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Just after Old Joe Biden announced that he wants to keep inflicting pain on the American people until Jan. 20, 2029, he gave us new confirmation of the fact that he is not in charge, and that his whole presidency is as fake as his version of his life story. At a White House press conference with South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol on Wednesday, Biden carelessly let his cheat notes be seen, revealing that the press conference was a sham, as the sham president was given the questions beforehand.
Imagine the hue and cry if Trump, who faced withering contempt and false accusations from establishment media propagandists throughout his presidency, had been caught with notes showing that the whole thing was more socialist kabuki theater than an opportunity to allay the concerns and answer the questions of the free press. But the same media sycophants who play along with Old Joe’s president act by pretending to be actual reporters aren’t going to turn around and blow the whistle on the whole charade.
Fox News, however, had the story Wednesday, reporting that during the Rose Garden event with Yoon Suk Yeol, “a photographer captured a small cheat-sheet in the president’s hand signaling he had advanced knowledge of a question from Los Angeles Times journalist Courtney Subramanian.” The card Biden was holding was marked “Reporter Q & A, April 26, 2023.” Underneath that was “Question #1,” followed by a photo of Courtney Subramanian and the legend “Courtney Subramanian [Soo-bruh-MAIN-ee-an]. Los Angeles Times.” Despite having the prompt about how to pronounce Subramanian, Joe didn’t dare risk it, and settled for calling her “Courtney.”
The card then gave the question Ms. Unpronounceable was going to ask: “How are YOU squaring YOUR domestic priorities — like reshoring semiconductors manufacturing — with alliance-based foreign policy?” In the event, Subramanian asked a more detailed question, but one that stuck to the overall thrust of the question on Old Joe’s cheat sheet: “Your top economic priority has been to build up U.S. domestic manufacturing in competition with China, but your rules against expanding chip manufacturing in China is hurting South Korean companies that rely heavily on Beijing. Are you damaging a key ally in the competition with China to help your domestic politics ahead of the election?”
Old Joe evidently had ample time to prepare an answer that was just as canned as the question. Fox notes that “in March 2022, Biden displayed a list of prepared answers during a White House news briefing after his ’this man cannot remain in power’ comment about Russian President Vladimir Putin, which raised questions about his support for regime change in Russia.” And there is much more of this. Biden himself has acknowledged on numerous occasions that he isn’t really doing the job.
One indication of this is the nameless superiors to whom he has alluded more than once. In August 2022, he said: “I took control. I shouldn’t do that. I’m not allowed to do that.” Not allowed by whom? In June 2021 at the G7 Summit, Biden said: “I’m sorry, I’m going to get in trouble with staff if I don’t do this the right way.” Get in trouble? Pull rank on ‘em, Joe! At a press conference in Nov. 2021, he gave the impression that he was not supposed to take too many questions: “I can take… I’m going to get in real trouble… this is the last question I’m taking.”
On Sept. 8, 2021, Biden announced, “I‘m supposed to stop and walk out of the room.” On Aug. 30, 2021, he told a reporter, “I’m not supposed to take any questions, but go ahead,” but when the question turned out to involve his catastrophic mishandling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, he said: “I’m not gonna answer Afghanistan now,” and walked away. On June 19, 2021, Biden told reporters: “I’ll take your questions, and as usual, folks, they gave me a list of the people I’m going to call on.” Then in June 2022, according to Fox, “reporters captured a cheat sheet at a White House meeting with cabinet members detailing specific instructions for the president. ‘YOU enter the Roosevelt Room and say hello to participants,’ the first bullet point read. ‘YOU take YOUR seat.’”
Who writes these instructions? Who writes the press conference questions? Who writes the answers? Why does the press play along? Who’s really running the show and preparing the scripts for Old Joe to stumble through? The worst part is that no one in the establishment media is even asking these questions.
C’mon man, that’s just a list of people that I should sniff a little. They all owe Hunter some greenbacks.
It’s been known from the start, that this doddering idiot has had crib notes to help him stumble his way through a press conference.
(That’s not new, but the obvious examples added in this article are much appreciated.)
What’s interesting is the added fact that this grifting fraud blurts out loud so often his handler’s involvement. Oops!
It lends merit to the fact that when the fool said “the most exhaustive & inclusive voter FRAUD system in history”, that it was indeed a Freudian slip. Oops!
More interesting is this article adds further confirmation to how the press are willing participants themselves; complicit in DNC agitprop.
Independent free-thinkers they are not.
Group-think lackeys they’ve always been – but now slavishly submitting themselves to taking direct orders.
That whole Q&A was as choreographed as any Kabuki play. If you watch the video of it the WH assistant with the microphone was heading to Ms. Subramanian before Biden even called on her to recite her lines. And our media put up with such abuse from the Biden maladministration every single day without complaint.
What they get for stealing the election
Someone should ask Obama that question!
Compassion remains a a virtue, in spite of the savage misrepresentations of the troglodyte reactionactionaries of the Right.
Biden discretely assists those struggling in their pursuit of a decent living for their beloved families by mastering the reporting trade, and he gets accused of something, anything, in a desperate smear to detract from the stream of improvements flowing to American’s working class.
These people have no shame. Just like that invented “laptop from hell” nonsense. Just like that would even be possible.