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Friday was a day that ended in a “y,” and so it was another occasion for leftist virtue-signaling. Old Joe Biden’s ghostwriter wrote on X: “On the International Day to Combat Islamophobia, we recognize the hate that Muslims face because of their beliefs and the ugly resurgence of Islamophobia following the war in Gaza. Let us rededicate ourselves to a world where people of all faiths are free to live without fear.” Biden hasn’t said a word, however, about the hate that Jews face from Muslims themselves. And it’s no wonder: such talk would clash with the left’s narrative.
In that narrative, Muslims are always and in every case victims, no matter what the actual circumstances may be. Among the chief propagators of this narrative are Muslim leaders themselves, who have perfected in the two decades since 9/11 the language of grievance that they know opens doors for them among the political and media elites. And so on Monday, Ibrahim Hooper of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) declared that Biden’s statement wasn’t good enough: “From Joe Biden on down, liberals denounce anti-Muslim bias to avoid mentioning the scourge of hate against #Palestinians. #Gaza #genocide @theintercept.”
Hooper included that last tag because he linked to a Monday article in The Intercept entitled “Let’s Name It: Not Just Islamophobia, but Anti-Palestinianism.” This article leads off with three alleged incidents of “Islamophobia,” at least one of which, the killing of three Muslim college students in Vermont, has nothing actually to do with hatred of Muslims at all. The killer had, in fact, defended Hamas, and so there was no evidence whatsoever that his murders had to do with “anti-Palestinian hate.”
Neither Biden, nor Hooper, nor The Intercept, meanwhile, had anything to say the genuine hatred that is coming out of U.S. mosques. The indispensable Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) recently reported that an imam in Miami, Dr. Fadi Yousef Kablawi, said this in a Friday sermon on March 8: “Allah revealed to the messengers, instantly: ‘We will defeat the oppressors, and We will make you the dwellers of their land, of their homes.’…By Allah, those settlements that they built, by Allah we will live in them.…By Allah, we will seize [them]. By Allah, we will enjoy [them]. By Allah we will live in [them]. If it is not us, our children will live in [them]. By Allah, the law of Allah and the shari’a of Allah will rule the land.”
This amounted to a prediction of the total destruction of Israel, which would mean a new genocide of the Jews, and Kablawi wasn’t finished. He prayed: “Oh Allah, support their mujahideen. Oh Allah, guide their shooting. Oh Allah, support them with our soldiers. Oh Allah, bring annihilation upon enemies of Islam. Oh Allah, bring annihilation upon the accursed Zionists. Oh Allah, curse them and then curse them some more. Oh Allah, heal the breasts of the believers.” The last part was the most ominous. The Qur’an tells Muslims to act as executors of the wrath of Allah, as the Qur’an directs Muslims to do: “Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, and he will lay them low and give you victory over them, and he will heal the hearts of people who are believers. And he will remove the anger of their hearts.” (Qur’an 9:14-15).
Will someone hear Kablawi’s words and decide to heal the anger in his heart by doing his part for the “annihilation” of the “enemies of Islam”?
Meanwhile, at the Islamic Center of Warren, Michigan, Imam Abdou Alwaly Zindani recently preached: “One Jewish man in New York was talking to a Palestinian businessman. First, the [Palestinian] said: ‘Don’t worry, Jewish man. One day will come, and we will slaughter you like a sheep and the stone and the tree will work undercover with us. They will tell us: ‘Hey Muslim, come. Somebody is hiding here, get up and kill him.”
Zindani was referring to an Islamic tradition in which Muhammad is depicted as saying: “The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.” (Sahih Muslim 2922)
If a Jewish rabbi or Christian preacher had said of Muslims that “one day we will slaughter you like sheep,” which would not happen and should not happen, the outcry would be immense. But will the Biden regime’s “Justice” Department act against Zindani or Kablawi? Come on, man! That would be “Islamophobic”!
Moshe says
One significant factual error in the article — it refers to three Muslim Students having been “killed” in Vermont and describes their killer”. There were NO Muslim Students killed in Vermont. They were shot, not killed, but with one reportedly being paralyzed from the waist down. This error in the article needs to be corrected, because as bad as the incident was, it makes it sound much worse and plays into the hands of those fictionalizing islamophobia in the US.
Say No to Liberalism and Open Borders Vote out the Democrats in November and vote Biden off the Island
Mo de Profit says
There are far more Palestinian flags flying around the UK than British ones.
Islamophobia my armpit.
