Biden’s approval ratings have crashed through the floor.
The vast majority of Americans want him to focus on the economy, inflation, and crime. Instead, Biden has pushed Democrat election rigging and the Build Back Better hoax that would push us deeper into an impossible debt in order to give money to his Big Green donors.
And Biden has embarked on various international trips.
A proposed trip to Israel is now on the agenda. Why Israel? A Democrat visiting Israel is never good news. And that’s especially true of the Obama administration and its legacies.
Obama visited Israel to scold Israelis about their “lack of interest” in building a terrorist state on their territory. But it took him quite a while to do it.
Biden is doing it rather early in the game. There’s really only two likely angles here.
1. Iran’s nuclear program
2. A push to pressure Israel into more negotiations with the PLO
On the former, the negotiations have all but come apart, and in any case Iran is closer than ever to nukes. Biden isn’t likely to arrive in Israel with a solution. His trip however is likely meant to keep Israel from doing anything about Iran’s nuclear program. Offering a summer visit is meant to delay Israeli actions until then while appeasers argue that there’s some sort of plan that might emerge from Biden’s visit.
On the latter, Biden has avoided the so-called peace process. But, especially if Israel becomes more hawkish on Iran, pressuring Israel to make concessions to the terrorists could be seen as a tactic for splitting the Abraham Accords coalition and disrupting any move against Iran.
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