How bad was Biden’s Afghanistan disaster?
A point I’ve made in recent articles like Biden is Paying Osama bin Laden’s Old Airline to Fly Out Afghans and What’s Behind the Cover-Up of the Kabul Suicide Bombing? is that we’re still finding on.
Various reports are issued and mostly buried, but they all show fragments of the disaster. Like the DHS Inspector General’s report which just came out.
Homeland Security failed to fully vet some of the Afghan evacuees whom it brought into the U.S. during last year’s airlift, the department’s inspector general said in a new audit Tuesday that warned some people who pose “a risk to national security” may have been let in.
One evacuee was cleared to reach the U.S. despite having been just liberated from prison by the Taliban. Another reached the U.S. and was released, only to have the FBI conclude three months later that the evacuee “posed national security concerns.”
Those are a few of the ones we know. The rest? No one knows. Certainly not the Biden administration.
As I said afterward, vetting is a scam. There’s no way to vet these people and it’s clear that no one is even bothering.
According to the inspector general, people who gave “questionable” names or dates of birth were allowed to enter anyway, with American officials just assigning a Jan. 1 birthdate for whatever age they said they were.
Out of roughly 89,000 names, more than 11,000 were listed as Jan. 1 birthdates. Another 417 had no known first name, and 242 were listed with no known last name.
11,000. Statistically impressive. And those are just the ones who didn’t even bother coming up with a good lie. There’s no real verification here even at the most basic level. Forget documents or any reliable IDs.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) did not always have critical data to properly screen, vet, or inspect the evacuees, the report by DHS Inspector General Joseph Cuffari said. We determined some information used to vet evacuees through U.S. Government databases, such as name, date of birth, identification number, and travel document data, was inaccurate, incomplete, or missing.
Because of unreliable or insufficient data and the lack of standardized vetting policies, the watchdog found in its probe, DHS may have admitted or paroled individuals into the United States who pose a risk to national security and the safety of local communities.
How bad was it? We’ll find out.
Multiple Afghan refugees have already been involved in sexual assaults in this country. Along with a much ghastlier case in Austria. But this is just the beginning.
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