Chief Mac says
I condemn Islamofascism and all supporters of the genocidal, supremacist terror cult. It must be erased from the planet like the Nazis were and for the same reason
Old Fogey says
“Islamophobia” is commonly used to describe antipathy against the votaries of Mohammed. Phobia is fear, not distaste or disgust. It is only rational to dislike the behavior of the followers of Islam, because their creed is antithetical to human decency, freedom, and faith in a real God. It is also rational to fear the followers of Islam, because their ardent believers loot, rape, and murder “infidels” and one another with the certainty their actions are ordained.
Ecumenical religious followers of the living God, idiots like the Resident of the United States, and “why can’t we all just get along” non-playing characters, all invite Mohammed’s gang to invade and usurp our culture. Islam is at war with civilization, and since its birth in the 9th Century, has done a remarkable job of winning.
George says
October 7th massacre proved that Islamophobia is totally justified.
CowboyUp says
Oct 7 proved yet again there’s no phobia of islam.
Steve Chavez says
Strange that TWO MILLION MUSLIMS live in Israel and have the equal Rights. How many Jews live in Arab countries and have the same Rights? But…. Israel better be careful due to free and open elections since Muslims are now running for office, and winning, “First Muslim blah blah blah,” Democrats love Firsts, and once they gain power, they use it to deny others of the same. “Hamas was elected by the people.” “Omar/The Squad was elected.” Look at their rise but also look at their Oath and won’t defend it!
Steve says
There were one million Jews in the Arab World prior to 1948. Today there are fewer than 5,000. There are Jewish populations numbered in single digits in Egypt, Iraq, Yemen and Syria and none at all in Libya, Lebanon (thanks especially to the “moderate” PLO and Hezbollah), Sudan and Algeria. Most are in “tolerant” Morocco, which has a Jewish population that is less than one hundredth what it was in 1948.
Biden will have no “Come to Jesus” meeting with Muslims about their ethnic cleansing and intolerance.
Steve Chavez says
WELL, THEIR LEADERS WERE ELECTED! Now our college student governments are being run by Muslims…. “The First Muslim oh so exciting for Diversity.” Try being a Jew or MAGA on any campus today!
Robert L. Kahlcke says
God Bless Israel and God Bless America, those that don’t agree can can kiss my white ass.
Angel Jacob says
Islamophobia is a badge of honor.
It’s a given Biden would side with terrorists. They are the ones who enabled the fraud.
Robert L. Kahlcke says
Joey (The Chin) Bidino, is an Operative of The Democrat Communist Criminal Terrorist Organization.
Geronimo says
I’ve yet to see any evidence of Islamophobia. I’ve seen plenty of Jew-phobia though.
Chris Shugart says
OK, I’m easy to get along with. From here on out, I will no longer express anything that might be misconstrued as islamophobia. I’ll be more generic, and make an effort to be totally inclusive. I’m opposed to any and all religious/political fanatics who seek to imprison or kill me–of any color, creed, or sexual orientation. I can’t be any more reasonable than that.
jerry glenn says
USA surges in the international Islamopandering derby.
Keith Reese says
How about we condemn Biden…..what a worthless piece ** ** ****.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
He either is not able to discern the difference between Islam and Christianity, or he does and works for Islam. Either way, he is a mutant in America and should be thrown out.
Funny says
With a President like Biden, you know America will fail. With the vote fraud that occurred in 2020, you know Biden will win another four years. Too bad for America. Just think another eight million illegal aliens by December 2028. Another six to eight trillion dollars added to the national debt pushing that debt past 40 trillion dollars. . More protests, especially by illegal aliens, wanting more free stuff from Uncle Sam. Add a riot or two, more crime, more inflation, then you will have a really good chance that America will collapse.
That will be the end of America as it breaks up into several new countries, along racial, religious, or ethnic groups. Now that will be very funny.. New flags, new holidays, new national language for the new nations..
No more being a big power on a global scale.
Ron Kelmell says
The Dhimmi professional politicians now running D.C. seem to be enemies of those that were foolish enough to elect their ilk.
TRex says
Biden is right there with LBJ and Woodrow Wilson in the racist derby. He is as qualified to call out islamophobia as I am to teach quantum physics. He needs Michigan so islamophobia it is, for now. He’s a master “whichever way the wind blows” liar without a conscience or a soul. Unfortunately, all the leftist voters really know about him, or care to know, is he’s not Trump.
Ron Kelmell says
I wonder if the United States will be called upon again to save Europe from the invasion of primitive, superstitious pagans who think their demon deity is great?
u can have the Pb 1st says
keep sucking muslim dick & swallowing, asshole
Jojo says
Barack Obama, employee of the United Nations and the WEF, runs the dog king Biden. Biden of course, is a loony old man who needs to read off cards to finish a sentence. I have an idea: impeach Obama, run IRS audits on Obama, sic private detectives on Obama to follow him around. .End Obama’s presidency and watch Joe’s lips stop moving.