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Media outlets often ask, “who funds conservative group x”. They never seem to ask who funds lefty groups. But beyond the usual mega-donors, Ford Foundation, George Soros, and Fortune 500 companies, there’s an even grimmer answer: the government does.
Taxpayer money diverted to lefty political organizations is still the biggest source of funding for the Left. And the thievery is only becoming more blatant.
“Today, the Biden-Harris administration announced approximately $2 billion in funding available to support community-driven projects that deploy clean energy, strengthen climate resilience, and build capacity for communities to tackle environmental and climate justice challenges. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Community Change Grants are the single largest investment in environmental justice going directly to communities in history, and will advance collaborative efforts to achieve a healthier, safer, and more prosperous future for all. These funds, part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, are made possible by the President’s Inflation Reduction Act—the biggest-ever investment in clean energy and climate action.”
Let’s translate that into English. Minority community groups linked to the Democrat Party will be showered with taxpayer money on the condition that the right guy wins in 2024.
This corrupt arrangement will be paid for by taxpayers making it twice as corrupt.
The Community Change Grants deliver on President Biden’s historic commitment to advance equity and justice, including his Justice40 Initiative. The Community Change Grants will deliver 100 percent of the benefits of this program to disadvantaged communities that are marginalized by underinvestment and overburdened by pollution.
East Palestine need not apply, but a whole lot of that money will go to Detroit and Cook County.
What do you need to do to get hold of a piece of that $2 billion pie?
Your community group needs to engage in “climate resiliency and adaptation”, that means encouraging people to paint their houses white or get better insulation, “mitigating climate and health risks from urban heat islands, extreme heat, wood heater emissions, and wildfire events”, that means installing air conditioners in their facilities, and “facilitating the engagement of disadvantaged communities in state and federal advisory groups, workshops, rulemakings, and other public processes” or in other words, community organizing.
But here’s the kicker.
“The NOFO will be open for a year, closing on November 21, 2024”
That’s interesting timing. There could hardly be a more explicit way of saying, if you want to get your money, make sure Biden wins.
“ encouraging people to paint their houses white or get better insulation,”
Encouraging people to take individual actions is best done when there’s a genuine business case such as “paint your house white and save $x”
That works better when fuel prices are through the roof, which happened when Russia invaded Ukraine immediately after Biden’s son was on the board of a Ukrainian energy company.
Do a web search for “what do climate scientists do?”
And the reply will be “prove that climate change exists”
Nothing else.
Climate “scientists.” What a phony term. Different parts of the world have different climates and some are very consistent. Hot arid deserts, hot, humid tropics, temperate zones and frozen poles. Climate is not a synonym for temperature or weather.
I notice people who think they’re the most clever in the English speaking world are too stupid to comprehend their native language.
What do “climate scientists” do? Scare people for money. Help global organizations and individual governments impose restrictions, costs and controls on citizens and weaken Western countries at the benefit of evil China. Trillions of dollars a year are bled into the world’s biggest historical scam.
Climate hucksters are scum who sell out the civilized world four money.
That seems to be the game. Take over the government, then hand out taxpayers moola to your allies.
What are “community-driven projects that deploy clean energy” (electrical energy is clean, it’s producing it that’s dirty, even wind and solar) And what makes this stuff worth $2 billion?
What is the criteria for a project to qualify for one of these (fraud ripe) grants? I think I’ll try to look this up, who knows I might apply for one myself. I have this rather large platform/deck in my backyard left over from a swimming pool. Maybe I’ll paint it blue, call it a community environmental observation platform and bill the EPA, and because it’s on my property I can charge rent every month.
It’s obvious that the $ printing presses in DC and Fort Worth are firing on all cylinders since the Biden administration is so philanthropic with America’s money. We can’t afford our groceries and our national debt topped $ 33,000,000,000,000 (Trillion) for the first time in October mind you, but that’s almost an infinitesimally small price to pay for Democrats to fund themselves…and anything else that gets the leftist seal of approval.
For those unfamiliar, the Weimar Republic (1919-1933) is a good historical reference for how hyperinflation typically turns out for a country, and in the words of George Santayana, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
Excellent points NAVY, thanks! About the hyperinflation in Weimar Germany,even some otherwise highly intelligent people got wiped out financially. So apparently intelligence in some areas may not translate to intelligence in economics.
I feel no shame to admit economics confuse me. It’s like voodoo in Greek.
