media finally decides to admit that it’s hopeless because people are very stupid and keep insisting that they need to eat food instead of economic projections.
This Politico article is as close to despair as the media gets.
President Joe Biden is running out of the tools — and the time — he needs to turn around Americans’ gloomy view of the U.S. economy… Democrats are starting to outwardly despair that the economic tailwinds they once imagined lifting Biden to reelection aren’t materializing, at least not in the eyes of voters.
Americans are not paying attention to the fake job numbers the media keeps hyping and instead are greedy bastards who want to fill their growling stomachs with food. Why must they be so gloomy in this wonderland where absolutely anyone with their own lobbying firm on retainer can just start a green energy and make billions without ever making anything? Economic experts remain baffled at this senseless gloominess.
Inside Biden’s orbit, the fear is that there’s little new the administration can do to change the perceptions of a stubborn electorate that’s living through an upswing — yet simply refusing to believe it.
Stubborn and gloomy. Nothing will change their perceptions! At least nothing the media can do.
“If half of the people think that unemployment is at a 50-year high when it’s actually close to a 50-year low, this is a problem of misinformation, it’s a problem of perception,” said Ben Harris, a former senior Treasury Department official who helped craft Biden’s economic agenda. “I think, unfortunately, it’ll have a major impact on the election.”
What we have here folks, is a failure to communicate.
Across a year of concerted campaigning, voters’ sour view of the economy has barely budged. Biden remains deep underwater with an electorate skeptical of his record and still anxious, against all evidence, that a recession is around the corner.
Against all evidence meaning with all evidence, but I suppose that’s just gloomy misinformation.
“The big problem is the pain points are things they feel every week, every month, every day,” conceded one Biden adviser who was granted anonymity to express the internal sense of dismay. “Is that fixable? It’s unclear.”
That would be ‘clearly’ what the election will come down to. You would think the administration would be thinking about those “pain points” and stop the constant lying.
But polls show Biden remains hampered by people’s low awareness of his achievements and heavy focus on the high price of key expenses like groceries, gas and housing. That challenge is especially acute with the younger, poorer and minority voters that Biden needs most but who have also taken the brunt of rising costs and high interest rates.
“The policies are working. They are quite successful,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody’s Analytics. “But you can’t even talk about it because everyone’s got a food item they’re buying that’s 25 percent more than four years ago, and they can’t get beyond that.”
People can’t get beyond how miserable their personal economics are that they can’t appreciate how many trillions in debt Biden has run up for special interests with their own green lobbying firms. It’s sad, really how selfish, gloomy and stubborn those hungry people are.
“There is one theory that, as people become more accustomed to the current price levels, they’ll start paying attention to other aspects of the economy,” said Harris. “But that’s a theory. And I’m not sure if it’s true.”
At some point, people will stop eating and learn to love Bidenomics. It’s a theory. Like Marxism.
Well yes. that’s true. More importantly, some items are unavailable, gasoline prices seem to go up and down with the Democrat fortunes, even “fast food” has become unaffordable, no profession or institution can be trusted, the “regime” seems to believe that the public (ala deplorables) is stupid beyond limits, everything seems to be infused with “woke” messaging. Of all of the “professionals” who stroke their chins and opine on this stuff, I wonder how many of them have even bought a dozen eggs, a pound of hamburger or any other goods, IN THEIR LIFE. We have transportation and energy policy written by people who couldn’t change a tire and probably don’t drive. We have immigration policy driven by a hope for political advantage and care not a whit about the country or the ordinary people who make the wheels go round and the lights go on. Folks it is time for a very big change.
Fast food? A McChiken sandwich costs six bucks and who would even want to eat one?
You might as well but a turd between some nasty, dry ass buns.
Donald Trump disagrees. Donald Trump loves fast food. Donald Trump loves McDonald’s.
Where do you take the sistahs you love so much to eat? Red Lobster?
Well, the chicks take me out but when I do have a choice and drive it’s In-N-Out Burgers, Red Robin or BJs.
Red Lobster sucks but I do eat Double cheeseburgers from McDonalds while I walk around shopping at Walmart.
And yes, I love Big Donald Trump and the sistahs.
I ate at an in out in Texas. They had some sort of burger with chiles and white cheese sauce that they brought back for a limited time.. I went back as often as the wife would let me. when we were vacationing.
