Last Tuesday evening’s debate made it clear: John “Uncle Fester” Fetterman has decisively defeated Old Joe Biden in the Incoherence Sweepstakes, but the alleged president can’t be counted out quite yet. On Wednesday, Old Joe made a decisive move to cement his unsurpassed reputation for lying and advocating bad policies.
Speaking at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Biden announced “new actions to lower the cost of everyday living for American families, to put more money in the pockets of middle-income and working-class Americans, to hold big corporations accountable.” Yes, that’s right: more soft Marxism is coming, complete with the politics of envy and bitter invective against the wealthy and successful without which the Democrats would have nothing whatsoever to offer.
Joe Biden just said that fees on airplanes for extra leg room in front mostly affect people of color 🧐— Greg Price (@greg_price11) October 26, 2022
Toward the end of his divisive and rambling incitement to class warfare, Biden served up one of the brazen, outright lies that have marred his entire career. The man deserves credit for audacity, for even in his dementia-ridden dotage he is unsurpassed in Washington (a city of politicians, which means a city of liars) in his ability to deliver an absolute falsehood not only with absolute conviction but also with passionate, self-righteous fervor.
“Some airlines,” Joe declared, “if you want six more inches between you and the seat in front, you pay more money. But you don’t know it until you purchase your ticket. Look, folks, these are junk fees. They’re unfair, and they hit marginalized Americans the hardest, especially low-income folks and people of color. They benefit big corporations, not consumers, not working families. And that changes now.”
If “fact-checkers” really actually checked facts instead of just running interference for the far Left, they would give that statement all the Pinocchios they have, for there is simply no truth in it whatsoever.
Biden, contrary to his carefully nurtured Lunchbucket Joe image, has been a member of the Beltway elite for over five decades, and so he likely hasn’t flown commercial in ages. And characteristically, his statement is not entirely clear. He is clearly saying that the airlines are racist and take money illegitimately from their non-white customers, which is viciously false and irresponsible enough in itself, but it’s not clear how exactly he is saying they do it. Is he saying that it’s wrong and racist for airlines to charge more for seats that offer more legroom? Or does he mean that the airlines are tacking charges for more legroom onto the price for a ticket that the customer has already agreed to pay, without the customer’s knowledge?
Either way, Biden’s claim here is rancid hogwash of the most fetid variety. If Elitist Joe did ever fly commercial, he would know that airlines are quite upfront about offering seats with more legroom for more money. If such seats are available, the added cost is clearly marked. The airlines, for all their many and varied faults, do not give you a seat with more legroom and then charge you for it without telling you that the charge is coming. Nor do they place you in such a seat and then charge you for it without warning. Their prices may be too high, and there is plenty more that is wrong with them, but they charge what they say the price is when you buy a ticket; I’ve flown hundreds upon hundreds of times, and never once have I seen an airline tack charges onto the price that was initially announced without or notice or option to decline the extra charge.
And then there’s the racism angle again. The Democrats have apparently decided that it’s still a potent vote-getter, as they never leave it alone, despite how preposterous the claims that they offer to buttress it are becoming. Now the airlines are discriminating against people of color by offering seats with more legroom? Is it because they are poor and can’t afford those seats? Is Old Joe advocating that, in the interests of “equity,” people of color be given free extra-legroom and first-class airplane seats? Is he calling for the end of the airlines as businesses altogether, such that seats will no longer be sold to those who can pay for them, but apportioned on the basis of victimhood status?
The answer to that last question is yes. Old Joe and his henchmen are working from the straight-up socialist playbook now. Under socialist rule, first-class cabins and extra legroom areas won’t disappear from airplanes, but it will be impossible for the masses to buy a seat in those areas. They will be reserved for the party elites and for people whom the elites wish to favor. You’re a white male? There might be a seat for you at the back of the plane, next to the latrine.
It’s astonishing that an angry, resentful class warfare speech such as the one Biden delivered Wednesday could ever have been made by a president of the United States. And even more troubling is the fact that it wasn’t even close to being his worst.
I asked a friend about how he feels about the current endless racism propaganda, his response was “I wish I wasn’t black”
Everyone, is sick of the woke nonsense, everyone that is apart from the leftist elites who will fly first class or fly their private jets or private helicopters or luxury limousines to climate conferences organised by the G7 G stands for GLOBAL.
Defund the U.N.
His divisive, dishonest and often incomprehensible statements are his trademarks. Well, that and his corruption. And his poor judgment. Oh, did I forget his lack of intelligence? We are truly screwed.
If leg length is racist, what is not?
True. I understand the tribulations of tall people, being on the tall side myself and especially being married to a (white/Amerindian) man who is 6’6″ tall. He suffers stuffing himself into an airline seat and it’s unfortunate, but it never occurred to either of us that any nefarious forces were at work to make him miserable. He could fly first-class but that costs more than we would be willing to pay. Is that “racist”? No, it’s called market economics. And if the market will bear costs as high as first class costs, then the airlines have a right to charge them.
Now THIS is silly, ridiculous, and barmy. My one word comment has been deemed “too short” so now I am padding it to make it appear to be longer than it is. Just read the first word. That’s enough.
Aafter getting hammered a number of times for being TOO LONG?
Ah thanks ya Massa Joe for de good food and the extra leg room. And it only cost me one hunnert dollahs.
“They’re unfair, and they hit marginalized Americans the hardest, especially low-income folks and people of color.”
With gas prices souring, people penny pinching their food budgets and worrying about how to provide heat for the coming winter for their families are the group that this ignoramus Biden thinks are flying around the country on their welfare checks? Maybe he should give those low-income folks and people of color vouchers for those plumb airline seats. Paid for by you know who.
I think the “reasoning” is, legroom costs more money for taller people, and blacks tend to have less money, therefore the added cost affect blacks disproportionately, so racism.
Every single issue that can be raised is due to racism. If more leg room is racist, what about the rising cost of air travel? It must be racist. What about the rise in home prices across the country? That’s gotta be racism at work.
What is not racist? The folks at concessions and the airline counters at the Ft Lauderdale airport, about 90% black and way out of proportion to the black population at large, and often surly to white customers. That’s not racism at all. That’s just Bidenism at work, or, actually Obamaism.
The price of air travel is bound to rise as the cost of fuel is rising. No racism there, we’re all screwed equally. Thank you, Brandon, for that.
Your point is made by many others, because everyone has heard the “racism” argument ad nauseum.
What’s funny is that jug-eared Obama thought it hilarious to say that if an asteroid were hurtling toward the earth, Republicans would cut taxes for the rich.
Yet, it’s shitheads like him and the entire DNC/Press corps yell “racism” at any & all disagreement.
(The joke was stole from Rush Limbaugh anyway. Rush said if an asteroid was to end the world, the headlines would read “women & minorities hardest hit”.)
How many times do we have to hear about this idiot who needs to be confined? One of these days he’ll push the wrong button.
It’s truly a sad day everyday when Joe Biden is allowed to speak. We have the worst president right now. But, he can parrot the anti-white male material of the left. That alone (hopefully) will sink this sad, *rse president to filling his proper place in American history as the nation’s worst president.
What dose that rag Time think of their Persons of the Year now? Biden is a Dunderhead and Greta wants Capitalism Overthrown just like the infamous Weather Underground tried to do in the 1970’s
Sleazy Joe got Time’s “Man of the Year!?? 🤨
Why am I not surprised.
Hell, why not? Nobel Peace prizes are passed out to leftists like participation trophies all the time.