Freedom is slavery, lies are truth, and ignorance is knowledge. And so the Democrat media spent four years falsely claiming that President Trump, who had been harder on Russia than any president since Reagan, was really a Russian spy, while Hillary, who trotted in with her Reset Button and Biden, whose boss was caught on a hot mic assuring Moscow that he would be able to appease harder after the election, were the great patriots.
Here comes the inevitable punch line to the long joke that’s our national system of propaganda.
President Biden is considering appointing Matthew Rojansky, head of the Wilson Center’s Kennan Institute, as Russia director on the National Security Council, according to a source familiar with the situation.
Why it matters: Rojansky has been praised for his scholarship on Russia and is frequently cited in U.S. media for his expert commentary. But his work has drawn criticism — including in a 2018 open letter from Ukrainian alumni of Kennan that blasted the think tank he runs as an “unwitting tool of Russia’s political interference.”
Meet the awesomely new hawkish Democrat policy.
“Russia is not going to go away,” Rojansky wrote in a National Interest op-ed last year criticizing what he characterized as the overuse of sanctions. “Peaceful coexistence remains an imperative, no matter how unsavory Putin’s regime might be.”
I would ask how Max Boot and the Bulwark gang are gonna spin this one, but it’s a bit too late for that.
Not that it actually matters. Only delusional liars actually believed that the Democrats would reboot the Cold War with Russia. Or that they were born-again patriots who were willing to fight anyone… except other Americans… unless it involves protecting the Muslim Brotherhood.
And that’s only directed at weak targets unlikely to put up much of a fight.
The entire Russia hoax was a bizarre scam that ignored everything until now to push a claim that went against all the facts, and that will shortly have to be jettisoned as the Biden administration begins its inevitable reset of relations with Russia.
A reset that was always going to happen. Especially if you recall that Obama had run on a reset with Russia.
Is the media going to find this a little bit awkward? Nah. It will be assumed that the public has already forgotten and will be reminded to forget that we have always been at peace with Oceania.
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