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“When I was in another State they would slip and say ‘now I want to introduce the Senator from DuPont–I mean Delaware’”, Joe Biden had joked at a Senate Subcommittee on Crime session.
There’s a certain truth to the joke. DuPont is the corporation that defines Biden’s career. His first Senate bid was staffed with DuPont employees, including future chief-of-staff and senator Ted Kaufman, who was conveniently allowed to take a “leave of absence” from DuPont to help elect Biden. Biden celebrated his victory at the Hotel DuPont and bought a former DuPont mansion.
DuPont figures in a lot of Biden’s stories. He even claims to have gotten on board with gay marriage when his father showed him a gay couple kissing at DuPont. And Biden figures in the latest DuPont story which involves handing over advanced military technology to China.
Last year, DuPont sold off its biomaterials unit to the Huafon Group of China. Huafon, a massive chemical and finance organization,
Biden’s own defense secretary warned that the sale would put technology that could be used for advanced explosives in China’s hands. Those concerns were not unreasonable. DuPont had been born as a gunpowder firm that came to dominate the American defense industry in the 19th century. DuPont was there handling plutonium on the ground floor of the Manhattan Project even though its former president, Irénée du Pont, had admired Hitler. DuPont has since tried to avoid associations with weapons, but its biomaterials had potential military applications.
Houfan, a massive Chinese chemical and finance organization, which dominates the spandex market (spandex was originally developed by DuPont), boasts in its own spandex division that its commitment to “social responsibility” derives from Communist leadership within the company.
The deputy secretary of the Communist Party branch within Houfan was quoted as emphasizing the role of “Communist Party members and youth league members”.
America has been falling behind Communist China in the explosives race. The Ukraine war had demonstrated all too clearly the limitations of our military production capabilities and our reliance on outdated technologies. In 2021, a factory in Louisiana responsible for making all the Pentagon’s black powder blew up. The factory was originally part of DuPont.
China dominates mass production of CL-20, the deadliest non-nuclear explosive, and America has struggled to catch up. A report during the Trump administration had warned that, “China is also the sole source or a primary supplier for a number of critical energetic materials used in munitions and missiles.” Austin and the Pentagon warned about the deadly consequences of handing over DuPont’s technology which, like CL-20, was developed in America, but would be appropriated by China leading to a grave risk of American deaths in possible future conflicts.
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has generally been a loyal political soldier. He had previously toed the line on nearly every Biden initiative. But on DuPont, he broke ranks. National security officials tried to meet with Biden to warn him that the DuPont deal might be good for the Delaware company, but was bad for America. Biden however refused to meet with them.
And the deal went through. Despite the supposed safeguards which were supposed to prevent Covation Biomaterials, the name of the new Chinese-controlled company, from getting its hands on the production process, it happened anyway. And the FBI launched an investigation.
Nothing is expected to come of that.
This is far from the first time that advanced American technology has fallen into the hands of our enemies in China, but it’s particularly outrageous because top defense officials, including the secretary of defense, had warned of the consequences, and it happened anyway.
And because there is no company closer to Joe Biden than DuPont.
The Biden family had already been involved in the intersection of China and DuPont when Hunter Biden introduced George Duko, a DuPont executive, to a Chinese businessman who had founded a Communist linked firm. While Hunter has been sidelined, there’s a history there.
DuPont has been kind to Biden, donating $250,000 to his inauguration committee alone, and the Biden family has been kind to DuPont. When Robert H. Richards IV, a DuPont heir, admitted to raping his 3-year-old daughter, Attorney General Beau Biden defended the judge who refused to lock him up because he has “strong family support” and “will not fare well in prison.”
Beau Biden went on to die (of cancer in the United States, not in Iraq, as Joe Biden has repeatedly lied) and the Biden clan decided that the best way to memorialize the man who let a child rapist walk was to set up the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children. The foundation, currently holding its ‘Child Protection Classic’ at the DuPont Country Club, became famous when laptops bearing its sticker turned up filled with pornographic materials featuring its chairman, Hunter, including allegations of supposed inappropriate behavior with underage girls.
There is no understanding the Bidens without understanding Delaware and DuPont. The decline of DuPont was a pivotal moment for Joe Biden’s political career. The Bidens have never been national figures and though Joe, his brother, and his son crisscrossed the world, they were always local grifters. DuPont’s troubles caused them to turn to China.
