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Yesterday I wrote that Biden had allowed the Houthis to win by refusing to take any affirmative action against the Iran-backed Jihadis operating in Yemen and attacking shipping in the Red Sea.
“US Naval personnel were only allowed to fire on the Houthis when fired on. They did not have authorization to fire when the Houthis were firing on the Maersk Hangzhou or on what were clearly enemy vessels, but only defensively in response to attacks on the US Navy.”
An NBC News account of inside deliberations in the Biden administration reveals that Biden refused to approve any follow-up response.
“According to the officials, U.S. Central Command provided Defense Department leaders with options for an additional military response after the incident, and the Pentagon sent those options to senior White House officials. Biden, who was on vacation in St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands, did not approve an additional military response.”
Military leaders probably wanted to at least carry out some minimal strikes on Houthi bases. Nope.
Now the Biden administration and its Red Sea coalition issued yet another threat warning of “consequences.”
We hereby reiterate the following and warn the Houthis against further attacks…
“Let our message now be clear: we call for the immediate end of these illegal attacks and release of unlawfully detained vessels and crews. The Houthis will bear the responsibility of the consequences should they continue to threaten lives, the global economy, and free flow of commerce in the region’s critical waterways. We remain committed to the international rules-based order and are determined to hold malign actors accountable for unlawful seizures and attacks.”
Accountable and consequences. Words to terrify any bureaucrat. Not so much international terrorists.
Biden has pledged nothing, committed to nothing and therefore threatened nothing. Instead, he’s allowed Iran to hold the world’s shipping hostage.
Banastre Tarleton says
Israel will smash them when they smash Hezbollah
Laura ann says
The US military is a joke, has become incompetent and timid. They have done everything that fails since 1950 and lost every war since. They kow tow to the enemy and look like idiots. Anyone who would join the circus (service) now is a fool. Young men and women need to learn a skilled trade and join a union for a real job. Many are retireeing and jobs are available.
CowboyUp says
Eff unions, I don’t work at half speed and can negotiate my own compensation becaise I am skilled at my trade..
Jeff Bargholz says
Fucking Dirtbagocrats. Both their domestic and foreign policies never change and they never work, yet knee-jerk fanatics continue to vote for them and support every crime they commit. How many times does disaster after failure have to occur before retards are jarred out of Their conformist behavior? Acute Dirtbagocrat supporters are The most toxic people in America because they support the most toxic sociopolitical policies and trends imaginable without consideration. “Woke” ideology? Seriously? Weakling Houthies running wild with impunity?
It’s past time we admitted that even though we love our left-wing friends and family members, they’re pathogens who enable the downfall of America every chance they get. It’s past time we acted on the reality in front of us.
Those Hamas and Houthi pussies are allowed to run wild? are you kidding me? And they’re actually supported by the “woke” contingent of the left in the West? And real Americans tolerate that shit?
I notice Chinese commercial ships cruise through the Red Sea with no problems. That’s because as evil as the CCP is, it doesn’t suffer from “wokeness.” It puts islamopithecines in reeducation camps where they belong when they’re allowed to live.
The way normal Americans coddle the toxic and minority left-wing in America makes me ashamed to be an American. In a sane or even just country, the Dirtbagocrat political party would be subjected to a well earned French styled reign of terror, and our Dirtbagocrat friends and family members would be stifled, preferably by bitch slaps.
But America is lost. Alzheimer Joe Beijing Biden is the harbinger of Post America, as corny as that sounds. And when mass election fraud puts him back on his puppet throne, will any of you pussies revolt? Of course not.
Algorithmic Analyst says
The ChiComs harvest organs from living islamopithecines.
Jeff Bargholz says
O.K., that’s very bad and I don’t condone it any more than I condone the Chicoms harvesting organs from their own “people,” fellow “Han” Chinese.
But I know what you mean. The Chinese government is irredeemably evil. As bad as the islamopithecines are, I don’t want their guts ripped out. That’s the type of thing they do, not civilized people.
