Poor helpless, hapless, mumbling, stumbling, bumbling brain-dead President Joe Biden. It’s all over for him. The puppet’s days are clearly numbered.
It’s so obvious what’s happening. Biden’s presidency is over. The deep state and D.C. swamp don’t need him anymore. He served his purpose. Now they want him out.
There are two reasons why all of this is happening now.
First, Democrats realize Biden is not only the worst candidate in the history of politics, but he is also deteriorating right in front of everyone’s eyes. Biden may have started out as a brain-dead puppet, wearing masks and hiding in his Delaware basement. But those were “the good old days.”
Now the secret is out of the basement. The cat is out of the bag. Everyone knows. Even most Democrats finally got the message: They don’t want Biden in 2024.
So, the same deep state that installed him needs to remove him, so they can get a head start on rigging the next election in 2024.
Enter Biden’s mishandled classified document scandal. Perfect timing. Biden has been set up by his own deep state. Suddenly documents just happen to be found in both his think tank office and his Delaware garage. Who found them? Why would corrupt Democrats (who are world-class experts at coverups — see the rigged 2020 election, the COVID-19 vaccine propaganda and the Jan. 6 hearings) decide to publicly report them? Why wouldn’t they ignore them, or cover up the scandal?
Why indeed. Because they want Biden out.
Think of all the crimes of Biden. Ukraine. China. Bribery. Extortion. Hunter’s laptop. The 2020 election. Open borders. All the deaths from Biden’s vaccine mandate. The humiliating retreat from Afghanistan. And after all of that, Biden will be forced out for classified documents in his garage?
Read the tea leaves. For Biden, the end is near. Soon he will be impeached, indicted or forced to resign in disgrace.
Who is behind all this? You might guess the ultimate deep state family: the Obamas. Former President Barack Obama has been running this presidency from behind the shadows from the start. Biden is Obama’s puppet. Obama put him in the White House. Now he’s sending Joe off to the assisted living house.
Why? My best guess is to make room for Michelle Obama as the Democrats’ presidential candidate for 2024. This is Obama’s grand plan. It will be the fourth and fifth terms of Obama. Obama himself got two terms. Then his puppet Biden got a term. Now he wants Michelle to give him two more terms.
With five terms, Obama will beat the all-time record held by the last Democrat dictator who tried to turn America into a socialist nation: FDR.
But never lose sight of the Clinton crime family’s ties to the deep state. This could be the Clintons throwing grandpa from the plane to make room for… Hillary Part Deux.
In the end, I think I’d put my money on door No. 3: the Pelosi crime family. They are tied to the deep state like John Gotti was tied to the Mafia. Maybe Aunt Nancy is throwing Biden under the bus to make room for her nephew, California Dictator Gavin Newsom (who openly lusts for the White House).
Those are the leading choices for whom the deep state criminals are throwing Grandpa Joe to the wolves. I’m betting by 2024 (and most probably, sooner) one of those three candidates will be running for president, while serving as the incumbent president of the United States.
How will they get to the top? Dumb-as-a-doorknob Vice President Kamala Harris will soon be forced to resign to a retirement of wealth, fancy San Francisco dinners and $100,000 speeches. One of the aforementioned three will be installed as the new VP, and after Biden’s forced removal, ascend to the throne.
Now to the second reason why the deep state is suddenly so intent on getting rid of Biden: because if they can indict, convict or force Biden from office on the charge of mishandling classified documents, it is a two-for-one. They get rid of albatross Biden AND they make it easier to indict and convict Trump for the same charges. Removing Biden gives them “cover” to show how “fair” and “honest” and “unbiased” they are.
Can’t you hear their argument? “Fair is fair. We got rid of both Biden and Trump for the same crime. We never played politics.”
And of course, in the end, getting rid of Trump is what everything is about for these obsessed, Trump-hating Democrats. They’d sell their own mother down the river for the chance to eliminate Trump. He is the only thing standing in the way of turning us all into serfs and slaves. So, Trump must go. This is how they get him out of the way: indict him, destroy his reputation and tie him up in court for the next two years.
Now you know what’s happening to confused, brain-dead Biden and why.
