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“I am studying airplanes!” Abd al Salam al Hilah told Osama bin Laden’s top Italian operative in the summer of 2000. “We are focusing on the air alone… It will leave them stunned… Remember, the danger at the airports. If it comes off, it will be reported in all the world’s papers.”
Al-Hilah has now boarded another plane that takes him from Guantanamo Bay to Oman.
In New Orleans, Biden wept his crocodile tears, told families of the victims about how much he had suffered when his wife died in a car accident, and then went right back to freeing terrorists.
The terrorists include Al-Hilah, an Al Qaeda facilitator, who knew about major terrorist attacks ahead of time, and conducted conversations with an Imam in Italy soliciting forged documents “for the brothers who have to go to America,” warning to, “never utter their real names.”
The Gitmo evaluation stated that Al-Hilal “had foreknowledge of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 2000 attack on the UK Embassy in Sanaa…the 2000 attack on the USS Cole, a planned attack on the US or British Embassy in Sanaa that was to occur in October 2002, and probably the 11 September 2001 terrorist attack.”
The USS Cole bombing killed 17 sailors and injured 37 in the worst attack on a Navy vessel in nearly 40 years. The Gitmo report noted that Al-Hilal facilitated the travel plans of the Al Qaeda terrorists.
Now with the blood of 17 Americans on his hands, along with many others from other preventable terrorist attacks, including possibly 9/11, Democrats made Al-Hilal a free man.
And he is not alone.
Accompanying him to freedom is Suhayl Abdul Anam al Sharabi, an Osama bin Laden bodyguard, who was listed in the Gitmo evaluations, as one of the airplane hijackers from the original expanded version of the 9/11 plot that would have also hijacked planes in Southeast Asia that was later aborted. The parole board had previously denied his release because of Al-Sharabi’s “possible participation in KSM’s [9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s] plot to conduct 9/11-style attacks in Southeast Asia.” Al-Sharab was also listed in the Gitmo review as having served as the director of an al Al-Qaeda guesthouse and an Al-Qaeda instructor.
Also released by the Democrats is Sharqawi Abdu Ali Al Hajj, a “confidant” of Osama bin Laden, who recruited his bodyguards, moved hundreds of Jihadists into Afghanistan and was associated with 11 of the 9/11 hijackers.
The Democrat administration also freed Tawfiq Nasir Awad Al-Bihani who vowed that if he was released, he would kill Americans, come to America and “fly another plane”.
Hassan Muhammad Ali Bib Attash, an Al-Qaeda terrorist, was freed by Biden and his Democrat allies despite his past role “preparing a terrorist operation against US naval ships and US oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz” that would have involved a boat filled with explosives whose goal was to “destroy the US economy by shutting down the oil shipping lanes.”
Sanad Ali Yislam Al Kazimi, an Osama bin Laden bodyguard, bragged that “all Muslims are against the US, even Muslims within the US,” and that “he could raise $100,000 US in any mosque in the US in 30 minutes using Koran passages, which Muslims could use to fight Americans in any country”. Now thanks to the Democrats, he’ll have a chance to do that.
Al-Kazimi, was freed from Gitmo despite taking part in a plot to fly a plane into a US Navy vessel in Dubai. Al-Kizmi allegedly taped flying lessons and plotted out routes for transporting explosives. Al-Kazimi had described the leader of ISIS as a true follower of Islam.
Other released Bin Laden bodyguards include Uthman Abd al-Rahim Muhammad Uthman and Moath Hamza Ahmed al-Alwi. The Democrat administration also freed Khalid Ahmed Qassim despite a warning that he “will pose a threat if released” and Omar Mohammed Ali al-Rammah who had been caught in possession of detonators abroad. Also out is Hani Saleh Rashid Abdullah, an Al-Qaeda terrorist who “planned to participate in terrorist operations targeting US forces in Karachi, Pakistan and possibly inside the United States” and was taken in an Al-Qaeda safe house where “a laptop computer recovered from the safe house where detainee was captured contained data that could be used to target aircraft for hijacking operations.”
Democrat officials embedded in the Department of Defense described this mass release of Al Qaeda terrorists, deemed too dangerous to free even under Obama, as a “resettlement” with the “partner” government of Oman.
Two previous Gitmo terrorists, Abdul Zahir and Abdul Karim, had been urgently transferred to Oman by Obama as part of a mass release of terrorists four days before Trump’s first inauguration.
Zahir had taken part in a grenade attack against American and western civilians in Afghanistan.
Zahir was freed by Obama despite a warning that he had “made statements openly indicating his intention to rejoin the fight against US forces” and that “due to his placement and access in Afghanistan when he was originally captured, it is likely he will return to the fight.”
Last year, the Taliban asked Oman to release Karim and Zahir, and the “partner” government eagerly obeyed. The Taliban held a ceremony celebrating the return of the Al Qaeda terrorists.
The Taliban have an embassy in Oman and Iran also has extensive ties to the country.
