Biden and the Dems never supported statehood for D.C. out of some principle of justice. Had D.C. been populated by white Republicans, the very idea would have been mocked and ridiculed out of existence. Much like the way working-class kids from Appalachia asking to be judged on merit, not their white privilege when applying to college is. But it’s not about race either. If poor whites voted Democrat and blacks voted Republican the way they used to, Democrats would react to any such proposal the way they once reacted to black people living in D.C. This is about power and not about the poor of local residents, but of the Dems.
After the D.C. City Council insisted on ramming forward their pro-crime bill and a Democrat congresswoman got mugged, Biden shrugged and tweeted that they’re on their own. “I support D.C. Statehood and home-rule – but I don’t support some of the changes D.C. Council put forward over the Mayor’s objections – such as lowering penalties for carjackings. If the Senate votes to overturn what D.C. Council did – I’ll sign it.”
What kind of crazy irresponsible leader would support just letting criminals run wild? Democrats.
This has been the state of play in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philly and St. Louis, and numerous other cities run by Democrats. Dem megadonors like George Soros and Netflix CEO Reed Hastings made funding pro-crime DAs into a priority.
But why is D.C. different? It’s where the Dems keep their stuff. It’s got the Imperial City packed on top of poor minority areas. And while Biden may have secret service protection, most of his people obviously don’t.
A Democrat congresswoman was assaulted in her own building.
So the rules are different here. Pro-crime BLMers can run the show in major cities, but not where the elite and their friends are.
Statehood for D.C. was always a joke. Biden doesn’t believe they can be trusted to make good decisions. He’s been in D.C. long enough to know better. The only reason Dems want D.C. statehood is because it gives them two free Senate seats. Not because they believe Marion Barry’s voters should be respected.
Algorithmic Analyst says
I thought even at the start that giving DC “home rule” (f that’s what it is called) was a mistake.
John Bumpus says
The threat by the Marxist D’rats to give statehood to D.C. was real. I always took it to be a real threat, despite the fact that it is as expressly unconstitutional as it implicitly can be (yeah, I know, this is tortured English–it is not expressly unconstitutional, but it is a long, long way MORE than implicitly unconstitutional too). All that it would have taken would have been for the Marxist D’rats in Congress to actually do it, and then some gang of lawless Federal judges to uphold it, and that would have been that! I think that when the Republicans regain control of the Congress (both Houses) and the Presidency, two things should be done: First, the D.C. Home Rule Act of the 1970s should be repealed; second, most of the remaining part of D.C. (except for the strictly Federal Government part) should be returned to the State of Maryland. This should end the perpetual cry by the Marxist D’rats to give statehood to D.C., because if this is not done, someday the Marxist D’rats will actually do it.
The March Hare says
Yes, D.C. should be a county in Maryland.