Joe Biden will deploy special squads to knock on doors in the quest to “educate” unvaccinated Americans, and Health and Human Services secretary Xavier Becerra is down with it. “The federal government has spent trillions of dollars to try to keep Americans alive during this pandemic. So it is absolutely the government’s business,” Becerra explains, and “knocking on doors has never been against the law.”
As they await the gentle tap, the people should know that Becerra has his own issues with the law, and the HHS boss has never shown much concern about keeping Americans alive. As Deion Kathawa notes at American Greatness, the California attorney general was a rather odd choice for the HHS job.
After a video by pro-life activist David Daleiden exposed Planned Parenthood’s sale of body parts from aborted babies, Becerra did nothing to stop that ghastly trade and instead charged Daleiden with 15 felonies. The California attorney general also sued the Little Sisters of the Poor, as Kathawa explains, “because their Catholic faith compelled them not to be complicit in the sale of contraceptives under Obamacare.” With other groups, attorney general Becerra proved more lenient.
In Mendota, near Fresno, the MS-13 gang imposed a reign of terror, committing at least 14 murders, with some victims hacked to death before they could testify. Federal authorities spearheaded the case against the gang, and Becerra only showed up after the feds arrested 25 MS-13 gangsters. The attorney general made it clear he was not concerned about the gang’s “status.”
In similar style, the murder of police officers Ronil Singh and Brian Ishmael, both by illegal aliens, prompted little concern for the slain officers and no outcry against “gun violence.” The murders did not prompt attorney general Becerra to launch a campaign against criminal illegals, who enjoy sanctuary in California. These issues did not surface in Becerra’s HHS hearing, and neither did the curious case that led to his surprising departure from Washington in 2016.
Rep. Becerra, once on Hillary Clinton’s short list as a running mate, headed the House Democratic Caucus and was in charge of its server. The Democrat’s IT man Imran Awan had access to that computer, and that was a problem. The unvetted Awan could not possibly have qualified for a security clearance but he enjoyed access to the computers of 45 members of Congress, including members of the House Intelligence and Foreign Affairs committees.
When investigators from the Capitol Police requested the server under Becerra’s control, they got only false information. Becerra, reportedly in line for a key post on the House Ways and Means Committee, bolted for California, where Gov. Jerry Brown tapped him for attorney general. In that role, Becerra upheld sanctuary policies and filed more than 100 lawsuits against the Trump administration, at a cost of $41 million.
For his part, Imran Awan became a subject for Frank Miniter, author of Spies in Congress, and Luke Rosiak, author of Obstruction of Justice: How the Deep State Risked National Security to Protect Democrats. That book, along with the Daily Caller, became the target of lawsuit by Imran Awan. Democrats rushed to the barricades in his defense.
“Congress Pays $850,000 to Muslim Aides Targeted in Inquiry Stoked by Trump,” read the November 25, 2020 New York Times headline. According to the story, the previously unreported settlement is one of the largest to resolve discrimination or harassment claims, in this case by people who “lost their jobs and endured harassment in part because of their Muslim faith and South Asian origins.” In this narrative, Awan’s computer capers had little if anything to do with it, and the award doubtless sinks any prospect for a full investigation.
In these conditions, Democrats believed it was safe to bring Becerra back to Washington. He was unqualified to head HHS but for Democrats, Trump Derangement Syndrome, disregard for national security, and ancestry on the Iberian peninsula of Europe (“Latino”) all count as qualifications. Republican Sen. Susan Collins voted to confirm Becerra, the worst possible choice for the people but ideal for the Democrats and their regime of white coat supremacy (WCS).
Under a WCS regime, unelected medical bureaucrats override the people’s constitutional rights and basic freedoms. The nation’s primary white coat supremacist is Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose bio shows no advanced degrees in molecular biology or biochemistry. A government bureaucrat since 1968, Fauci has reversed himself on many aspects of the pandemic but now claims people who criticize him “are actually criticizing science.” In the style of Louis XIV, Fauci claims, “La science, c’est moi.”
This certified megalomaniac is the white coat supremacy fuhrer. With no medical qualifications, and little regard for human life or the law, the misanthropic Xavier Becerra is the perfect choice to command the WCS tactical division.
Americans have grounds to wonder if the HHS sturmptruppen might knock on the doors of the already vaccinated in order to “educate” them in other ways. Becerra’s troops might team up with the FBI, and knock on the doors of some Trump voters, or people who question the 2020 election. Under current conditions, those are sign of domestic terrorism. So if the people thought the HHS troops might knock down some doors it would be hard to blame them.
HHS boss Becerra will doubtless use the campaign to enhance his brand with a view to 2024. As Trump likes to say, we’ll have to see what happens.
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