Hunter Biden’s firm had bet on Fisker: one of the companies that the Bidens hoped would replace DuPont. Biden, then Obama’s veep, had announced a $529 million low-interest loan (and another $20 million from the state), to the European electric car company that was supposed to build a massive manufacturing facility in Delaware. Joe Biden had promised that “this is seed money that will return back to the American consumer in billions and billions and billions of dollars in good new jobs.” “It’s our fund that’s in the deal,” Hunter wrote.
An investment banker emailed a congratulations to Hunter on Fisker’s purchase of a former Delaware GM plant and offered a “sincere thanks for any and all help provided concerning Fisker”.
Fisker only sold 2,000 of its ‘Karma’ electric cars and went out of business. Americans lost $139 million on the Biden project. One of the $142,000 cars went to Hunter Biden alongside Leonardo DiCaprio and other connected figures. The car was paid for by a Kazakh businessman allied with the regime and with Putin’s Chechen warlord whom Joe and Hunted Biden dined out with.
With Fisker going under, Hunter turned to Chinese investors. Fisker was gobbled up by Wanxiang. Two executives from the massive Wanxiang Chinese automotive company had met with Joe Biden at the White House that year. Hunter had been financially linked to Wanxiang and an executive who met with Joe Biden emailed Hunter offering to help him get his Fisker fixed.
The fate of Fisker helps shed light on how our national security was sold out with the DuPont deal. Joe and Hunter Biden are far more interested in what’s good for DuPont than what’s good for America. Biden’s decision is likely to increase China’s military edge and weaken our own.
China didn’t have to buy the President of the United States, just the “Senator from DuPont”.
Biden the traitor the real enemy to America and the U.S. Constitution and the M.S. Media bottom feeders deliberate ignored it all like they always do when it comes to defending the Liberal Democrat Globalists
Stephen Bell says
If this doesn’t scream impeachment and prison time for treason nothing does.
Patrick Stumpf says
What is angering me is the fact everyone in Congress back to when Biden was a Senator is, they all knew of corruption of this level had been going on and yet very few are coming out. He’s been at it for forty years and it’s just now coming out. I would consider all who knew and said nothing has committed treason and should be held accountable.
Daniel Greenfield says
Because this stuff is routine in the Senate. Harry Reid, John Kerry, it’s a long list.
David Ray says
Of course Sleaze-bag Biden let the deal sail through. China paid good money for Sleepy’s services, and by God, the CCP continues to get it’s money’s worth.
Makes one wonder if China helped steer the 2020 election to ensure their investment paid off. (The previous gamble on Hillary didn’t pan out, so our enemies may have gotten more proactive.)
Daniel Greenfield says
Buy low, sell high.
Those who got in on the ground floor of the Biden crime family when he seemed a longshot really won the lottery. China, Iran, etc…
Build Biden a Presidential Lie-Brary full of his Pinocchio’s and his acts of Treason against America and its People.
NAVY ET1 says
“We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.”
~ C.S. Lewis
internalexile says
“It’s amazing how many people are shocked by honesty, and how few by deceit.”–Noel Coward
Daniel Greenfield says
All too true.
When we dismiss honor and integrity and believe that everyone who shows them is lying to us because people operate at the lowest common denominator, then we end up with a degenerate society.
Chief says
An even worse one is waiting in the wings.
2Thessalonians 2:8-12 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
RS says
Proverbs 11:20-21. The Lord detests those whose hearts are perverse, but he delights in those whose ways are blameless, 21. Be sure of this: The wicked will not go unpunished, but those who are righteous will go free.
The elites and oligarchs are making big money off the Chinese at the expense of the United States and the American people and next generations. By contrast, evil people only find eternal death, but also miss out on real life on earth.
Zelda says
Great quote. Describes the political world today.
Sally Ann says
Carter sold out the Shah; FDR recognized Moscow and ignored Stalin’s crimes while handingh over Eastern Europe to him; Truman refused to purge the reds out of the government and defended them, he then refused to confront Moscow and Beijing when they invaded Korea; Kennedy removed our missiles from the UK, Italy and Turkey when the Russians bluffed him over Cuba; the Dems got warmongering in Vietnam and got going when the going got rough selling out SE Asia, then handed over Africa and the Middle East; Carter was a disaster; Clinton sold supercomputers and MIRV technology and allowed tens of thousands of reds into secured areas like the Jet Propulsion Labs; but Obama topped them all, he funded Iran with tens of billions, allowed Russian expansion, encouraged radical Islam, weakened our allies, and supported our foes. Brandon is just Obama with his hand up Brandon’s rear.