I love fast food. A lot of people are superstitious about it which means more for me. I should be dead by now. I’m proof of the urban legend that the preservatives from fast food keep people alive. Its definitely is keeping me from wrinkling and getting grey hair. It’s like free mummification without the need for bandages.
Chilies and white cheese sauce? I haven’t that one but it sure sounds good.
And I suppose preservatives really are good for our health. We’re both hale and healthy, right? And I’m old as fuck.
Fast food is ultra processed food which is very unhealthy and has been proven beyond all doubt to cause an assortment of metabolic issues. For example: type=2 diabetes, type-3 diabetes (Alzheimer’s), strokes, high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, NAFLD (non-alcohol fatty liver disease), retinopathy, neuropathy, Gaucher’s disease, hemochromatosis, mitochondrial problems, pancreatic problems, etc., etc., and that’s the short list.
In short, fast foods is poison. Just because it doesn’t immediately kills you doesn’t negate that fact. The accumulative effects is a shortened lifespan and a vulnerability to a plethora of life threatening diseases. Moreover, given the detrimental effects in the long term, you’ll eventually come to wish ultra processed foods had killed you the very first time you ate it.
Did you know that there are some 13 added chemicals in a simple bag of MacDonald’s french fries? Most are known carcinogens.
That all sounds very bad! I almost never eat fast food so I’ll probably survive, but damn. I do eat it sometimes. And I like restaurant pizza.
The main thing is to get enough exercise. When I was walking 5 miles a day I could eat that stuff 🙂
The worse problem with fast food fires they a cooked in vegetable oil, something fostered on us by the food police. Any oil that need a solvent other than water to retrieve the oil should never be used, period. Most people who talk bad about fast food tell you to eat something far worse. Grain based diets are the problem.
Yes, ruling bureaucrats whose lives are rather removed from the everyday experiences of ordinary citizens. Remember when George H.W. Bush did not know what the then scanner technology used in food store checkout lines was? A telling moment.
“Remember when George H.W. Bush did not know what the then scanner technology used in food store checkout lines was? A telling moment.” You do understand that story was a lie, right?
I spent 22 dollars for two gallons of milk and two malts. Absurd!
Hard to leave a supermarket these days without spending at least twenty bucks.
Try more like a hundred bucks. Shit. If I get out of a supermarket with a bill under eighty bucks I feel lucky. Ten bucks for a quart and a half of ice cream or a pack of hot dogs????? And you don’t want to eat any of the hot dogs which cost less than that. Only Hebrew National and Ballpark Franks rolled in bacon for me.
I know hot dogs are bad for you but they’re a guilty pleasure, especially those ones rolled in bacon, which are probably the worst for me.
I’ve cut back. Haven’t bought beef hot dogs in ages though they are good. The only ice cream I get is store brands or discounted over the summer.
Interesting point about ice cream. I don’t buy it often but I had a feeling the prices had gone up. So I looked it up and statistically it actually has taken a big jump up in price during the Biden administration for some reason.
That’s a good one, thanks Daniel!
One thing one learns from military history, is that an army needs to be fed. Discipline breaks down and the system collapses if the soldiers can’t eat.
Happened even to Wellington in Spain/Portugal against the French. A supply officer put the food convoy on the wrong road and the troops didn’t get fed for 4 days. My favorite story was about the pig shoot. The peasants had their pig herds hidden in the forests so the soldiers couldn’t get at them. Then one herd broke loose and crossed the road the soldiers were using. There was so much pig shooting that soldiers in the distance thought the French Army was attacking 🙂
Wellington practically went berserk afterwards, at discipline breaking down, one of the few times he lost his temper. He blamed the troops in what was supposed to be a secret communique to his officers, but it leaked. The soldiers never forgave him for that.
Well, he wasn’t popular personally anyway, but the soldiers still liked to be in his army, because he almost always won 🙂
Good points! Sometimes victory is more important than charisma.
Yeah, I was imagining the difference between winning and losing in that war. Lose, and even if you don’t get killed or wounded, there is a long miserable retreat in horrible weather over bad roads, all the while being pursued by enemy cavalry and sniped at by guerrillas.
If you win, there is a chance of rich plunder from the French camp 🙂
Plunder was a big motivating factor in those days, another thing that makes it hard to get into the mindset of another historical period, when we live in a time with so much material abundance.
Yes, who cares if your side wins but you get shot to death, right?
I value my life. And I’ve almost died lots of times. When you come close you appreciate what you have, however meager.
