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After the Hamas massacre of over 1,000 Israeli men, women and children, President Biden and members of his administration appeared to be saying all the right things about the attack.
In reality, the Biden administration tied down the Israeli response, making airstrikes less effective, delaying a ground assault, resupplying Hamas and slowing down military aid to Israel. Its intervention has made Israel less likely to destroy Hamas and more likely to lose lives.
There was always a great difference between Biden’s public and private response.
Biden and administration officials began pressuring Prime Minister Netanyahu and Israeli officials to avoid civilian casualties almost right after the Hamas attacks. Warnings that were initially relayed in phone conversations were leaked to the media. And shortly after they became public warnings. During his speech, three days after the attacks, Biden introduced the emphasis on following the “laws of war” that everyone in his administration would echo.
Administration officials took up the theme with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin lecturing Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on “the importance of adhering to the law of war, including civilian protection obligations, and addressing the worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza.”
Avoiding civilian casualties while fighting terrorists whose defensive strategy is hiding behind civilians and embedding their infrastructure around mosques, schools and hospitals is impossible. But as a result of Biden’s pressure campaign, Israel issued more warnings, allowing civilians, but also Hamas terrorists, to abandon areas and infrastructure they knew were targets.
But that still wasn’t good enough.
In his remarks in Israel and his prime time speech to the nation, Biden scolded that “when America experienced the hell of 9/11, we felt enraged as well. While we sought and got justice, we made mistakes. So, I cautioned the government of Israel not to be blinded by rage.”
The Biden administration returned to this theme of Israel as dangerous, lashing out with rage and prone to killing innocent people unless it was prevented from doing so by Washington D.C. Biden had not lectured Ukraine about not being blinded by rage, but Israel was another matter.
National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson limited the administration’s support to “necessary and proportionate action to defend its country and protect its people”. What the “proportionate” response to mass murder, torture, rape and beheading was, went unmentioned.
Publicly, Biden’s trip to Israel was hailed as a show of support, but officials suggested to the media that it was seen as the only way to apply pressure to the Israeli government in person.
Biden’s conditions for the trip included Israel ending its ‘siege’ of Gaza, demanding that Israel continue to supply power and water, as well as allow convoys into the Hamas territory even while Deputy National Security Adviser Jon Finer admitted to CNN that there was no way to stop Hamas from making use of them. $100 million in aid to Gaza was promised by the Biden administration and its proposed aid package of $9 billion to Israel includes $9 billion in aid which can be utilized for the ‘Palestinians’. This ended Israel’s efforts to cut off supplies to Hamas.
The Biden trip was also contingent on Israel delaying its ground assault on Hamas originally planned for that week. Once Biden visited Israel, the ground assault was further delayed under pressure from the Biden administration which demanded that Israel first allow in aid convoys and give it time to properly secure American diplomatic facilities in the region.
Hamas was able to resupply through the aid convoys, but Israeli soldiers still couldn’t go in.
300,000 Israeli soldiers have been mobilized in a nation of 7 million. Ordinary people have closed their businesses, canceled their plans and collapsed the economy.
Hamas is using this time to prepare more booby traps and a defense strategy for block by block fighting in Gaza City. Israel’s efforts to convince Gazans to leave were meant to prepare the ground for an assault. The longer a ground attack is delayed, the more soldiers will die.
Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant had sought to carry out a first strike to decimate Hezbollah’s massive arsenal of rockets in Lebanon, but the Biden administration had vetoed that on the grounds that it would escalate the conflict and instead offered to deploy two aircraft carriers to potentially dissuade a Hezbollah campaign while limiting the fighting to Hamas.
Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed terror group that controls Lebanon, instead has waged a lower-intensity conflict with Israel, killing soldiers and civilians, while threatening a larger one.
The ground assault on Hamas in Gaza continues to be postponed. The Biden administration has demanded that Israel have humanitarian plans fully implemented and a post-Hamas governance model in place before Israel can really send ground troops into Gaza.
But, as days pass, the population is trickling back in, which will mean far more civilian casualties. The Biden administration’s obsession with delaying an assault to wait for humanitarian aid would mean far more dead people if a full ground attack takes place. It would have saved more lives to quickly remove Hamas and provide aid than the other way around.