It’s not as convoluted as the federal government chooses to make it, Jeff. Their elaborate methods of calculation are meant as a smoke screen and an excuse for spending more than they take in. Much like our own monthly budgets, as long as the ‘GOZINTA’ pile is larger than the ‘GOZOUTA’ pile, life is good. Unfortunately for us, our government is in lust with deficit spending like a kid in a candy store who’s already burned through his allowance. That money must come from somewhere, so we borrow it from China or start printing more or both…and each time they do, it makes each dollar in your hand worth less.
There’s an infamous photo of a citizen of the Weimar Republic with a wheelbarrow full of German papiermarks (their currency) going to buy a loaf of bread. That’s what runaway inflation looks like. And since I saw someone post a photo this weekend of basic ground beef at a Safeway store in California at $11.00 a pound, it would seem that we’re heading down the same path.
Yes, the Dirtbagocrats are always boasting about deficits when they’re in charge and carefully avoid talking about debt. That works on stupid people, I guess. That’s their voter base. Stupid people.
I saw a dozen eggs for $10. dollars at Safeway. It wasn’t even a carton of 18. When Trump was (real) President, they were only $1.35 or so.
And meat? Not even Elon Musk could afford to eat it every night.
Strangely enough, I can get those funky one pound tubes of ground beef for five bucks and some change at the Mexican supermarket a few blocks from my apartment. I don’t know how they do it. It’s the same brand they sell at Wallmart for more. It’s distributed by Wilmar foods in LA but has no brand name. You’ve probably seen it.
It’s like the chick who asked her man to take her someplace expensive. He took her to the supermarket.
Once you accept the principle of altruism, that need makes right, in one case you’ve accepted the principle of altruism in all cases.
Why is it THEFT when Joe Biden takes taxpayer money and spreads the wealth in the name of the NEED to protect the environment, but beautiful, wonderful, altruism when the government steals from your neighbor to fund your children’s elementary school education?
“The Americans were political revolutionaries but not ethical revolutionaries. Whatever their partial (and largely implicit) acceptance of the principle of ethical egoism, they remained explicitly within the standard European tradition, avowing their primary allegiance to a moral code stressing philanthropic service and social duty. Such was the American conflict: an impassioned politics presupposing one kind of ethics, within a cultural atmosphere professing the sublimity of an opposite kind of ethics.
The signs of the conflict and of the toll it was to exact from the distinctively American political approach were evident at the beginning. They were evident in Jefferson’s proposal for free public education; in Paine’s advocacy of a number of governmental welfare functions; in Franklin’s view that an individual has no right to his superfluous property, which the public may dispose of as it chooses, “whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition”; etc.” – Leonard Peikoff, “The Ominous Parallels”
A $Billion here a $Billion there……….Meh.
This is part of the reason we’re $34 Trillion in debt. You’ve just got to love that all of this “program’s” money will go to “disadvantaged communities that are marginalized by underinvestment and overburdened by pollution.” Gee, why are these communities “marginalized by underinvestment?” Could it be that even after decades of “enterprise zones” and such, the social pathologies present in these “communities” make them a place where no sane person would invest? Sounds more like “self-marginalized” if you ask me, although no one did.
And I notice the vast fortunes earmarked for “disadvantaged, marginalized communities” (a triple falsehood) never reaches those people and what is ostensibly spent for them never helps them. Poor people are still poor and criminals are worse than ever.
Come to think of it, everybody is poorer under Alzheimer Joe’s handlers.
The Left always asks “Who funds conservative group x?” They always signal the evil they themselves do.
But I think the greater evil is the complicity that ignores the obvious. We are begin governed against our will, hastening our destruction and destroying the future for our posterity.
My unequivocal, rigidly scientific opinion is not for sale.
I rent it out, at market rates.
Leave is to the Democrats to find ways to waste our Dollars handing out big wads of Cash to the Climate Freaks
Yes, the same people making us miserable with their lobbying for impossible clean power and wildfire which immolate entire towns. Paying for grocery bags is just an added bonus.
“Wildfires.” And yes, they have razed entire towns here in CA thanks to environ-mental lobbyists and our state legislature and greasy Governor.
Plenty of man made droughts for farmers, too.
Like the “Camp Fire” (wildfire in Paradise, California), November 2018, 85 dead, $16 billion in damages.
Likely caused by a homeless derelicts too.
Remember, in America money buys votes. In another article on this website, I commented that Biden could win in 2024. All he has to do is promise them money. One example, he could promise to cancel all student loans. That would earn him 35 to 40 million votes right there.
Only vote vote fraud and cheating could put that toxic old buzzard in office, just like last time.
And he can’t cancel all student loans. His handlers already tried and failed. There’s a limit to haw many laws even they’re allowed to break.