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Biden couldn’t manage to get a Bloomberg gun banner in as head of the ATF, so he’s gotta settle for getting a minion of the billionaire mega-donor ferociously opposed to the 2nd Amendment into a new office.
Biden announced that he’s creating a new Office of Gun Violence Prevention. That’s called crime. But Democrats have gone pro-crime, eliminating bail, lynching cops and legalizing many criminal acts, like robbery, and they keep insisting that thugs shooting people is somehow about the guns, not the crime.
The new Biden Office of Gun Violence Prevention has nothing to do with actually preventing shootings by locking up criminals. Instead, its co-directors are Rob Wilcox, the senior government affairs director of Bloomberg’s Everytown gun ban group, and Greg Jackson, who was caught in a ghetto firefight and decided to blame the guns, not the thugs who shot him, and become an activist.
Jackson has claimed that the Bill of Rights says that “people have the right to protect themselves and their family, but we don’t have the right to bear arms that can decapitate people.” Clearly, Jackson wasn’t shot by anything that could decapitate him so his argument, like most gun control nonsense, is pointless.
Rob Wilcox is the one who matters here. Biden has decided to appoint a top lobbyist for a gun ban group as the co-director of a new office to prevent gun violence.
The agenda here is blatantly extremist. Rather than fighting actual crime, Biden is exploiting the consequences of his party’s pro-crime policies to undermine the Bill of Rights.
Cheryl Barker says
A new Biden-created office to swindle the American taxpayer and attack our rights to self defense.. Rob Wilcox will be awarded a nice 6 figure salary, no doubt.
Jeff Bargholz says
Weapons that can “decapitate” you? How can a gun do that?
Leftists can be extremely irrational, and usually are.
Rob Wlcox needs a swift kick to his (probably tiny) balls. Not that that would be legal under most circumstances
internalexile says
Maybe he was referring to Dirty Harry’s line about the 44 magnum.?
Jeff Bargholz says
That was a good one
“But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do you, punk?”
Cat says
And they utilize Hollywood’s skills to lie to us and they live inside movie scripts and they think we all do so thats probably it.
CowboyUp says
A shotgun shooting turkey rounds(#4) or larger or any medium to large game rifle round pretty much can decapitate someone, so can many large caliber handguns. You’re left with just skin shreds, and skull fragments on the entry side. You might be surprised at what even a little 50 grain 5.56mm can do to a human skull. One removed the bicep of that Ahole in Kenosha. If it had hit his humerus, they probably would have had to remove his arm. But a .30-06, designed in 1906(for black powder) the most popular deer round for much of the 20th century fires a bullet three to four times as heavy, to twice the effective range.
A .44 mag, which I strap on in bear country, will pretty much amputate a limb or take a head off a human, and defeat a lot of body armor. The problem with using it against a human is overpenetration. A .38, .357 Mag, .40 cal, 10mm, or .45ACP are better defending yourself against humans. They’re pretty much designed for it.
NAVY ET1 says
It’s all just as Orwellian as it could be. ‘Office of Gun Violence Prevention’ is clearly the ‘Office of Second Amendment Removal’ with a weapon’s confiscation subset. I only know of a couple of firearms that can “decapitate”, and they’re currently unavailable to the public for purchase…but that doesn’t stop the cartels from owning them and neither will this contrived office.
RMC1000 says
In 1929 the former Soviet Union established gun control and as a result Stalin’s government killed 40 million Soviets.
internalexile says
Similar thing happened under National Socialism in Germany.
Jeff Bargholz says
Mao did the same thing. So did Castro and Pol Pot.
They were quite successful at genocide.
Old Fogey says
Looking forward to the Office of Biden Prevention, starting January 20, 2025.
Jeff Bargholz says
Assuming he’s still vertical by then. I have no doubt he’ll be under nursing home style care or dead by then.
That dolt is a barely moving vegetable.
Kasandra says
We don’t have to worry about anything resulting from this. I read that Kamala Harris has been put in charge of the office.
If those Pinheads cant abide by the U.S. Constitution then they should totally retire from politics and take of Turkey Farming they would be better at it then they would at Politics
Kit_Jefferson says
Once more the liberals are using Sophistry to attempt qualifying an unqualified amendment.
Angel Jacob says
There is no such a thing as Gun Violence. There’s only criminal/terrorist violence.
How about just enforce the existing criminal laws to get rid of the criminals.
Everybody agrees to it, except the criminals themselves, so they make up laws to make it safer for the criminals, and not their intended victims.
Alexander Scipio says
A mature congress with a functioning opposition party would refuse to fund the position and defund the Office of the President until he demonstrates an understanding of the Bill of Rights… Alas….
Alexander Scipio says
So, I guess, Biden thinks (LOL) that we can’ town kitchen knives? Machetes? Garden shears?
These people are appallingly stupid and anti-Constitution. They all need to be removed from office.
You Make Me Sick says
You still can’t have my guns.
Jeff Bargholz says
They can have my gun. My dick in their asses.
Then again, only in writing. They aren’t privy to the real thing.
Tex the Mockingbird says
Where did Biden find this Pea-Brain maybe from under rock or Sitting on a Toadstoll
Disarm all the Bodyguards and Security for the entire UN and D,C. crows teach them how to use The Force to disarm assassins teach assassins to mediate in the forests
Fred A. says
The quote at the top of the article about not having the right to have arms that can decapitate people, does that apply to U.S. law enforcement people and the U.S. military as well?
CowboyUp says
I hear david hogg will be on it too.
So Trump can come in and repopulate it with former NRA officials, other 2nd amendment groups, and crime victim advocates. They can see that existing laws are enforced, the ATF doesn’t abuse its’ power, and state and local governments respect the 2nd, and the rights of firearm manufacturers. Dems will pitch a fit.