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Whatever you think about abortion, these “sanctuary state” tactics raise troubling questions. Especially when they’re being implemented by the federal government.
States do have the right to enforce their laws. And without Roe v. Wade, this administration is looking to use bureaucratic shenanigans and abuse laws not intended for this purpose to sideline state abortion laws.
The new rule, issued through the Office for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, strengthens existing provisions under the Health Insurance Portability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) privacy rule.
It is aimed at protecting women living in states where abortion is illegal who travel out of state to have the procedure done – something thousands of women are already doing, research shows.
The rule also protects healthcare providers, insurers, or other entities which perform or pay for abortions.
“Each and every American still has a right to their privacy, especially when it comes to their very private, very personal health information,” Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra said at a news conference announcing the rule.It specifically bans the use of protected health information related to reproductive care when sought to identify, investigate or punish individuals, providers, or others seeking to obtain, provide, or otherwise facilitate reproductive healthcare such as abortions.
Media Newspeak aside, this isn’t strengthening anything. It’s abusing HIPAA to suppress cooperation with state laws and law enforcement.
This is the very definition of lawlessness.
There’s a D-Bag commercial which portrays a woman being pulled over by a cop and forced to take a pregnancy test so she could be arrested for traveling from a state where infanticide is illegal to a state where murdering babies is legal for an “abortion.” (What a Nazi like term.)
Only a die-hard D-Bag supporter could watch it without saying WTF!? And last I knew, pregnancy tests required women to pee on a strip, so double WTF!?
So what will Biden the Worst be Crowned and declared as our Absolute Monarch and have his Imperial Storm Troopers in their White Armor confiscating and Guns and Gas Ranges?
“States do have the right to enforce their laws.”
They do NOT have the right to prevent residents from traveling to another state to have procedures done which are legal in that state.
Not necessarily. …
Try going to another state to buy cigarettes to escape the sales tax …
See how that goes for ya’
Are you really saying a person cannot go to another state, buy cigarettes there and smoke them? Do you really think a woman traveling to another state to get an abortion is the same as traveling to another state and bringing a truckload of cigarettes back to your own state in order to avoid a tax?
No moron, he’s informing you that people cross state lines to save money on cigarettes, often to resell them in their home state, and it’s illegal. And smokers tend to buy their cancer sticks by the cartons. Which you then admit with your “truckload of cigarettes” sentence. DERP.
NO WOMAN is any danger from traveling to another state to murder her baby, which is also the powerless father’s baby. That’s why your claims are so idiotic. There is no law against that.
So pray to your god, Moloch, because 2,138 babies have been murdered so far today.
The notion that there are states which prevent women from traveling to other states for “abortions” is beyond ridiculous.
NBC? The National Disinformation Company? Are you a retard or something? Idaho does not prevent its Medea’s from traveling to infanticide states.
While I might be more ecumenical about the enforcement of state laws …
We’ve seen this movie before with the “full faith and credit” scam. California passes a Lefty “law” – some nonsense pulled from the faculty lounge … and Texas passes a conflicting law based on common sense …
… and presto … in any case between Cali and Texas residents …
… which law applies? Of course … it’s the Lefty Law …
Obviously, Cali law applies to Cali residents in Cali …, and Cali law applies to Texas residents in Cali … but through the one-way, lop-sided logic of Leftism …
… Cali law also applies to Cali residents in Texas, and Cali law applies to Texas residents in Texas … (because they were unfortunate enough to be engaged with a Cali resident) …
Libtards have no idea what this means, but I already know because I’ve seen it in action under environmental regulation, family laws, and contractual obligations.
Think about what this means to doctors who refuse to do abortions in Texas … national and international associations can pull their certifications and licenses. Out-of-state corporations can deny them access to facilities, lab tests, and support equipment. Baby-killer AGs can also seize their out-of-state assets or put them through law-fare harassment.
And, of course, hiding abortion data required by the state … protects the child molesters, pimps, rapists, and abusers who force their victims to seek an abortion to destroy the evidence of their sexual assault.
… I could go on and on and on … but this is no place for a blog.
G-d save us from the baby killers.
Biden blocks the ANWR for Fossil Fuels Biden approves of Abortion typical just like Clinton(Bill)a typical liberal Democrats who blocks off logging to protect Pine Martens but approves of Abortion. Biden not Trump is the King Herod the Pope is a a phony
Dems and rinos did away with medical privacy for covid. They chucked it right out the window for the wants of the party at the moment.
Yes and they did the exact opposite with AIDS back in the 90s. Forced medical privacy on anybody tested and pretended AIDS wasn’t a gay men disease. I took a test back tthen because my dumbass girlfriend asked me to and the clinic refused to put my name on it! To “protect” me. Proof that I didn’t have AIDS was the only reason I took the test.
I just wrote my name onto the form.