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Ambassadors to Israel tend to be hostile to Israel because they either come out of the State Department’s Middle Eastern professional class or worse, Democrat donors and apparatchiks who are “interested” in Israel.
Outgoing Ambassador Thomas Nides was an odious example of this, but the Biden administration is looking for someone even worse. Possible candidates supposedly include Obama’s ex Dan Shapiro, and former Rep. Robert Wexler, an anti-Israel leftist, but there’s buzz about “selecting a woman”.
This isn’t about selecting a woman, obviously, it’s about promoting an anti-Israel leftist who happens to be female while painting her selection as historic.
Who’s the woman in question?
Reportedly, Susie Gelman, the chairwoman of the Israel Policy Forum.
While IPF is a more obscure anti-Israel activist group than Soros’ J Street, it is quite vehemently anti-Israel. Here’s the Discover the Networks profile.
As Kenneth Levin notes in The Oslo Syndrome, the group’s first executive director was Jonathan Jacoby, “who had earlier in his career signed a New York Times ad accusing Israel of ‘state terrorism.’”
In 2008, IPF lauded the newly formed J Street as a group whose objectives represented a refreshing alternative to the “Arab and/or Palestinian-bashing” of “their pro-status quo, pro-occupation counterparts.”
IPF has received funding from such sources as George Soros‘s Open Society Institute and the Tides Foundation.
The Israel Policy Forum, much like J Street, conducts lobbying and pressure campaigns against Israel, rallying Democrats to oppose Israeli and pro-Israel moves, and aiding some of the worst anti-Israel Dems like Rep. Betty McCollum.
Susie Gelman, a Levi Strauss heiress, has spent the past year or so relentlessly attacking the Israeli government: itself normally disqualifying for an ambassador to that government.
Gelman attacked the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem as “the highest level of brazen partisanship in U.S.-Israel relations since Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech to a joint session of Congress in 2015 in which he expressed his opposition to the Iran nuclear deal.”
And Gelman shockingly described Israel’s Independence Day as “Nakba Day”, writing that, “the decision to open the embassy on the eve of Nakba Day [marking the founding of the State of Israel as a “catastrophe” to the Palestinians who fled or were displaced from their homes] was a needless provocation.”
She complained that opening the embassy had not been packaged with “acknowledging Palestinian aspirations for a capital in east Jerusalem”
The Gelmans have their own group, the Morningstar Foundation, which funds a variety of leftist causes, but also anti-Israel leftist groups, including Ir Amim and the New Israel Fund, but that’s mixed with funding for things like Birthright Israel.
Unlike a lot of J Street people, Gelman not only has a lot of money as a Levi Strauss heiress, but she also used that money to dig her way into the rotten federation system putting her well on the inside of the unelected communal establishment. Her husband, Michael Gelman, chairs the executive committee of The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) and is a life member of the board of the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, and sits on the board of the Jewish Democratic Council of America.
So he’s perfectly positioned to promote his wife into a position where she could wage her war on the Jewish State.
Of course. This, Daniel, is why I’m always exposing and castigating wealthy-yet-Marxist Jewish Macherim (0r ‘OT, as the case may be), usually of central European descent. They assume, correctly, in most cases, that they can wrap themselves in the magic cloak of, “as a Jew”….and then the majority of their rest of us just accept it without bothering to ask what kinds of sociopaths we’re shielding within our defensive ethno-kraal. Since ‘herem’ has no effect on this scum, they simply have to be ‘outed’ and run-off like a pack of mangy. rabid curs.
I’m glad you’re exposing at least some of them to the light of day.
I remember when there was a great list on the interwebs, of all these ka pos, The $h;t List, I believe it was called. Taken down a few years ago.
Well said, Taylor! Yasher koach.
I wonder why people like The Gelmans called themselves. Jewish. When they hate everything Jewish and Judaism.
Gelman was born Goldman, in San Francisco. She’s a close relative of Rep. Dan Goldman, of NYC, elected by NYC’s Jewish population to represent them.
As to your question: because it’s an identity and one that comes with a ready constituency who double as cheerleaders, enabling the otherwise useless Gelman’s of our tribe with a soap-box for their rants and a degree of acceptance by their equally deranged gentile counterparts. .
Her type is only accepted up to the point where the evil deed is done, then they are disposed of, they are useful idiots to all the muzzies and left fascists.
Many of them are atheists with no regard for the covenants that the LORD of Israel made with their forefathers and their seed.
Jews who replace the Torah (and its values) with political leftism will always choose leftism over Israel.
Jews are just as capable as any other group of being antisemites.
Group hatred is promoted by Democrats and the left against any other group that does not agree with their ‘religion.’
Exactly, it is their religion. I was just thinking today what a kapo Paul/ Saul was.
To you and me, perhaps. But to a great many others, no, and they outnumber us by orders of magnitude. And good grief, could that man write! What a great rhetorician, even when one disagrees with him.
Biden insults the American people (see, e.g., his commencement speech at Howard University last Saturday), and our allies including Saudi Arabia (“pariah nation”, UK (didn’t attend the coronation) and everyone else under the sun except China and again insults Israel. And he wonders why everyone is turning towards China. He’s even dumber than I thought. And I thought he was as dumb as a sack of hair.
Thank goodness he didn’t come, it was disgusting enough seeing the other 2 grifters of the family, thankfully they were seated in the back row, way back.
Biden will go down in history as the #1 Worst World Leader ever
Pretty high bar, that. There have been some truly egregious world leaders over the past millennia.
Where self loathing intersects with Marxist anti-Semitism and mental illness. Now I finally understand intersectionality! Her religion is leftism. Her people are the rabid anti-semites of the left. Her tribe is the left.
Not Jewish, in my opinion.
I do not consider Jews who hate Jews to be self hating, just Jew haters. I am sure they appreciate the recognition, even as they deflect from it by blaming the victims.
Cowboy Joe is fixing to plant a burr under the Israeli saddle blanket.
If Bibi has balls, he’ll reject her as the Bozo crew of Nazis and terrorist supporters rejected his choice for Israeli consul in New York City.
If he doesn’t, he might as well haul down the blue and white and put up the Bozo flag.
Levi Strauss is turning over in his grave. Nides the prick was bad enough, this POS, this Hurveh is 100 times worse.
Biden sees her as Jewish, her husband active in Jewish organizations. He will think this is a good choice. Will someone tell him she is anti-Israel and choosing her would send a negative message to Israel? Or will it be concealed from him by advisors with anti-israel motives?