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I admit it. I have biphobia. Every time I go to a classic airshow and a Sopwith Camel swoops overhead clattering like a machine gun, I instinctively duck.
That was a bad joke. But so is this administration.
Statement from President Joe Biden Marking International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia
Have we not enough phobias already? There’s three phobias in that title already and I fear more are coming.
Can’t we just somehow consolidate all of these phobias? Maybe call it Homotransbiphobia? And if we can add Islamophobia in there, it should satisfy everyone.
What is even the point of biphobia?
If someone is already against gay people, are we supposed to believe he’s okay with bisexuals? And vice versa?
But the Biden administration being what it is, we now have a whole foreign policy based around fighting the global scourge of ‘biphobia’.
“Yet we know there is much more to do. LGBTQI+ communities around the world still face hate-fueled violence and discrimination. They still struggle to attain equal access to healthcare, housing, employment, education, and justice. Like all human beings, LGBTQI+ people deserve equality – equal rights, equal citizenship, equal dignity. It is our shared moral responsibility to fight back against homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia, just as we must fight back against all hate-fueled violence, at home and abroad.”
American ships can’t safely transit the Red Sea and our citizens are being held captive in Iran, Gaza, Russia and China.
But at least the Biden administration has a policy to fight against ‘biphobia’ while giving a pass to Hamas.
What is the Hamas policy on bisexuals again?
Phobia is just projection. The brain is either hardwired or has some bad memories of some phenomenon and when that phenomenon is perceived the phobia is activated.
Yes, I recently developed acrophobia, after a lifetime of being reckless around heights. All phobias are irrational.
I hope the two douchebags who down voted me fall off a tall building or cliff. And scream like the bitches they are all the way down.
Phobia meant : fear of.” Now, it means you’re a hater. The left cannot do such distinctions among emotions as hate is their only emotion. This idea of a phobia is based roughly on Freudian concepts. Did they forget Freud was Jewish?
There’s a movie about Freud on I think Netflix right now. Anthony Hopkins in the titular role. “Freud’s Last Session.”
How bad could it be? I’ve never been a Freud fan, though, so I don’t know if I’ll watch it. Siggy was a coke addled quack, you know.
“Phobia”’also implies “fear”. I fear nothing but Almighty God, and certainly not a man who pretends to be a woman
Fear God, and dread nought.
From Roger Kimball “Election of Milei, Wilders and Cogswell Has the Left Worried”:
“Back when Islamists were steering airliners into skyscrapers, beheading journalists, and murdering filmmakers in broad daylight, I was fond of pointing out that “Islamophobia” was a striking misnomer. A “phobia” describes an irrational fear. But what is irrational about fearing people who loudly, repeatedly, ostentatiously declare their intention to destroy you and then follow up on those declarations with murderous actions?”
GRob ….
There you go again ….. trying to use logic and common sense and facts to understand something …
Logic and common sense and facts will soon be literally and officially illegal in America.
It is already verboten in the depraved psychopathic berserk delusional democrat party.
Liberal Democrats/Globalists fear the truth the most it gets in the way of a Globalists UN Lead Government
They just love to project their fear and insecurities on us through a shiny brand new phobia.
They can’t face the reality of their own warped sickness, so we must be the ones who are afraid.
The constant invention of another ‘issue’ is what keeps these guys in power.
Freedom, peace, economic success, working schools, good jobs and a happy and thriving nation does NOTHING to keep these types in power.
They work overtime is getting us to hate and mistrust each other.
Stop voting for them….and then lets’ see what kind of correction we will get.
Trump.🙂THIS November….😁
THIS is what ‘oatmeal for brains’ thinks is important.???😏
Our city’s are crumbling, both morally and economically.
Our kids are being assaulted in the streets because of the religious beliefs of their parents.
Our economy is tanked..
Our military is weak…
Our Freedom Path as outlined by the Founding Fathers has become compromised….and THIS is what he concentrates on???
I don’t think we can wait too much longer to put Trump back in office….It might just be too late for any fix…..
Are you sure he didn’t mean Bidenphobia? There’s a lot of that going around right now, I know I’ve got it! Except it’s not a “Phobia”! Do you want to go through another 4 years of that vicious, Brain-Dead, antisemitic moron? Does anyone?
Didn’t Joe Bite-Me cover this phobia in his “presidential” proclamation of Easter Sunday past as Transgender Appreciation Day?
81 mill. voted for this numbskull !!?? so we are told . they say that people get the govts they deserve . its an indictment on america if that is the case .
I have a legit phobia that USA is lost and if we don’t get President Trump back in the White House in 2025 USA is lost—that is real fear –
I think I have Bidenphobia, but upon reflection it’s entirely rational.
I do believe we have more pressing issues than “bi” anything! There’s that little thing with the TEN MILLION ILLEGALS INVADING OUR NATION that should be addressed – but then maybe a few of them are “bi” so at least THOSE few THOUSANDS will get extra benefits! Inflation – now THERE’S an issue that affects most people – well, except those with “sugar daddies” and “sugar lawyers”! Of all the ISSUES that are IMPORTANT, the “bi” issue falls WAY, WAY down the list for SANE people!
It is instructive that one “phobia” word that the left hasn’t invented is “Christophobia.” Even as I write the word, spell-check doesn’t recognize it and underlines it in red. The reason that the left hasn’t invented that word is because it points right back to their own bigotry.
The problem is we’ve made no attempt to turn this clownish, manipulative terminology back on them.
Petrophobes: people who irrationally hate the oil industry.
Heterophobes: crossdressers and queers who pretend the world is out to get them.
Defensophobic: people who reject the right to arm themselves.
Carnophobes: vegans who never stop whining about your right to eat meat.
Anglophobes: irrational haters who think Whitey is the cause of all their problems.
” They still struggle to attain equal access to healthcare, housing, employment, education, and justice. ”
This, from those on the other side, makes no sense whatsoever. How in the world do people’s sexual habits keep them from registering at a university, going to a hospital or clinic, or renting/buying a house? Silly blather…
It’s a little hard to push the fact that there’s “prejudice” against people who only need to keep private issues private to avoid it, if it was even real –which, obviously, for this reason, it cannot be.
Hmmm, that’s rather queer. Joe and Barack hugging. Is this a trial balloon from 44?