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Those still thinking that there is some there there in the Biden brain should take a look at Joe Biden’s cheerfully inane shout-out, at the White House Eid dinner (apparently it will now be an annual event), to Congresswomen Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, who are most famous for their antisemitism and anti-Israel views. Apparently none of that bothers Biden, who was pleased to give a shout-out to both members of the Squad, even calling Omar “beautiful.” He did not directly describe Rashida Tlaib, with her hate-contorted face, as “beautiful,” but only gave her a piggyback compliment: “Congresswoman Tlaib….So do you!” (Biden has some limits to his lies). Robert Spencer wrote about Biden’s quite bizarre appearance at the Eid al-Fitr event held in the East Room of the White House here, with a related story here. More on the event can be found here: “‘You look beautiful tonight,’ Biden tells Omar, Tlaib at White House Eid al-Fitr,” JNS, May 1, 2023:
At a reception in the White House’s East Room celebrating Eid al-Fitr, which concludes Ramadan, on Monday evening, President Joe Biden complimented two female members of Congress known for antisemitic statements on their looks.
“Congresswoman Omar. Where are you, Congresswoman Omar?” Biden asked, per an official White House transcript, although in video footage, he appeared to say “congressman.” Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) made her location known.
“There you go. God love you,” Biden said, to laughter. “I’m not supposed to—I’ll get in trouble for saying this, but you look beautiful tonight.” After the applause died down, he kept going.
“And Congresswoman Tlaib. Where’s—where’s the congresswoman? There you are. Okay. So do you!” he said, with the official transcript again correcting his apparent references to “congressman.”
Apparently this “sexist remark” was just fine coming from a Democrat; imagine the uproar if a Republican – say, Ron DeSantis – while addressing a group of supporters, had singled out for appreciative comment the physical appearance of this or that good-looking female in the audience. The sexist pig! But there’s been nary a syllable of criticism for Biden’s crude wolf-whistle in words. Nor has anyone criticized Biden for singling out such antisemitic creatures for praise.
Omar’s history of antisemitic remarks includes her claiming Israel “hypnotized the world” and that Jews buy congressional control (“It’s all about the Benjamins”). She has likened Israel, which she calls an “apartheid state,” to terrorist groups Taliban and Hamas.
In singling out Omar for praise of her looks, and then directing the same remarks, unconvincingly, to her unpleasant-looking colleague Rashida Tlaib – praise that was uncalled for and was most undignified — Biden also was deliberately overlooking their sinister record of antisemitic remarks. In Omar’s case, these include her attacks on American Jews who, through AIPAC, supposedly buy support for Israel through campaign contributions. This was the meaning of her assertion that “it’s [pro-Israel Congressmen] all about the Benjamins.” Omar was apparently unaware that AIPAC does not make political contributions. Omar has called Israel an “apartheid state,” a calumny easily refuted by looking at the Arabs in the Knesset, on the israeli Supreme Court, in the diplomatic corps,. And she has further likened Israel (and the United States) to the Taliban and the terror group Hamas, when she tweeted the video of a question she had asked Secretary of State Blinken during a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing. Her caption on the tweet read: “We have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the U.S., Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban.” Her Democratic colleagues in the House were outraged at her putting Israel and the U.S. on the same moral plane as the terror groups Taliban and Hamas. She quite unconvincingly insisted that she had been “misunderstood.”
Yet here is the President, cheerfully praising — “God love you!” – Ilhan Omar. In Biden’s confused and darkening mind, Omar has done nothing wrong. From her frequent antisemitic and anti-Israel remarks, to her scandalous use of almost all of her campaign funds to pay her husband, Washington operative Tim Mynett, who doubled as her “campaign consultant,” to her brother/husband immigration fiddle-faddle, surely there was enough there for him to have prudently refrained from offering her such undignified full-throated praise. But Biden’s handlers were not on the dais at the Eid dinner to keep him from improvising: “Congresswoman Omar. Where are you, Congresswoman Omar? There you go. God love you. I’m not supposed to—I’ll get in trouble for saying this, but you look beautiful tonight.”
Yes, let us hope that Biden’s thoughtless outburst does indeed get him “in trouble for saying this.” He’s earned it.
God plays a game of Tough Love Biden the Blunder
Jew haters and anti-Semites from different religions and cultures will always find each other.
“Biden at White House Eid Ceremony Tells Ilhan Omar ‘God Love You’.” Biden’s butt kissing knows no bounds when his wokism surfaces. Biden does not realize that he & his Democrats have no God. That is why they oppose prayer in school, push full term abortions, and other godless policies. Their idol that they do worship is big government.
God love you? Which one Joe?
Yeah, exactly. That is what struck me. What is her conception of God? Not the Christian conception of God that Biden presumably has. If he had said “Allah love you” that might have been appropriate 🙂
Actually God does love them but they have rejected His love and salvation.
The vile, Jew-hating bigot and Muslim supremacist, Tlaib, is ugly within, and, without. And, fellow bigot and Muslim supremacist, Omar, is just as vile and ugly.
My thoughts exactly. Thank you for expressing what we all are thinking.