As the old saying goes “An Army travels on its stomach.”
Yeah,’it’s hard to kick somebody’s ass when you’re starving to death.
Some of the logistics lessons of the Peninsular Campaign were still being taught 30 years ago, and hopefully still are. There was a similar love-hate relationship with Patton and his troops. But he understood it, and and Wellington probably did too.
Only obliquely related, there’s a story that when Patton took over II Corps, after they’d beaten the French, mostly accepting their surrender (though some of them fought, like the ones that shot at my 6th grade math teacher), and gotten mauled a few of times by the Germans, he did so at night, unannounced. He toured the lines first, and asked a soldier manning a position in the dark where the enemy was. The soldier, having no idea who he was talking to pointed over his shoulder towards HQ and said, “About a mile and a half that way.”
Joe eats so well that he cant stop pooping his pants. He should try going on the diet that is being forced upon the rest of us.
Diarrhea Joe. That’s the guy. What a contemptible scumbag he is and always has been. I hate his ugly bald buzzard head and stupid face. Lowlife grifter who never grew to be a MAN.
Most of us guys do.
Jeff, you asked me to re-think. I did and made one more reply to you:
Thanks for rethinking things. That takes integrity. I guess we don’t agree about gay people but I’ll always love you, babe. 🙂
It’s called Bidenflation Constipation.
a $.25 cent increase in the cost of something versus 4 years ago, how about trying a dollar to two or three more. Canned fruit once was $1.59 a can and now is $2.79, or how about a freaking bag of chips – $4.99 or $5.99? What about gasoline? We all know the price of that. Then there is heating oil, propane, and electricity all here in New England which makes me pay about $12K in utilities a year. A YEAR???? Hear that you f*(&%ing Biden administration????
and yet, I will only believe the outcome of the upcoming election once the fat lady sings. no polling data, no positive spin on Trump, nothing will convince me that the steal is actively already in the system until the results say Trump won.
anyone who votes for Biden is a fu*(&^ng idiot and I hope they rot in hell.
40% increases are commonplace. I’m paying that much more for bread than I did in 2020.
Where do you live in CA? (I actually know but don’t want to dox you.) I pay 100% more, not 40%.
Going to supermarkets is worse than going to a dentist. At least the dentists give you lollypops when you’re done being tortured.
I used to get quality cheese for $2 a pound in Albany. Now it costs $8 a pound in the Wine Country. 400 % increase. I don’t keep track of every item but it all seems to be going up.
Yes, see? you’re a mathematician so you notice facts and statistics like that.
I just know this Bidenflation is busting my ass.
Lately, when my girls ask me for money, I just say “Get a job.” I don’t call them bitches even though I’m thinking of it. You can’t EVER call a black chick a bitch. That word means something different to them than it does to us. I don’t know what but it’s the ultimate insult to them.
I once had a black chick tell me after I called her a bitch “you can stay the night but tomorrow morning you gots to be gone.” It took a half hour of talking and lots more fucking to sway her back on my side.
Don’t ever call a black chick a bitch. You’ll regret it.
By the way, I found out the meaning of “bitch” in black slang. A “bitch” is a prostitute of a pimp, “bitch” is what the pimp calls his prostitute.
No wonder they get so mad!
I should’ve done a web search. Black chicks I know force me to walk on the left side of the sidewalks with them but not because they think they can be hit by a car but because they think guys make prostitutes walk on the side next to the road. ????? Guys like me don’t even think of stuff like that. I guess I do now.
When you deal with different people, you have to deal with different attitudes.
Now now, joe’s draining the strategic reserve again to temporarily drop gas prices, so see, bidenomics is working, the economy is great, joe is lucid.
Yes, Americans may learn to love “woke” politicians the way Winston Smith learned to love Big Brother in “1984,” George Orwell’s dystopian novel that serves as a policy map for “woke” Democ-rats: “He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.”
We just need to love Big Biden.
That’s among my scariest horror stories, like, “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream.”
I remember that story. Vaguely, because like most books I read it about forty years ago but Ellison is a famous author. Theodore Sturgeon wrote the intro in the version I had.
“….a food item they’re buying that’s 25 percent more than four years ago….”. Wrong. It’s food items that cost 150% to 200% more than they did four years ago. Four years ago Donald Trump created tax cuts and instantly I was taking home $350 more a month. Now all of that is eaten up in inflation.
