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Ever see a drunk asked to leave a nice restaurant? It doesn’t have to have been in person, you’ve likely seen it in a movie or a TV show; something where the person is asked nicely, but forcefully, to leave and they cause a huge scene as they walk to the door – knocking over drinks, bumping into people, being very loud, etc. That guy is Joe Biden. The current President of the United States and his administration are going to go out like a destructive drunk and it should lead not only to the destruction of his legacy, but a dramatic change of the transition period in the future.
Remember when the Obama administration was ending and there were a whole bunch of political appointees – people whose jobs should have ended on January 20, 2017 – who moved to non-political jobs so they could stay in various departments and undermine the incoming Trump administration?
The Biden administration appears to be trying to do that with ideas, bad ideas. “The State Department has crafted plans to distribute staffers from a shuttered office accused of censoring conservatives to a new internal ‘hub’ that will coordinate its activities,” reports the Washington Examiner. “The Global Engagement Center, the office that Republicans accused of working with groups aiming to demonetize right-leaning media outlets in the United States, shut down in late 2024 upon lawmakers agreeing to no longer fund it. However, in a non-public letter to members of Congress on Dec. 6, the State Department outlined its plans to “realign” more than 50 GEC officials and tens of millions of dollars in funding to a hub purporting to counter foreign interference, documents show.”
There was an agreement to shut this censorship machine down and the people the deal was struck with simply started moving it around and calling it something else.
Maybe Biden doesn’t understand or know that this is happening, but he is still responsible for it.
The sale of the materials to build the border wall were simply made out of spite – an angry man lashing out at anyone in his line of sight. He’s throwing every penny not nailed down at Ukraine, and God knows what else.
Now we get word that Joe is officially blocking the sale of US Steel to Nippon because, well, “national security.” What national security? Who knows?
Nippon is a Japanese company, not a Chinese one. Japan is an ally, not an enemy. Nippon has the resources to help rebuild a faltering company and has pledged to do so. Still, Joe blocked it. The New York Times described it as “an extraordinary use of executive power, particularly for a president who is just weeks from leaving office. It is also a departure from America’s long-established culture of open investment, one that could have wide-ranging implications for the U.S. economy.”
In a statement Biden said, “As a committee of national security and trade experts across the executive branch determined, this acquisition would place one of America’s largest steel producers under foreign control and create risk for our national security and our critical supply chains.” He’s never explained how.
Nippon couldn’t physically remove the steel factories from the US, nor could they refuse to act in America’s interests, should we have an emergency that required steel immediately – every business in the country is subject to the Defense Production Act, which gives power to the feds to take control of pretty much any business in an emergency.
CBS reported “Trade Representative Katherine Tai, who is a CFIUS member, had concerns about the deal’s impact on labor, and was opposed to the deal,” which is odd considering her domain is trade, not unions. Of course, she’s been cozy up with the “other suitor” in this deal, Cleveland Cliffs, which has offered a much lower priced deal with significantly less investing. The CEO of US Steel, David Burritt, called what Biden did “shameful and corrupt. He gave a political payback to a union boss out of touch with his members while harming our company’s future, our workers, and our national security,” on Twitter, adding, “Our employees and communities deserve better. We needed a President who knows how to get the best deal for America and work hard to make it happen. Make no mistake: this investment is what guarantees a great future for U. S. Steel, our employees, our communities, and our country.”
One is coming, and those jobs can still be saved.
Undoing this blockage, along with all the last-minute destruction Biden is inflicting on his way out the door should be a day one priority of President Trump. Of course, he can’t claw back money already in Ukraine, he can’t undo pardons and commutations, but he can reverse Biden’s job-killing decision on US Steel and he can the censorship regime Biden is trying to embed deep in the government.
Then we need to have a serious discussion about limiting what any President can do in the ultra-lame-duck three months after an election timeframe. If our political leaders were angels, we wouldn’t need to worry about it. But they’re that drunk guy being asked to leave a restaurant who simply refuses to do the right thing and leave with some dignity.
That wicked treasonous despicable sinister villain ,Joe Biden , is so extremely horrendously destructive and harmful to the United States in many different horrendous ways. That horrible scoundrel of fiend is tearing this nation down to the very end of his term in Office
For that villain ,Biden, is the epitome of a treacherous treasonous subversive rude abusive mean old bastard
Therefore regarding Joe Biden it’s very important to remember the ancient Latin saying “Noli-illegitimi-carborundum”.
Meaning “Don’t let the bastards grind you down.”
Can’t wait until this demented clown is out of office along with his lying press secretary.
He will continue to burn down America in the next week. Very sad.
That treacherous treasonous villain ,Joe Biden, is an affront to the Office of the Presidency of the United States and a disgrace to the US Constitution as well as catastrophe for America and a disaster for the American people
Not to worry.
Xi milked Sleepy for every favor he could squeeze outta him.
And Sleepy knows the damage he’s crapping all over the USA won’t land on his foreigner financed patch of real estate (real estate devoid of illegal immigrants of course)
A raised middle finger to America and the constitution, as the Biden folks leave.
And the Obama folks burrowed deep in this putrid admin.
Biden sinking into the Swamp and he has a lot of stones to help him sink faster and Deeper
I.S. Steel at their Claritin Works were ready to invest $1 Billion in refitting new modernized equipment in 2019…The minute they found out Democrats won they scrapped that idea as fast as if it was lead contaminated steel!!! THEY NEW REGULATIONS ON TOP OF BUSINESS DESTROYING REGULATIONS WERE DEAD AHEAD UNDER BIDUMB…
The worst thing about Joe Biden’s criminal family is they will never pay for their crimes because of the corrupt politics in our government, including democrats and republicans who are also on the take.
Oh they will pay, this is Country that was and is based on Judeo Christian beliefs!! We will all stand before our Creator God and every knee shall bow at Jesus’s feet. Oh there is a special hell for those whom don’t repent of their sins. He and all that have been using him as a puppet, they will pay as well! Come Lord Jesus, come!!
This is why INBREEDING should be a Capitol Offense.
I hate Joe as much as anyone, but I don’t want U.S. Steel to be owned by Japan. That’s embarrassing. What’s next? How about we let India buy Ford but to the author, its cool because we’re allies. No thanks. And I certainty don’t care that this blockage could have an impact on foreign “investment” in American enterprises. I don’t want American land owned by the Chinese, I don’t want American businesses owned by the Japanese, and I hate that foreigners all over the middle east buy up real estate in America. If there’s one thing I do not think America needs right now, it’s foreign investment. We have enough foreign influence in this country.
Unfortunately Fiat, of Italy, already owns and controls Chrysler/Jeep.
I agree with you. Foreign investment is another name for globalism. It’s libertarian, not conservative.
America has had enough of the Bush philosophy.
I hate Joe as much as anyone, but I don’t want U.S. Steel to be owned by Japan. That’s embarrassing. What’s next? How about we let India buy Ford? But to the author, its cool because we’re allies. No thanks. And I certainty don’t care that this blockage could have an impact on foreign “investment” in American enterprises. I don’t want American land owned by the Chinese, I don’t want American businesses owned by the Japanese, and I hate that foreigners all over the middle east buy up real estate in America. If there’s one thing I do not think America needs right now, it’s foreign investment. We have enough foreign influence in this country.
Biden is shaking things up, just as Simone Biles advocated on social media after the election.
OBAMA was very clever putting demented Joe on the stage as his stooge. Obama can create all the disasters he wants in the world and can keep destroying the greatest country in the world until the very end and blame it all on BIDEN- think Biden has to keep playing the part or the Communist Democrats will not give he and Jill their final pay out
Joe Biden Is evil in every form of the word. He is the worst President we have ever had.. He will have to pay for his deeds to God one day. I pray that Donald Trump will do the right things to make our country great. I am confident he will.
Your full of crap. Joe Biden did nothing but make our country better. I assume your one of those Republicans who voted Trump back into office so he can wreak havoc on the seniors in this country by him trying to screw up Medicare and our Social Security. And destroying our democracy like he tried to do the last time he held office. I also assume your one of those wealthy corporation heads who’ll be getting undeserved tax breaks while the middle class suffers and pays more & more in taxes. So you need to shut up & stop trying to destroy the reputation of Joe Biden, who by the way has been one of the greatest Presidents our country’s ever had, pulling for the middle class and forcing those wealthy businesses to finally be forced to pay their just dues. Being in Trump’s pocket doesn’t make you an upstanding citizen it makes you a worthless piece of crap!!! I just hope your happy when our country’s democracy is completely destroyed!! Then hopefully we will have a Democrat Candidate in. 2028 take back the leadership of our country and hooefully will be able to restore our dignity and our forefathers proud that they were a part of making this country “GREAT” like it was before Trump destroyed it. He is already working on jailing innocent people, cutting much needed help for the elderly like putting Dr. Oz in charge of Medicare so he can do Trump’s bidding and cut us off and getting in bed with Elon Musk who’s top priority is to destroy social security, the only source of income most Seniors depend on for survival and things like food, utilities, self care,, efc., while he lives high on the hog with millions of dollars. Trump’s whole cabinet is filled with people who are at his beck & call doing everything he says so he’ll let them keep their hands in his pockets like he did in 2016-2020m. Just remember if anything goes wrong, he will find one of you to blame and you’ll be out of tgatv position just like those who crossed him during his last term in office. If he hadn’t left our country in such a mess. Biden wouldn’t have had so many problems he had to fix the second he stepped into office on January 20 2020
little samb, if brainless joe were the greatest president, then nancy piglosi must be a saint! your one leader emperor for life, xi jing ping, has an order of lenin waiting for you in beging and herr fuher, klaus schwab, your other leader, has a play room all set up for you and the mourning left, with lotts uh play dough and other toys and a nipple for you to suck on!
You bought the major media propaganda. I am sorry for you.
You’re a blind fool Samb.
I would hope that the Trump admin can charge O’Biden with treason ( there is more than sufficient proof of this) and end his days in a cozy cell where the J 6 ers are.
Rev. Roy…………<
While I agree with author’s premise, the things he has most problems with are utter nonsense. You want ANY country, friend or foe, to take over the 5th largest steel producing org in America? For what? To increase stock performance? No need to sell at all. Jobs will be lost massively, but USS gets to keep its name. Thanks. Just because you are an ally of us doesn’t give you the right to help initiate yet another mega merger effecting a lot of jobs. .
As an aside. I have been inside a large steel plant and some foundries, when I was a risk control consultant in the insurance industry. The resources that go into making steel are astronomical, as is the cold and hot sweat of working near arc and blast furnaces. The biggest steel company in America, Nucor, has a market cap for all those assets and worth to America that is less than $50B. Compare to AI companies destined to take away our jobs for a dystopian world of permanent unemployment. We are valuing the wrong things and that will be America’s downfall regardless of what happens with a miniscule investment by Japan. Just the daily change in market cap for any of the the top 7 S&P companies is worth more than the largest steel producer. And to what end?
Biden has always been an evil person and when he doesn’t get his way he throws a fit just like a child and tries to destroy anything or anyone in his way. He’s just like Nancy Pelosi very ruthless and only cares about themselves and money!
For Obama, and his puppet Biden, they both want to have the “last laugh” on America for turning against the massively corrupt DemocRATs !
Trump must open a Presidential investigation into the 2020 elections to prove without a doubt that it was a ‘stolen’ election perpetrated by the Democratic party and its political organizations at both Federal and State levels in collusion with the fraudulent use of electronic voting systems, mail in ballots, and non-secured ballot boxes. Then the four years of the Biden regime can be declared as ‘illegitimate’ and all regulations, laws, acts, executive actions, pardons and awards declared during those four years are non-binding and can be declared null and void, without review by Congress, Senate or the Judiciary.
This is what counts as a “peaceful transfer of power” to the left.
Lame duck would have been preferred but no way would Obama, I mean Biden, let that happen.
I would say, he’s more of a Peking Duck.
Do they light a match to the place as they are told to leave?
Biden is such a child. Sticking out his tongue as he gets dragged off the stage while declaring, “I know your are, but what am I?”
Beijing Biden is a clinical psychopathic personality. Everything he does falls into that diagnosis.
Judge for yourself:
1. Pathological Lying and Manipulation
2. Lack of Morality and Rule Breaking
3. Lack of Empathy and Cold-Heartedness
4. Narcissism and False Superiority Complex
5. Gaslighting and Psychological Bullying
6. Lack of Contrition and Self-Serving Victimhood
Think about it. We have been under the rule of a psychopath.
At this point I see little left to destroy. There is little recognizable remaining of the country I once knew and I feel more of a stranger here than a citizen.
“…any country whose leaders favor the illegal invaders of its borders over its own citizens is not a nation fit to lead the world but is a land run by madmen…” …Pres. Vladimir Putin in Pravda editorial before the 2016 US election.
He was right then and he is ten times as right now.