Releasing Islamic terrorists to Oman is as good as giving them a free pass to rejoin the fight. The Democrats chose to free 11 Al Qaeda terrorists to a known terror gateway despite the fact that the Omanis had already allowed past Jihadis to rejoin their comrades in Afghanistan.
Defense Department officials falsely claim that the Al Qaeda terrorists being freed “underwent a thorough, interagency review by career professionals who unanimously determined all detainees as transfer eligible consistent with the national security interests of the United States.”
Freeing Al Qaeda terrorists endangers national security and is motivated by an urgent need to implement the original Obama policy, as the DOD press release admits, of “closing Guantanamo Bay” and freeing all the terrorists without regard to the results of the 2024 election.
Defense Department officials partaking in the mass release of Al Qaeda terrorists are violating their oath, their professional responsibilities and the national security of this country, exposing Americans abroad and at home to Islamic terror threats out of their obedience to their party.
Obama operatives inside the Pentagon have achieved their goal of reducing Gitmo’s population to 15 terrorists, of whom they still intend to transfer another 6 if they can get away with it before President Trump takes office. And if their previous actions under the Obama administration are any guide, they will try to free Al Qaeda terrorists even a few days before the inauguration.
Their goal is to get the number of Al Qaeda terrorists in Gitmo into the single digits.
A number of others including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the September 11 attacks, have received plea deals from Democrats over the protests of families of 9/11 victims.
The media’s reporting on the mass release of Al-Qaeda terrorists refers to them only as “detainees”, never uses the name “Al-Qaeda” and strongly implies that these are innocent men who were locked up for no reason in an Islamophobic panic after September 11. Not a single story by any major media outlet or newspaper mentions any of their past activities.
The AP, for example, describes the Al Qaeda terrorists only as “Yemeni men” and emphasizes that they “were never charged with a crime.” It refers to Al-Haji, an Osama bin Laden confidant who was moving as many as 15 Jihadists a week, only as a humanitarian political prisoner who “had undergone repeated hunger strikes and hospitalizations at Guantanamo to protest his 21 years in prison”. An article about the release of Al-Qaeda terrorists never mentions Al-Qaeda.
What is the AP, which has a history of complicity with Islamic terrorist groups, and other media organizations hiding? The fact that even after the New Orleans Islamic terrorist attack, the Democrats and their media allies will not stop aiding, abetting and freeing Islamic terrorists.
We can’t defeat Islamic terrorism until we defeat their allies within.
Guantanamo apparently has one of the best harbors in Cuba. I guess that’s why we ended up with it after the Spanish-American War ?
I had to read about a dozen books by Mahan before I learned about Guantanamo’s harbor. Apparently the Navy wanted it as a coaling station, back in the days when the Navy was powered by coal. So we got a lease on Guantanamo in perpetuity.
It’s also nicely located on the southeast of Cuba, ideal for waging Naval war against Cuba with ships powered by coal.
Thank you for this article. Just an aside. In the context of all this, how creepy was it watching Trump and Obama laugh together and according to the “Ai lip reader” maybe plan to play golf ( at Carter funeral)?
“We can’t defeat Islamic terrorism until we defeat their allies within.”
That would mean making the Democrat Party illegal and running them out of Washington D.C. along with their friendly RINOs.
I am totally down with that.
Sounds good to me.
I’m in! 🍻🇺🇸
USA surges in the international Islamopandering derby.
Consider that Biden frees murderers and terrorists, but gives Pro-life pastors and voter fraud protestors get maximum sentences.
Biden should be charged with Aiding and Abetting the Enemy
How can you defeat Terriosts when we have members in the Democrat party and a Terriost supporter sitting in the Whitehouse.
That subversive treacherous treasonous corrupt and criminal vile heinous old goat, Joe Biden, up to the very end of his term in Office in intent to do wicked things ,as freeing that dangerous al Qaeda Muslim terrorist , to the safety and security of the American people as insecure as it can possibly be.
Biden has never done anything for our country, but he hasn’t been calling the shots from the beginning, take a wild guess who has….
Remember when jug-eared Barry freed FIVE high-ranking islamists/terrorists for 1 low-life Army deserter Bo Bergdahl?
Little-bitch Barry (like Biden) didn’t seem to know the circumstances, but his ignorance wasn’t borne of dementia; it was borne of hostile indifference.
This time, they were freed outta spite, and we didn’t even get a single deserter back in return.
One can’t hate Democrats enough.
Joe Biden is an affront to the Office of the Presidency of the United States and a disgrace to the US Constitution as well as a catastrophe for America and a calamity for the American people.
Very dodgy decision – Mr. Biden is starting to come across as a little boy who is out to shock everyone – but if he was going to do it, what a waste not to trade the men for the release of Americans such as Austin Tice.
The Biden Gang scream about Trump suggesting many of the J6 prisoners will be pardoned while the Biden Gang pardon so many actual terrorists as well as his own son.
Is there a better and bigger word than hypocrisy ?.