Jeff Bargholz says
Whoever down voted me blows zombies on street corners and has an “entry only” asshole.
NAVY ET1 says
…but at least he got some sun while in St. Croix. That fried face now matches his fried brain.
Look…we torture ourselves with the “why he didn’t” do this or that. When EACH and EVERY decision (and I mean 100%) made by this fake administration has been the exact opposite response to any and all situations, we no longer need to ask.
I watched a 61 year old ‘Outer Limits’ episode last night that was basically a sci-fi retelling of the ‘Manchurian Candidate’. Joe was written all over it. The only difference being, it was 1963 and we always caught the bad guy in the end before any damage could be done. How naive we were back then.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, that red fried face was insane. Well, the skin cancer probably won’t hit until after his best by date.
CowboyUp says
Oh, he’s way past his best by date, lol. I’m not sure he really ever had one. He’s always been a lying schmoozing moron.
Jeff Bargholz says
I saw that episode! I’ve seen them all, actually. “The Hundred Days of the Dragon,” although I had to web search the title.
“The Outer Limits” had some great stories, even though the special effects and costumes were laughable. It inspired countless and cool Speculative Fiction stories and comic books. The second version in the 90s was also excellent, although rather dark. It even had an episode with aliens bent on world control that tied into previous episodes about aliens, even the Martian Sand Kings from the first episode.
Good stuff.
The 1963 Version of The Outer Limits remember the opening lines? WE ARE CONTROLING TRANSMISSION and the Monsters and Creatures
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, people reportedly fell for those lines like people reportedly fell for the Orson Welles radiocast of “War of the Worlds.”
So dose Biden want another Pearl Harbor Incident? He is already in Hot Water with Hawaii
Kasandra says
Our oatmeal-brained President broadcasts his weakness and lack of resolve on a daily basis. This won’t have good results. On the other hand, it may get him a couple of votes in Dearborn, MI, Cambridge, MA, and Berkeley, CA, but, hey, what is more important, the standing of the U.S. in the world or Biden’s vote tally in November?
CowboyUp says
I don’t think he’s doing it for votes. Those people will vote for him no matter what. Besides, he’s depending on ballots, not votes.. This is normal democrat excusing, when not supporting our enemies, while damaging and diminishing us in any way they can. There’s some infighting withing the administration, but this only goes one way. If it were merely incompetence or political calculation, they’d err in America’s favor on occasion.
MuggsSpongedice says
Joe Briben is a treasonous enemy of the USA and needs to be removed and all crooked Quid Pro Joe’s puppet masters need to be brought down!
CowboyUp says
And here I was just complaining about “proportionate response,” to attacks in Iraq, but they aren’t even doing that against the Houthis.
We don’t actually know who’s running our foreign policy right now. It sure isn’t biden, and valerie ran it when obama was president. I don’t hear anything from her these days.
Sword of The Spirit says
If you think Houthi is kray-zee wait til they call out the BlowFish………
BLSinSC says
I thought the PURPOSE of having our fleets there was to PROTECT shipping! This should not happen – not to the most POWERFUL Nation on the Planet by a bunch of pissants!! When the FIRST attack took place there should have been a RESPONSE. A “moderate” response that resulted in destroying 90% of the houthi “navy” and bases! You don’t stop crap like this by sitting back and allowing them to go up to a “point” before you act! We need to have the POLICY that we will NOT engage in “tit for tat” with ANYONE – if you mess with us you will simply cease to exist! When the WORLD understands that and a few other DECENT Nations do the same all these misfits will calm down or simply cease to exist – works for me either way!
Jeff Bargholz says
Rodney was so fucking funny. “Easy Money” is the best comedy of all time. “Hubie Halloween” is a close second.
Jeff Bargholz says
I think you have a secret crush on Big Don. Careful or he’ll replace Daniel Day Lewis in your lust bucket.
CowboyUp says
Thanks for that Una. Rodney is one of faves.