Seeing that the Biden administration had been effective in crippling Israel’s military response, Hamas began releasing a trickle of hostages to further slow down the Israeli operation. The Biden administration and the European Union have come out against a ground assault, now believing that diplomacy can free the hostages from Hamas. All that does is demonstrate to Hamas that having hostages is leverage that can be used to get Biden to stop an Israeli attack.
The hostages weren’t actually ‘hostages’ until Washington D.C. and Brussels made them so by blocking an Israeli ground assault on Hamas. Meanwhile Iran’s Shiite backed militias in Iraq and its Islamist allies around the Middle East began attacking and threatening American targets. The Biden administration once again gave in to the hostage situation by asking Israel to hold off its operation until it has managed to further secure American facilities. Why were these facilities not secured after Benghazi, the attacks on other diplomatic facilities on that same day, and years of rocket attacks by Iran’s militias on American facilities in Iraq, and what more can be done to secure them now? And how long will the process of securing them take? Who knows.
What is clear is that Biden demonstrated that Iran can take American facilities hostage across the region to force Washington D.C. to restrain Israel from destroying its terrorist organizations.
Meanwhile, the clock is ticking.
Biden chose to tie $9 billion in military resupply to Israel to a $106 billion package of which $61 billion will go to Ukraine and another $14 billion to processing border invaders more rapidly. This had the intended effect of drastically slowing down aid to Israel while creating a crisis with House Republicans who question further aid to Ukraine and oppose Biden’s border policies.
By making Israel’s military resupply dependent on a much larger Ukraine aid package, Biden reinforced the primacy of the Ukraine war over Israel’s campaign against Hamas. While Biden has repeatedly scolded Israel about following the laws of war, no such criticism has been directed toward Ukraine even when sending cluster munitions and other controversial weapons.
Rather than providing military resupply to Israel as quickly as possible, Biden had taken it hostage for political profit, trying to turn pro-Israel voters against House Republicans. It’s a win-win strategy for the Biden administration which for once can position itself on the pro-Israel side of an issue while slowing down aid to Israel in order to delay its military response.
Biden’s rhetoric after the Hamas attack won praise, even from some Republicans, but his policies don’t match his words. While he spoke of backing an Israeli military campaign against Hamas, what his administration actually did was to cripple it. The warnings about civilian casualties encouraged Hamas to hide behind women and children while making Israeli air strikes less effective. The constant delays imposed on a ground operation in Gaza may scuttle it altogether or make it longer and more costly in the lives of Israeli soldiers.
Hamas hostage taking was rewarded and if real fighting with Hezbollah breaks out, the lack of a first strike may prove to be an even more catastrophic disaster than the original Hamas attacks.
Finally, Biden promised rapid aid and instead turned it into a political game with Republicans to extract $61 billion for Ukraine and score some political points ahead of the 2024 election.
The Israeli government has tried to accommodate the Biden administration, but making its military response dependent on support from Washington D.C. will work out the same way that all past concessions, including those which allowed Hamas to win elections in 2006 and seize control of Gaza in 2007, have, leaving Israel with neither political support nor tactical options.
The greatest level of political support for a campaign against Hamas came right after the initial massacres. As time passes and the media barrages the public with Hamas propaganda like the hospital hoax, that support is disappearing and whatever support the Biden administration is promising will go with it.
Biden will take the admiring newspaper columns in Jewish weeklies and the ‘thank you’ letters sent to the White House, and tell Israel that it needs to wrap up its operation in a week or two. No matter how much Israel struggles to avoid killing civilians and how much aid it allows inside, his administration’s spokesmen will still blame civilian casualties and the “humanitarian crisis” in Gaza for the withdrawal of support. And many American Jews will side with Biden.
The Israeli government is waiting around for a level of political support that will never come. It has learned nothing from the failure of past concessions. It is always easier for an administration to sell out Israel than to stand up to Muslim countries and the American Left.
If the Netanyahu government is to fulfill its promise of ending Hamas rule in Gaza, it will have to act sooner rather than later. And it will have to go ahead without Biden’s approval. If it does not, Hamas will remain in power and the politicians will build a bigger wall and rationalize that this time they will make sure that the Islamic terrorists don’t get through it.
Listening to the Biden administration won’t defeat Hamas: it will allow it to survive. And that injustice will disgrace the memory of the dead and threaten the survival of the Jewish State.