Barry Spinello says
If this is interesting email me. I sent to Columbia Magazine several years ago and got no response. No surprise.
I graduated from Columbia some years ago. Recently I wrote to the Registrar asking for my college transcript. A transcript was sent to me but apparently a mix-up occurred – probably due to a similarity of name. My name is Barry Spinello. The transcript I received was for a Barry Soetero. A different student, from a different year. You will notice the similarity in names. Again this is probably the source of the mix-up. Another possible source of mix-up is that we were both lumped together into the fifth quintile. Wow! Soetero’s grades were even worse than mine.
Registrar – What should I do with the transcript? Do you have an address for Soetero so that I may get this to him directly? Or should I fax it over to our local newspaper and have them try to track him down?
Yours truly,
Barry Spinello, CC62
Don Kosky says
Give it to the media, and does it mention that he was born in Kenya?
Rikki says
I watched four campaign videos before Obama became the fraudulent POTUS, two of Obama and two of his man-wife. In all four videos both said Obama was born in Kenya. All four videos have been removed from YouTube.
philososki says
So, is this like the “Golden Tablets?” Where is the transcript now?
jesus rodriguez says
Could it be you hold the Golden Key.? Give it to Frontpage.
Cajun says
Don’t give transcript to Wash Post or NYT. They will make it disappear. Similar story to John F Kerry’s Yale transcript that was buried within his military record. Kerry’s Yale GPA turned out to be 2.02 and below that of GW Bush who the media painted as dumb. Solid C students — not showing off but not falling behind.
larrymswartSLMS says
Obama, Barry santoro was born in Africa. The entire Kenya knows it and was proud that he came from Kenya, however the same country now despises the gay African scammer.
Mark Cogley says
FDR did not actually serve four terms – it was twelve years and a month.
jesus rodriguez says
Some serious nit’s you pick. Anyone reading front page knows this
We are however proud of your reverse virtue signaling prowess.
KenS says
He was elected 4 times, but died early in his 4th term.
Frank Giaquinto says
Correct -He was elected for a fourth term in 1944, but he died after serving just 83 days of his fourth term.
Mo de Profit says
The next president will be chosen by the colour of their skin and their sex.
internalexile says
Maybe, after Biden is ejected, we should stop using the word “president”–just say “Dear Leader” and be done with it.
Pam says
We’ll, nowadays you can “identify” as anything. So a white make can run for president and declare that he is a black female.
Kay says
And sexual preferences
Hoodoothere says
Yest except it will not be chosen. Ot will e Kamala Harris.
Steven Brizel says
This is a superb analysis of the current state of Biden who more snd more looks like LBJ in 1968
DiracDelta says
Amazing though that just like LBJ and the Great Society programs, Biden was effective just long enough to advance the socialist agenda.
Frank Giaquinto says
Many of the current Socialistic policies of today’s Democratic party were started in 1965 under LBJ’s ” Great Society” programs – A King Size step in the wrong direction!
angelo barbato says
LBJ looked like a genius as compared to this piece of chicken excrement.
Onzeur Trante says
Great article. The future doesn’t look pretty (literally or figuratively). That’s a fact.
JimB says
A r.replacement VP requires a vote of both Houses of Congress. McCarthy?
Sword of the Spirit says
“DemoCraps want a new president” ? Yah they probably figure they can get satan himself.
Kevin says
The next Dem president will likely be the Anti-Christ. Every plank in the Dem party platform would hail an Anti-Christ politician as their hero.
M. C. Rochen says
The Deep State / Swamp, has all of the influence and power in our country. Apathy has allowed our political system to be compromised to a degree of which there is little hope for normalcy. When our justice system, media, the military, educational institutions, politicians of both parties, the Supreme Court, become corrupted, we’re on track to hit bottom. Will we be satisfied as a third-world country?
Gz7 says
The people will not be satisfied with a third world country, and at the same time have no idea it’s they that brought us to where we’re at today. The completely compromised education/indoctrination schools are the root cause. People don’t learn from history because history isn’t taught anymore.
Spurwing Plover says
All those who still support Biden should just pound their heads on the wall for being so Easly duped
phoebeintheforest says
It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.