Mark Dunn says
Two things, first I’d like to know more about that war hero Beau Biden. Second, I’m happy the evil, stupid, fools, running this government have no ammunition. My hope is the forever wars will stop.
The March Hare says
But, in reality, having no ammunition means we are now vulnerable to attack.
CharlieSeattle says
There are not enough Lasers to fill the gap either!
jmstettner says
“Forever Wars” is such a loaded buzz phrase and a convenient knee-jerk talking point. Exactly which wars are Forever Wars? Do you mean “the War on Terrorism” or “the War on Poverty”? When did the idiotic notion that war has a ‘sell-by-date’ instead of a victory condition? This is the sort of weak thinking that allows dictators, tyrants, and flim-flam candidates like Clinton/Obama/Biden to sit in the Oval Office.
Oh dear, this fighting in the Middle East has gone on so long, it’s time we were done. So we turn tail and run, leaving our enemy in place an now in possession of far superior arms than that had before because we were in such a rush to leave, we left all the stuff behind. Forever wars happen because we do not finish what we started.
Cat says
Great article though sickening subject. Also thanks for mentioning the underage girls in pictures on the laptop. Too many times mention of this is omitted from articles on the laptop. Yes, its upsetting, repulsive, and distracting but it is relevant and definitive of what we are dealing with. If we lose our concern for protecting children we lose all.
Kasandra says
Helping China’s military is a long Dem tradition. Didn’t Bill Clinton allow Loral to transfer dual use technology to China that allowed them to MIRV their ICBMs in return for campaign contributions from the Chinese? And didn’t he move the security vetting of such sales out of the Pentagon and into the Dept. Of Commerce headed by his good buddy Ron Johnson? Why, yes, I believe he did. And, as with Biden, nothing but a big yawn from our “news media” and fellow Democrats, although I repeat myself.
Daniel Greenfield says
China bought much of our political class and the Clintons helped inagurate an era of boundless Dem corruption in which the White House was for sale to foreign donors, especially in China.
RS says
Very well said!
Kasandra says
I meant Ron Brown. Had a mental hiccup while typing.
Mo de Profit says
“ When Robert H. Richards IV, a DuPont heir, admitted to raping his 3-year-old daughter, Attorney General Beau Biden defended the judge who refused to lock him up because he has “strong family support” and “will not fare well in prison.”
That’s precisely why he should be in prison.
Daniel Greenfield says
Here’s the judge in the case getting an award from the Hall of Fame of Delaware Women
she’s a feminist heroine, you know and has been amply rewarded for her hard work
“The Honorable Jan R. Jurden, a Delaware native, was appointed to the Superior Court of Delaware in May 2001, and elevated to President Judge of the Superior Court on January 13, 2015”
Capitalist-Dad says
What else would China be paying for?
CA Escapee says
The island of Maui – – via hidden investors – – to build a base! Please someone, with this treachery in Washington on BOTH sides of the aisles, try to convince us that this will NEVER happen!
Justin Swingle says
In 2018 and 2020, Breitbart Senior Contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism. Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’ investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party. PAM KEY
notebeat says
Biden and sadly many of our congress dwellers have been nothing more than long term investments for our enemies.
CA Escapee says
Carlos Hathcock and Chris Kyle left this world way too early!
ed says
He didn’t allow it he sold it
The CCP is getting their monies worth
We must not forget the spy balloon
Sir Peter says
There is no hope for America and the free world until all this is public knowledge and the Biden crime family tried, convicted and shot
Mark Cogley says
You’ve just read it – because it’s public knowledge. The never-stop-lying media will never tell the truth about “public knowledge”. FrontPage has a infinitesimal readership. God bless Daniel Greenfield.
That’s why I refer to them as the enemedia.
Biden and the Democrats loyal lapdogs can no longer keep the truth from us as more Americans turn to other news source then CNN/NYT’s
Ben Golan says
Just like BJ Clinton handed over technology for targeting and launching ICMBs etc. to the CCP.
Rocky McKenzie says
traitor joe the whole bunch belong in a super max