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You have to give the pomo lefties credit for staying on message. No cult member has ever been as determined to ignore everything factual, moral or legal in pursuit of the agenda. They start fires and then show up to pour more gasoline on them while warning that cuts to the arson department will undermine our best defense against fires.
After lefties, doing the bidding of teachers’ unions, closed the schools, the educational system ceased to function leading to catastrophic drops in test scores. None of the lockdowners has been willing to claim their share of the credit and Biden’s Secretary of Education manages to suggest that poor civics scores is proof that we need to teach kids more critical race theory.
Knowledge of civics among the nation’s eighth-graders fell for the first time since the federal government began testing children under the current framework in 1998, according to new results that come amid a broader concern about pandemic-era learning loss.
The National Assessment of Educational Progress tests, known as the Nation’s Report Card, also show a 5-point decline in average scores in history.
Biden’s Secretary of Education, who kept trying to close schools, has some thoughts on the matter.
“The latest data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress further affirms the profound impact the pandemic had on student learning in subjects beyond math and reading,” Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said in a statement, noting the abysmal math and reading NAEP scores released last fall.
“It tells us that now is not the time for politicians to try to extract double-digit cuts to education funding, nor is it the time to limit what students learn in U.S. history and civics classes,” the secretary said.
We spent insane amounts of money on a school system that did not function because the primary beneficiary of all that ed spend, bureaucrats, teachers’ unions and assorted administrators, decided to close the schools. If we want to increase spending on schools, let’s claw some of that money back from their salaries and budgets.
And no matter how much we spend, it’s not going to get any better because education isn’t a money game. It’s a parent game. All the stats clearly show it. If the parents don’t care, then a student has to be really dedicated to overcome that hurdle. And how many kids are?
Cardona speaks of the “profound impact the pandemic had on student learning” as if the virus, rather than closing the school system, did that. Let’s go back to check on Cardona’s role in that.
Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said during a visit to Boston that schools could be forced to return to remote learning if the spread of COVID-19 surges to a high level.
“If the transmission in the community — I wouldn’t say the school, the community spread gets to a certain level, it may be best to have students learning from home. But we’re going to do everything in our power not to go there,” Cardona said.
Cardona warned that those policies, like others that prevent schools from imposing masking requirements, could lead to school disruptions.
“I’m worried that the decisions that are being made that are not putting students at the center and student health and safety at the center is going to be why schools may be disrupted. So we know what to do. And, you know, don’t be the reason why schools are disrupted, because of the politicization of this effort to reopen schools. We know what works. We have to keep our students safe. We have to keep our educators safe,” he said.
The “profound impact that Cardona had on student learning”.
But you gotta give Cardona credit for then pivoting to blaming Republicans for opposing critical race theory in schools. Now is not the time “to limit what students learn in U.S. history and civics classes” considering how brilliantly the new woke generation of public school teachers is teaching them that America is racist and evil.
Civics are still taught in schools? No, they aren’t. The school boards are lying.
They ought teach basic health and medical information also.
And personal hygiene and basic housekeeping.
Right, the things one really needs in life.
…Including budgeting and money management. (Yes, I know those in government recklessly ignore both, but still…)
Another facet of our sabotage.
We are being taunted. Benedict Arnold is smiling.
It’s pretty clear what “civics” lessons Secretary Cardona learned in public school. God save our republic!
This is what happens when CRT replaces American history as it was and should be taught
You have to understand. Our schools have been transformed by the theory of “critical pedagogy” created by communist and Che and Mao admiring Brazilian Paulo Freire and taught in all U.S. teachers’ colleges. Among other things, it posits that the teaching of a standard academic curriculum simply prepares students to replicate the existing “oppressive society.” Instead, schools should be used to create in students a “critical consciousness” in order to make them activists and revolutionaries to overthrow the current system. So why would you teach students about the three branches of the U.S. government, or our system of “checks and balances,” or how a bill becomes law, or why the Electoral College was adopted. Much better to teach them that the country is irredeemably racist, that students must explore every transaction to discover where racism occurred, and that all events must viewed through the “lens of race.”
The Dept of Brainwashing(Education)wants to indoctrinate the youth with leftists lies and a New World Order
Plummeting scores on CRT and The 1619 Project (that’s what they’re teaching, right?) do not matter, imo. What matters is teaching them real history and how to read it and understand what it says, and if one is lucky make the student curious to learn more.
We should defund and close the DoE and return control of the schools to the states.
Yeah, that’s my idea of how to cut the budget 🙂