Mark Twain
thomas warwick says
The THIRDWORLDIFICATION of America proceeds with great haste. How many years will it take for only the elite to travel in automobiles while the rest of us will have to be content with ox carts?
Mary says
Wait, wait can’t have oxen because of carbon pollution.
Mark Sochor says
Any one of those 3 government parasites would continue our decline. I’m wondering if it is election fraud or electorate ignorance? Or if the combination is our doom?
Gz7 says
It is a combination of both. What’s more worrisome is the complete lack of interest with republicans regarding election fraud. Election fraud is no longer a conspiracy theory. And, little girl judges don’t help.
David says
Definitely a combination. The “education system” has been designed to keep the masses in the dark to make the corruption easier to perpetrate.
Steven Brizel says
Obama,Schujmerl Clyburn and Pelosi know that Biden is fatally compromised on the issue of retention of classified documents and his moneylaundering center at U of P, and his rewarding the president of U of Pand a major bundler from Philly with ambassadorships That;s why there is no protest against anysearches ofBiden’s offices ,homes or respositories for his documents. Biden is like LBJ ion 1968-a useful tool for the Democrats who became a political liability
Schlomo Shekelstein says
By deep state you mean the Jewish overlords right?
junkyard_infidel says
are you on a break from felching mullah’s?
dani says
We Jews live rent-free in that empty head of your. You poor schmuck – soooooo obsessed with Jews. You irrelevant, envious loser.
Jim says
Perhaps American voters will be so outraged at the Bidens that even all the cheating by the Dems will not get another Dem elected. I hope.
Stan says
Well it all does serve two purposes. First, as the fake investigation drags on into the primary season it will ensure that Joe doesn’t run again; the primary reason the Dems leaked the story to begin with. They know that lying Joe is so old and feeble and compromised that he can’t win again; especially since they can blame the destruction of our economy on Joe and the Republican House. Secondly, because the DOJ investigation will supersede any attempts by the House to investigate Joe and Hunter’s illegal “pay for play” deals with China. Documents and testimony will “be sealed” and sources not revealed because it is all “currently under investigation”. Then some time after the elections of 2024 we may learn the extent of the Biden Crime Family deals but then, just like the verification of the Hunter Biden laptop story, it will be too late. Let’s just hope that some of America’s ignorant voters who have been duped since 2016, wake up before 2024.
World@70 says
“Soon he will be impeached, indicted or forced to resign in disgrace.”
But will the Democratic party want that stigma attached to their brand? My guess is no. So the problem becomes how to drag old Joe, kicking and screaming out the back door of the WH and spin it into a triumphant exit while managing to blame Trump for the current price of eggs.
Also Michelle Obama will have a big problem with all the kids she subjected to her healthy school menus of kale and shamrock salad with vegan hot dogs. Those kids are voting age now and want revenge.
Elliott Alhadeff says
Maybe the absence of our dear leader is replaced by our dearer leader DeSantis who is likely to turn Mrs. Obama into the Black Who Doesn’t Matter Anymore and her ilk into political obscurity.
Walter Sieruk says
Joe Biden and his administration are an abomination to everything that is wise, good .fair decent just and right. As he has proven by his appointments, orders policies and politics of are nothing but folly and madness if not outright reason.
With all the awful things done by Biden, he is an extremely incompetent fool and outright idiot, or the second case is the he is a treacherous treasonous subversive scoundrel and an outright villain.
B says
And treason should result in execution.
Walter Sieruk says
Regarding that subversive treasonous fiend now sitting in the Oval Office of the White House masquerading as a real, genuine, US President.
It may be truly said that Joe Biden is an affront to the Office of the Presidency of the United States and a disgrace to the US as well as a catastrophe to America and a disaster for the American people.
In other words. Joe Biden epitome and personification of calamity for the United States and the US citizens.
To put this same message in a rather humorous way, there’s a country type song about Joe Biden.
Some of the lyres to it are as followers.
“Let’s Joe Brandon, let’s go, yes, I’m talking about you sleepy Joe. You’re Marxist and you’re WOKE, You’re a dirt bag and a joke. Let’s Go Brandon, let’s go.”
