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The grim farce of negotiating with Islamic terrorists always plays out the same way.
The terrorists keep attacking while playing the victim, make escalating demands and once you start negotiating with them, the negotiations never produce peace and don’t even reliably ensure the release of hostages.
The Biden administration initially rejected the Islamist/Leftist demands for a ‘ceasefire’ during which Hamas would be free to attack Israel. Then came around to proposing them in exchange for the release of the hostages. And now adopting the Leftist/Islamist position is just demanding a unilateral Israeli ceasefire without the release of the hostages.
The Spanish-language television network Univision aired an hour-long, pre-recorded interview on Tuesday in which U.S. President Joe Biden criticized Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The U.S. president appeared to state a previously unarticulated public position in the interview with the channel’s Enrique Acevedo.
“So I what I’m calling for is for the Israelis to just call for a ceasefire, allow for the next six, eight weeks total access to all food and medicine going into the country,” Biden said.
No mention of Hamas here, but then again it has never abided by a ceasefire anyway.
Israel is expected to stop attacking Hamas.
Hamas is not expected to either stop attacking Israel or release the hostages.
So Biden is dropping the pretense that this is about the hostages or about anything other than the supreme victimhood of the Islamic genociders of Gaza.
The Biden administration has demanded more and more concessions from Israel to Hamas. Even as Hamas keeps rejecting the U.S. proposals as not being good enough.
Much like under Kerry, where the State Department negotiated with the terrorists and then demanded that Israel meet the demands of the terrorists, the Biden admin is doing the same thing, except with Hamas.
Hamas has informed mediators that it rejects the latest U.S. proposal for a renewed hostages-for-ceasefire deal, The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday, citing sources as saying that the terrorist organization intends to put forward a roadmap for a permanent end to the war.
The U.S. offer would have seen Jerusalem release 900 terrorist prisoners, including murderers, in exchange for 40 hostages, along with a partial IDF withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and the unrestricted return of Palestinians to the northern part of the coastal enclave.
The plan proposed that Hamas would release more hostages at a later stage following the withdrawal of all Israeli troops from Gaza.
Speaking at a women’s event in Jordan late last month, Hamas chief Khaled Mashaal declared that the organization’s leadership is “waging a negotiating battle no less fierce” than the military conflict with the IDF, according to a readout of his remarks posted to Telegram by Hamas.
“Inshallah [‘God willing’], we will defeat them in the field and in the negotiating battle,” said Mashaal, adding that the group is also fighting “intense battles” in the media and on the political battlefield.
The terrorists never win the wars, but when the White House is in charge, they win all the negotiations.
Hamas has no reason not to keep turning down deals since those are its only hope of survival and victory. Thanks to Biden.
President Carter the Coward was dumped in 1980 partly because he did absolutely nothing to rescue the 52
American hostages taken by the Islamic Iranian Mullah pigs in 1979 and held them for 444 days until the day that
President Reagan took office as President in January 1981.
Depraved Biden needs to be dumped for the same reason …
the American and Israeli hostages being now held and tortured by another group of depraved psychopathic murderous Islamic scum pigs.
Gaza … Iran … and Qatar … and the Saudi Royal Family need to be taught a lesson they will never forget.
Mecca and Medina should be on the Bombing Short List.
Depraved psychopathic murderous violent Islam is the enemy of America and humanity itself for 1400 years.,
Make no mistake about that. Islam is a scourge on humanity
Enough already.
Only all the influencers on Musk’s disaster of a platform and the CCP’s Tik Tok and everywhere else, including those who claim to be conservative, hate Israel and Jews and post Hamas’ propaganda. Thats different from the quaint old days of Carter.
(I wonder if they’re paid off, are remunerated by getting more clicks, or are just ignorant and hateful?)
I couldn’t agree more. So tired of this “religion of peace” crap. If you pay attention to hot spots around the world, about 90% are muslim based fighting. What the hell else can you expect from a “religion” created by a warlord.
TaliBiden has been attacking Israel since at least 1982. Did anybody expect anything else?
Crazy Logic. Israel is already mainly just responding to Hamas attacks.
Evil evil evil evil evil evil evil.
אנא ה׳ הושיעה נא
אנא ה׳ הצליחה נא
Re: ‘Negotiations‘
Falsehood they speak one man with his neighbor; with a smooth lip and with a double heart do they speak.
May God cut off all smooth lips, tongue which speaks of great [haughty] things.
Who have said, “With our tongue we will prevail; our lips are with us, who is the master over us?“
(Psalm 12::3-5)
How about a memory-refresher article on Biden’s reckless parlaying of false, fabricated info from the Egyptian Ministry of Propaganda to Golda Meir right before Israel was attacked…
Ah, but there is a reason to keep turning down offers. It and PIJ have murdered most, if not all, the hostages so Hamas has to keep turning down offers. If it accepted one it would then have to produce the hostages and it can’t. How embarrassing for Hamas and the idiots who listen to anything it has to say.
Yeah, I was thinking about that. Even if they produce the bodies. They might not know where they are buried, and there might be evidence of torture or murder.
Hamas does not want anyone to know what happened to these hostages. Pretty sure they have nothing to bargain with.
An Israel needs to tell Biden to Go Pound Sand and Quit kissing Hamas Rings
it never ceases to amaze me that the empty suits in washington continue to call for a 2 state solution ? the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result . the jews have no friends least of all feckless dementia joe . israel needs to ignore the world and get on with the job of cleaning out the sewer that is gaza . the fakestinians already have 2 states . west bank and gaza . they arent happy with what they have got , they just want it all and it doesnt include jews . the continuous fiction of the 2 state solution proposed by the west is just that . a fiction . the west insists on a fiction but the arabs dont . from the river to the sea is what they want . its called genocide in real terms . hitler tried and germany paid the price . the arabs can look forward to the same . america stands condemned .
This is blatant betrayal of Israel, and reversal of policies for a sovereign ally. Theres no other way to look at it.
Isaiah 2: This is what Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem: In the last days the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as chief among the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and all nations will stream to it. Many peoples will come and say, “Come, let us go upt to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of God of Jacob, He will teachus his ways, so that we may walk in his paths,”
The Law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem, He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples,
This shall be accomplished, it is the Will of God.
FJB. Joe Biden is a RACIST who when newly elected in the 70’s worked with segregationists to keep black children out of white schools. F- HIM..