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Biden’s Hawaii visit stank of tackiness from the vacation outfit to the low-energy campaign style. Rather than coming as a national leader offering help, Biden used the devastation to prance around looking like the finishing act on Hawaii Night at a senior center. And still it got even worse.
On the Biden scale of lies, the kitchen fire of 2004 doesn’t even begin to compare to his lie that his son died in Iraq or that he fought for civil rights, but it’s still a Biden standard that he repeats all the time.
Later in his remarks, the president added: “And I know, having had a house burn down with my wife in it — she got out safely, God willing — that having a significant portion of it burn, I can tell: 10 minutes makes a hell of a difference.”
The line about “having a significant portion of it burn” matches what Biden said in a 2013 speech in which he thanked firefighters and EMTs who “got my wife out” from the fire sparked by lightning.
However, at the time of the 2004 blaze, fire officials told the Associated Press that the lightning strike merely caused a small fire that was contained to the kitchen.
“Luckily, we got it pretty early,” Cranston Heights Fire Company Chief George Lamborn told the wire service, noting there were no injuries from the blaze.
Politicians lie all the time, but if there’s a place not to tell that story, it’s at the scene of devastating fires where the official death toll is up to 115 and likely to rise a lot higher considering the number of missing people.
Biden compared a small kitchen fire he once had in his home, to thousands of Maui residents losing their entire homes, cars, and possessions.
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 22, 2023
But Joe Biden just can’t help himself.
President Biden, while visiting the fire-ravaged remains of Maui, said he knows what it is like to lose a home, recalling that 15 years ago lightning started a fire in his residence in Delaware.
“I don’t want to compare difficulties, but we have a little sense, Jill and I, of what it was like to lose a home,” Biden said. “Years ago, now, 15 years, I was in Washington doing ‘Meet the press’… Lightning struck at home on a little lake outside the home, not a lake a big pond. It hit the wire and came up underneath our home, into the…air condition ducts.
“To make a long story short, I almost lost my wife, my 67 Corvette, and my cat,” the president added.
Not to mention his mind.
Biden doesn’t want to “compare difficulties” with people who lost homes and lives. But he can’t help telling his tall tale anyway. At least he didn’t claim to have lost his son in a fire in WWII in Iraq.
Get him off script and he’s liable to say something that his handlers have to scramble to deal with.
I know, right? What a lying retard. He might as well have pissed on the remains of Maui people’s homes and graves. He’d probably need his nurse caregivers to get his diapers off, though.
The “aboriginal” people there should return to tradition and throw the ugly old buzzard into a volcano.
But hey, doesn’t America feel great because the senile dotard showed up for a photo op? I know I’m relieved. He’s such an inspiration to all of us. 🙂
“67 Corvette.” He had to throw that in. Always pretending he’s one of the guys.
Many have lost their homes, are out of work. Lives are ruined.
Joe Biden is a fecal stain on America.
I talk to people. I’ve never come across so much raw hatred toward one human being. I’ve seen signs, big banners, in yards: “F**K Joe Biden.” The mood in our country is getting ugly.
You’re not one of “the guys” Joe, you’re the most hated person in America.
It’s clear to everyone, especially our foreign adversaries, the Biden’s senility gets worse by the week and that he certainly is not the legitimate president of the United States. But who is the defacto president? I assume our Chinese adversaries know while We the People are not allowed to know.
The cringeworthy performance by Biden in Hawaii made me…well, cringe. Sometimes it’s interesting to hear what a senile man says because he lacks the filters of a more lucid man, like the time Biden blurted-out that the Democrats had assembled the most extensive vote-fraud team in history as they went into the ’20 election.
This is what Biden thought was important to note about his experience with fires: “I almost lost my wife, my ’67 Corvette, and my cat.” My first thought was: “Think of all the classified documents that could have been lost in that fire.”
Biden always personalizes tragedy as opposed to showing empathy to a victim of tragedy
Exactly! This is symptomatic of a narcissistic personality – it’s all about Joe, you see, and other people aren’t real to him. Every Leftist is a bit of a narcissist – collectivism requires the negation of all individuals besides the self – but Leftist politicians, driven as they are by greed and power-lust, are extreme cases.
Through in a bit of dementia, particularly loss of self-control, and it’s obvious why Biden does this. It’s not obvious why Americans have tolerated his “presidency”.
“Through” should have been “throw” of course – “throw in a bit of dementia”. I wish we could edit these posts.
The dude is cringe with a capital C. Other than Obama, where even journalists got to the point that they were counting the “I”‘s in each speech, you’d be hard pressed to find a person who makes everything about himself more than Sniffer Joe.
I’d like to join the ranks and make impeachment proceedings about him.
Word of the Day: Bozo. Noun. First known use was in 1916.
1. a foolish or incompetent person.
2. A person who is easily lead and influenced by anyone who appears sympathetic. Bozos will, because of their lack of of understanding of the English language, try and engage in conversation, but in almost all cases will become irritated and abusive due to not understanding what is being said to them. A bozo will make up stories about their achievements, but everyone knows that they are just fabrications. A bozo is not smart enough to know that their lies have been discovered and will continue on prosecuting the lie.
Source: Miriam-Webster Dictionary and Urban Dictionary.
It fits but we must make sure to mention that this does not include Bozo the Clown. Unlike this Bozo, BtC performed a useful service.
I watched “bozo the Clown” when I was a kid. My mother hated that show but she let me and my brother watch it. We also watched “The Lawrence Welk show,” which she also hated.
Thanks to mom for letting us be kids. Most of the time.
The question is: did the citizens of Maui fall for Biden’s narcissistic BS? I’ve read that he was booed and I hope that was the case. It seems that booing is all America has left, so let’s hear more of it whenever the bozo shows up.
The fires are the results of allowing the Eco-Freaks to manage the EPA and the rest of this and we need to put those Eco-Freaks on the Fire do the can learn some real responsibility
If there is One Thing that “The LibTurds”have MASTERED,it’s making SPECIOUS COMPARISONS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joe Biden would watch a man tied to stakes on the ground being attacked by fire ants and say, “I had an aunt, ,,, I even had two aunts., but you are a lucky man…to have so many.”
The Lei is a nice P.R. touch around his neck. Is this some sort of Hawaiian festive occasion ? I thought the Hawaiian’s celebrated pig roasts, not human roasts…. No Joe, you do not know what is like to have friends and loved ones burned to death and beyond recognition because of Government incompetence and stupidity. Cars can be replaced people cannot. Most disturbing is president dim’s handlers have no problem continuing to trot him out to make an ass of himself. Fraud elections have consequences, one of them is zero accountability for the fraud victors.
The Lei is a nice P.R. touch around his neck. Is this some sort of Hawaiian festive occasion ? I thought the Hawaiian’s celebrated pig roasts, not human roasts…. No Joe, you do not know what is like to have friends and loved ones burned to death and beyond recognition because of Government incompetence and stupidity. Cars can be replaced people cannot. Most disturbing is president dim’s handlers have no problem trotting him out to make an ass of himself. Fraud elections have consequences, one of them is zero accountability for the fraud victors.
Biden is the type that would think that consoling a parent who just lost their child would be cheered up by telling them that he once had a cat that died.
Good grief, theres no comparison in what happened to Biden and the people in Lahaina who lost everything. They need help, not words. At least Biden had a home to live in, a vet, and a pet. Come on man. Turn him lose and you never know what you might hear.