Barbaree says
The only reason Biden was able to get away with what he’s done is that the MSM protects him every step of the way. Can you imagine a Republican getting away with those non-press, press conferences?
Walter Sieruk says
Before Joe Biden had entered the White House masquerading as a real genuine US President he had said that any “President who gets things done by executive orders and not popular consensus is a dictator.”
Now that Biden is sitting in the Presidential Office he has issued more executive orders than and US President in The history of the United States, even more than Obama.
Therefore by his own words, dictator and tyrant Joe Biden, truly, is.
Walter Sieruk says
Joe Biden in a speech condemning extreme “political violence.” At face value, that statement seems OK.
Nevertheless, a number of things are wrong. in what he said about “political violence” Biden was speaking about the mayhem that occurred on January 6, 2021, Biden even said that, and slanderously called the American patriots” insurrectionists” who had been framed in that leftist set up, but he said nothing about the most extreme horrendous political violence carried out, repeatedly in different cities by the violent lawless criminal and malicious and even, at times, murderous Marxist, of Antifa and BLM.
Furthermore, Biden didn’t condemn the political /religious violence, many times over, by Muslim terrorists. As one of the major characters in Iran’s Islamic revolution in 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini had, rightly, declared, “All Islam is politics.” [1]
In addition, Biden completely failed to condemn all violence, not only “political violence.”
For the horrible reality is the there is much non-political violence ranging from bands of Criminal gangs, as the most heinous and evil MS-13 to domestic home violence.
That speech delivered by Joe Biden was terrible and so is he.
[1] THE ISLAM IN ISLAMIC TERRORISM by Ibn Warraq page 332
Walter Sieruk says
That Socialist, tyrant, Joe Biden, likes and admires Communist China very much and will support that Red tyranny as for a he is able to. Likewise, Biden won’t oppose its President Xi Jinping in any way.
Biden has such a strong admiration for Red China that he even has his Beijing type political prison in Washington DC which must obviously be modeled on how Communist China mistreats and abuses its own political prisoners who were falsely arrested on January 6, 2021 at Washington D.C
For in the Biden gulag the American patriots falsely arrested in that leftist set up gets worse, those the patriots are kept 23 hours alone in single dark moldy cells to not working plumbing, and this means not even a working toilet. They are also given little food and the little they do receive is of very poor quality. In other words the food is terrible, they are also denied proper medical care, no matter how much anyone on them might desperately need it
This is like the political prison in Communist China. So it’s no wonder that Joe Biden likes Red China and have many of his polices favoring that Red tyranny.
Walter Sieruk says
The ancient Greek Philosopher, Plato, did have a good valid point when he had written, “The measure of a man is what he does with power.”
When applying that wise statement to Joe Biden, his “measure” is more than lacking, it’s outright terrible.
For Biden is the obedient “lap dog” of the Communist President of China, Xi Jinping. Likewise, Biden is also the faithful supporting servant the close ally of Red China .Which is that anti-America “mullah regime” of Iran. That hates the United States that it sets up billboards in Tehran that read “Death to America” and calls the US “The great Satan.”
Surely, the “measure” of Joe Biden is so very horrendously evil that he is an affront to the Office of the Presidency of the United States and a disgrace to the US Constitution as well as a calamity for America and a disaster for the American people.
Walter Sieruk says
Joe Biden is so very feeble that he can’t even handle riding as bicycle or walking up a flight of steps or walk on a stage platform without stumbling.
It must be that eating ice cream is the only thing that Biden does really know how to do well.
For the villainy of this pseudo -“president” Biden has no limits. That despicable fiend creepy old Joe, is determined to make the United States depended dependent of foreign oil.
Likewise Biden is an economic disaster and calamity for the United States..
As the ancient Greek philosopher, Plato wrote, “The penalty for refusing to take part in politics is to be ruled men inferior to yourself.”
Walter Sieruk says
To think that demented man .Joe Biden, has the power of the United States Presidency in America is a disturbing.
Biden can’t handle national affairs is a reason sensible logical way so how much less is he able to handle international situations of serious concerns.
Proof enough of this is that he can’t hardly even speak a rational statement. For many times, when he speaks, he exposes just how feeble -minded and nonsensical he really is.
