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If it’s Wednesday, it must be Joe Biden giving another “they’re gonna put y’all back in chains” speech.
President Joe Biden tore into Donald Trump over his record on race on Wednesday, targeting the former president for his past comments before a crowd of black voters in Philadelphia.
“What would’ve happened if black Americans had stormed the Capitol? I don’t think he’d be talking about pardons,” Biden said. “This is the same guy who wanted to tear gas you as you peacefully protested George Floyd’s murder.”
The BLM race riots were as peaceful as Floyd, who actually died of a drug overdose, was murdered.
What happened when BLM rioters torched the Church of the Presidents and stormed the White House?
Let’s recall J1 for a moment.
The insurrectionists assaulted Secret Service and Park Police officers. They shouted obscenities and threatened President Trump even as they fought their way past law enforcement personnel to reach the White House.
“It looks like a war zone outside the White House,” Adam Parkhomenko, the former co-founder of Ready for Hillary, commented on a retweeted video of a burning building.
Secret Service personnel faced everything from bricks to incendiary devices and held the line. The insurrectionist assault was aimed at breaking the line, forcing the Secret Service to retreat allowing for a siege of the White House, followed by a full assault and penetration of the grounds.
The insurrectionist tactics on display were similar to those that had terrorized cities around the country, but what especially alarmed federal personnel was that the insurrectionists were not just aiming at the White House, but also at the nearby Treasury Department building.
The Treasury Building is connected to the East Wing of the White House by a secret tunnel built after Pearl Harbor to allow the president to evacuate in case of an attack.
When the insurrectionists penetrated barricades set up at the Treasury Building, there was fear that the attackers were preparing to foil a presidential evacuation by hitting both the White House and the Treasury Building, cutting off any possible escape route for President Trump.
With the Treasury evacuation route in danger, the Secret Service brought President Trump, along with Melania and Barron, down to the Presidential Emergency Operations Center. Another relic of the FDR administration, the PEOC is a secretive bunker over 1,000 feet underground with its own air supply that is nearly impossible to penetrate by missile strikes or even by an armed force that has taken control of the White House grounds.
What happened to the perpetrators? Did the FBI put their images on bus shelters across D.C.? Were they hunted down on dating sites? Did they face prison terms of 5 to 10 years?
Nothing. They got a pass.
That wasn’t by the way because they were black, but because they were leftists fighting for a leftist cause.
I trust that living in USA today no one is foolish enough or stupid enough to believe anything Lying Biden says.
I can see now how the George Floyd riots and such have a precedent in the New York City riots during the Civil War. I have been reading the excellent coverage of that event in Daniel’s book. I had read about the NYC riots in other books, but they didn’t give the full flavor of the events. Perfect topic for Daniel, who knows NYC and its politics so well. Impressive coverage.
Those NYC riots during the Civil War were reportedly the worst riots in American history. I wonder if it’s true? I don’t automatically believe what I read. I know what liars people can be.
Well, it was a real insurrection unlike J6 and much larger than the Summer of Love 2020.
Over 300 died in the riots, though we’re still unsure of the true death toll as it is estimated to be way higher.
Yeah, I know Greeny isn’t a liar. And New York City has always been a violent place.
Thanks Jeff! Seems so.
The death toll is unknown. Rifles and artillery were used on both sides. The Republican and black populations who were the target of the attacks dropped sharply afterwards.
The NYC Draft Riots were a reaction to the Emancipation Proclamation and the Draft, which was first introduced by Lincoln. The North HATED blacks, because they were terrified that they would take their jobs. They wanted them to remain as slaves in the South.
The largest civil disturbance in U.S. history, as troops from Gettysburg and Fredericksburg all returned to fire on their own citizens in the streets of New York, killing at least 300 people. Though we’re still unsure of the true death toll as it is estimated to be far higher.
Fuck that shit. Things are bad enough here in California. I can do without getting shot by the authorities. because I don’t want to be impressed into the military to obey orders and get my ass shot off. They already stole my vote and locked us down for over a year. This place is crazy.
Thank God for chicks. They make everything bearable. Barely. For hours at a time but that’s it.
Another complaint about the draft was that a person who was drafted could find (pay) another to serve or pay $300.
The draft riots were part of a larger plan by New York, Chicago and other Democrats to influence the presidential election by forcing the army to pull back troops and to seize major cities while declaring them to be independent of the country.
Those D-Bags. They’re always ass deep in corruption.
But I guess that’s what they were founded on. That and slavery. I’m going to buy your book.
That reporter standing in front of a riot claiming it was mostly peaceful as the town burned in the background was the the reason we canceled cable and never watched TV again. All crap. and we have better things to do than being talked to like children ad nauseum.
So what would Biden the Blunder call a peaceful group of Trump Supporters?
Insurrectionists? Terrorists? Mega MAGA people? Parents? Human beings?
If it’s true that the George Floyd mob at the White House “got a pass” (i.e., no criminal convictions), it wasn’t the first time in recent years that violent leftist protestors in DC got a pass. On Trump’s inauguration day, more than 200 people were arrested for smashing shop windows, smashing cars, setting fires, assaulting police, disorderly conduct, and entering restricted areas. According to the left-wing paper, The Guardian, NONE ever saw jail time. The vast majority had the charges dropped, and the few who went to trial were acquitted by leftist DC juries.
He is being spoon fed by Obama….We are ALL certain of that fact.
Obama is in charge……
More injures to police officers on the attack on White House than the Jan 6th attack, but Jan 6th resulted in hundreds arrested for many years as the White house attackers were let go.
…the Fascist-Progressive-Liberal-Marxist-Democrat Party is never a surprise when they continually tell a lie and then follow it up with more lies…Hitler said it best when he stated that when a ‘lie is told often enough it becomes the truth’…it worked in the 1930’s in Europe and it’s working in the 2020’s in the USA…Biden would rather tell a lie than tell the truth and his followers suck it up as it were the gospel…America is in fact in decline in all its former attributes…soon to become a once great nation that has become just a run-of-the-mill third rate failed state…sad…and it won’t be pretty…