Or rather beyond where Obama dared to go.
The Obama administration crippled counterterrorism by diverting it into CVE or Countering Violent Extremism. CVE was a sham that reduced counterterrorism to Twitter debates.
But Biden is tossing even CVE.
Those communities have long raised concerns about what DHS calls countering violent extremism, or CVE. Since the Obama administration, those efforts have been housed under a number of different monikers at DHS. But their focus on extremism within the American Muslim community drew condemnation as discriminatory and stigmatizing spying efforts…
On the campaign trail, Biden promised to eliminate the office as part of efforts to partner with the Arab American community.
These new changes — which DHS will describe as a replacement for the previous office — point to an effort to prevent violent attacks. The newly named Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships will focus on partnering with community organizations, civil society groups, local law enforcement and other groups to expand community-based violence prevention programs, the officials said.
Its leaders also plan to work with the tech industry and outside academics to assess which online narratives may be most likely to incite violence. And, according to the officials, it will try to gauge the threat people may pose based on behavioral assessments — rather than ideology. In other words, the officials told POLITICO, the days of CVE are over.
It’s not a surprise that Biden is going even further in appeasing the Jihad. But these stories are fundamentally contradictory. On the one hand we’re told that the pursuit of terrorism will be behavioral rather than ideological.
That’s dangerous nonsense because it means that there’s no way to track terrorists until they start making some kind of move.
That’s what helped lead to Omar Matteen’s mass attack in Orlando.
If you don’t track terrorists until they’re caught trying to build a bomb, it may well be too late.
On the other hand, we’re told that the Biden administration is going to focus on ideology after all. Just the kinds it dislikes.
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