But here is the worst; Free debit cards for criminals that are coming across the south border. Then there’s the stolen elections.
it’s not free for us USA tax payers – that’s our tax dollars being given away to illegal aliens with most of them being jihad terrorists joining terror cells in USA and MS13 gang members – Tucker Carlson interviewed El Salvador’s president who told Hunter we got rid of MS13. El Salvador is where MS13 started. Now MS13 operates with impunity in USA and Mexico as well as other Central American nations. Thanks to fin’g crook Joe Briben’s puppet masters.
True, but ms-13 only does what the Mexican cartels tell them they can do here. They’re the ones that have been running most of the drug and human trade in this country for the last two decades.
Yes, going to grocery stores is like torture now. Don’t buy some coffee or a bag of cookies unless you’re loaded.
Interesting that our soldiers are encouraged to go on welfare to supplement what their salaries cannot buy, but illegal aliens receive more in benefits (and healthcare) than the salaries paid to much of our military.
If the point is dependence upon government, but the military is excepted, then there is a thought-provoking why. Perhaps when DEI thoroughly permeates our war fighters….? It is all tax-payer money, and so the neglect is more confounding to me.
The failed populations are showered with benefits because they’re voting herds that serve as the basis for Dem power.
|Because its becom9ing m9ore expensive and costly |Biden the | |Blunder and his fellow Democrats-Globalists it will never think into their cement heads
I just got back from the store where I found a frozen capon. $93!
That price for capon is crazy but I still feel sorry for a rooster that had its balls cut off. 🙂
Revelation 6:6 Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “Two pounds[a] of wheat for a day’s wages,[b] and six pounds[c] of barley for a day’s wages,[d] and do not damage the oil and the wine!”
Seems like we’re in the turning of the pages of Bible prophesy like a child’s pop-up book.
President Trump is a man of GOD who can stave off Bible prophesy somewhat but will not stop it because of the demonic possession and influences of satanic deep state being so pervasive and insidious.
“The big problem is the pain points are things they feel every week, every month, every day,” conceded one Biden adviser. . . ”
A good example of a “pain point” is the weekly receipt from the supermarket.
And then there is this:
“The policies are working. They are quite successful,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody’s Analytics. “But you can’t even talk about it because everyone’s got a food item they’re buying that’s 25 percent more than four years ago, and they can’t get beyond that.”
This reminds me of the “let them eat cake” quote attributed to Marie Antoinette.
Indeed. I would have gone there but it seemed too on the nose.
Walked in the grocery store for a few things the other day (no meat) – $176. A quart of store brand cream was $4.69. My cat’s treats, $2.99 for a small bag. And on and on. But we’re supposed to believe Biden’s favorite ratings agency? Yeah, I don’t think so.
The price of everything is way up
People complain about how expensive food is now because let’s face it, we all have to eat, but the price of toiletries have doubled too. Anybody who doesn’t use deodorant is a disgusting slob and good luck taking a shit if I don’t have toilet paper.
My last two comments, neither of which used unseemly language, were flagged as “awaiting moderation.” The latest example was today. The earlier comment disappeared never to surface again. I have always found Front Page to be an excellent source for news and opinion but I am losing confidence in its’ objectivity.
Some comments are automatically held, but I think all of yours have been posted.
Yes, you guys eventually post all of mine and I’m unbelievably crude.
That happens to me almost every time. I don’t even pay attention to it anymore. I guess the FPM editors know how crude and rude I often am. 😛
im assuming that the 81 mill. that voted for the current band of imbeciles and miscreants are not the ones complaining ? but when you suffer from TDS no amount of suffering will alter your appetite for more suffering . come the next election the democrats and rinos will pull off another fraudulent election . why change a formula that works . considering the polls only give trump a slim lead of only 2 points confirms the fact that americans want more of the same not less . because orange man bad .
Floggings will continue until morale improves.
Why don’t FJB’s ‘allies’ crawl back into the holes from whence they came and DIE?
I really like your wordpress design, wherever would you down load it from?
Interesting take on the impact of Bidenomics. The persistent concern over food prices is quite real, and at times, it seems like the media may not fully capture the everyday struggles people face. While the article touches on various perspectives about economic agendas, the question remains: Will addressing “pain points” like the cost of living ever become the main priority?
For those interested in a broader discussion about the economic environment and pricing, here’s a link that might be insightful, although it’s hard to say if the information is still accurate: