The nation’s healer took his grieving tour on a late-night show to speak directly to millions of ordinary late-night talk show hosts who are desperately hoping to score another few million before their past tenure at the Man Show is dug up and used to cancel them.
President Biden in an interview broadcast late Wednesday predicted a “mini revolution” in November’s midterm elections if the Supreme Court overturns the landmark 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade, which enshrined abortion access as a constitutional right.
During the interview on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!,” Biden said overturning the court precedent would be “ridiculous” and would motivate turnout in November’s elections.
“I don’t think the country will stand for it,” Biden said. “If in fact the decision comes down the way it does, and these states impose the limitations they’re talking about, it’s going to cause a mini revolution and they’re going to vote these folks out of office.”
Oh, there’s likely to be a mini revolution, just not the kind that Biden and Jimmy Kimmel are hoping for.
After weeks of hysteria, no pro-abortion wave has shown up in elections or in the polls. Biden’s approval ratings keep falling to new lows.
Maybe telling people to buy electric cars and soy when they can’t afford to drive or buy meat wasn’t the best plan?
“You gotta vote to let people know exactly what the devil you think,” Biden told Kimmel.
Pretty sure they’re planning on doing that.
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