For example, one time in a speech Biden said “The old expression ‘Time is money.’ As one computer said ‘If you’re on the train as they say Portal Bridge, you know you better make other plans.’ ”
What an idiot Joe Biden is. It’s horrible that he’s supposed to be “America’s President.”
geoff mizel says
The Left, “FASCISTIC SOCIALISTS”/AMERICAN MARXISM have Legions of “useful idiots.” When they can no longer provide useful and necessary words and actions to THE myopic, delusional, corrupt, fraudulent, THE BIG LIES, very destructive and tyrannical IDEOLOGY they are disposed of like taking out the garbage.
#46 just might be discovering his NEW Reality.
SC says
Wayne….please….I like you and hard to believe, I may even hate Biden and Obama even more than you!! But please stop with this nonsense. We all read what you predicted about Trump steamrolling Biden. Did not happen. We all read what you said about the red tsunami. Did not happen. Please stop with these silly predictions.
Ann W. says
SC, Who knows if Wayne’s current prediction about Biden is on target or not. Only time will tell. HOWEVER, he WAS actually correct about Trump steamrolling Biden in 2020, AND the red tsunami in 2022. IF there had been honest elections, free of the myriad types of fraud that have been discovered and documented, then Trump would be serving his second term right now. AND we would have a much larger majority in the House, as well as a majority in the Senate. If you are a reasonably intelligent person who paid close attention to those two elections, and did the least bit of your own research, surely you would know that the Democrat / Media machine totally got away with stealing both the Presidential election, AND many of the Congressional races as well. If you read Front Page Magazine, and other conservative sources, surely you must be aware of all the evidence of election fraud that has been produced, and summarily dismissed, covered up, censored, lied about, and ignored by the MSM. Too much to go into right now, but check out Dinesh D’Souza’s “2,00o Mules” for a start. I don’t know too many clear-thinking people (even including some honest Democrats) who truly believe that Biden received 81 million LEGITIMATE votes. Come on man! 😉
Ron says
Biden is doing exactly one thing right. He is holding back on WW3.
That is why all these traitors and so called “elites” are attacking him now. A lot of people were wondering what this classified documents nonsense was all about. The man is so completely and totally corrupt in such an obvious fashion, that it’s the equivalent of arresting a mass murdering pedophile for jaywalking. And the example is horrifyingly not that different.
No, this is a setup. Our disgusting leaders want WW3. They put the most corrupt man they could find into office, because no sane human being would want to be responsible for that.
Now we see that even an insane, senile, corrupt psychopath doesn’t want to be responsible for that.
All of you who are criticizing him must take a serious step back IMMEDIATELY. Yes, hes’ a traitor and a criminal, but right now I’m beginning to seriously question whether any of these corrupt lunatics aren’t.
What he also is, is trying not to start WW3. If he can manage that, I can forgive him for the rest.
Tex the Mockingbird says
Biden is sinking faster then a rowboat with twenty holes drilled in it and a fat Jackass rowing it
Algorithmic Analyst says
The Dems may be trying to con the Repubs into impeaching Uncle Joe, so the Dems can get rid of him yet blame the Repubs for doing it.
Bryan says
One additional advantage regarding the document charge, there will be no need to look into all those other issues regarding the Biden crime syndicate. “He’s gone now folks, nothing to see here, move along”.
Roger says
All those who try to pontificate on Obama, Clinton, Biden and the other clearly corrupt socialists and probably almost fascist wanna-bes are wasting their time. Many of the Republicans are of the same cloth, corrupted and self-serving. There are no moral compasses left in the government(s) of this country and, while I would never suggest that ‘earlier’ examples of our government were pure, we are basically doomed to become a technically savvy third world nation that cannot educate its electorate past some silly game. No education, no morals and self-serving examples almost everywhere you turn spell only one thing. We either resist strenuously the oncoming juggernaut of oppression or we, especially the older folks, just find some good booze and watch the show. 200 plus years of a great experiement in which many of us saw wonderful times and helped maintain the freedom of much of the world are now coming to a close and politicians will find a most terrible ending to their personal futures. I am glad I was not born any later than I was.
Jonscot says
For God’s sake:
Let’s have a THIRD PARTY!