Good analysis, thanks Daniel!
It was obvious from the beginning that they were trying to delay the invasion.
Another story I haven’t seen covered is how they sabotaged Ukraine by selling them on that stupid offensive recently. One aspect is the institutional blindness of trying to impose outdated NATO methods. It was obvious to me from the start that something was wrong with that plan.
It was only obvious to thinking people, the sheep all think that Biden represents the people of the USA, that the lockdowns were necessary, that the vaccines were brilliant, that George Floyd was killed by the police, that the police should be defunded, that the riots were mostly peaceful, Trump is a corrupt racist, that the UN sustainable development goals are good for the planet and that CO2 will kill everyone.
The IDF just invaded Gaza to kill terrorists and save hostages. Eat shit, you Paleosiminn creatures! Die in the agony you deserve.
Plus and worse (if even possible) is that Biden freed up frozen assets we had of Iran in his first days in office. This gave Iran several $billions to finance more terrorism across the globe. And, two weeks before the attack, Biden directly gifted Hamas in Gaza $158,000,000.
What dumb moves. Or, are their agendas the same?
Alzheimer Joe’s handlers are 100% complicit with Iran and all the other terrorists.
Every one of them should be executed for treason.
He only has one handler. But yes, he should be dropped.
The only thing that astounds me is that there’s no record of islamists even buying a single Hunter color-by-cokestraw painting.
Yet they’re getting more, MUCH MORE, than the communist Chinese politburo got for their investment in *Biden Inc.
My guess is that *Biden’s handlers have the majority share in *Biden Inc, and not the CCP. (They have common cause, so that’s enough, and China does benefit from the tumult.)
At this point I don’t give a shit. *Biden is fully on board with America’s enemies for low low price of $100+ million, and his actions are proving it.
FJB and the mail-in ballots he rode in on.
“Biden’s Handler”, not Handlers! Remember, this is Hussein Obama’s THIRD Term as POTUS! He and George Soros’ financial support are behind this terrible massacre of Jews, women and children. And
the actual culprit or criminal behind this chaos is that half-black guy, born in Kenya. And you people who read this and think it’s pure conspiracy theory, you are just as guilty of murder. I have a copy of the original birth certificate from Kenya. Years from now, when we are all dead, the truth will come out and the world will discover that we have all been duped by the biggest liar and gangsters the world has ever seen. Biden is just a puppet, a “useful idiot”, and you can witness this part every day on TV when he makes an appearance.
I’m not sure of where we disagree.
Whether it’s jug-eared Barry, Valerie Jarrett, his wet nurse, or whomever . . . EVERYONE knows that Sleepy is an empty suit who doesn’t decide anything.
He’s never been capable of anything other than drifting into a position to take bribes & orders from those that pay him.
The coverup isn’t the location of his birth but the identity of his father – Frank Marshall Davis.
Biden is also selling out America to China, He is a Traitor to America and the Enemy of Israel there needs to be put on Trial after he gets voted out or Impeached
China currently holds power over the UN because it ‘donates’ the most.
So Biden thinks “ While we sought and got justice for 9/11”
Exactly how did the terrorists come to justice? A handful were put in the bay but they are still alive whilst the victims remain dead.
Yeah well, we all know Beijing Biden is a piece of shit. Somebody needs to smash his ugly rat buzzard face and knock his sparse plugs out of his bald ass old man pate. And then shit on him.
Is there anybody who doesn’t hate that stupid asshole?.
Everyone who’s endured a five minute conversion with him, have nothing but contempt for him.
Our problem is that some enterprising prick realized what an exceptionally maliable & useful idiot he is, and put him in a position of power to do what he’s told. (*Biden inc has many share holders; Xi being a huge one.)
All true, unfortunately.
Traitors and terrorists should hang. They should feel the terror of climbing the scaffold.
Of the articles written by Mr. Greenfield since I started to read his articles, this one might be the most depressing. It is certainly the only one that evoked tears.
But the Jewish brain has resources- mainly the Torah and a divine moral ethic -to hold itself back from falling into the purely factual abyss of its enemies’ plan to try yet again to exterminate the unexterminateable, eternal, God given, Jewish soul. They can mutilate a body in every way imaginable; but they can’t get to the soul that gave that sweet baby’s face its life.
This current plan, for a new and improved, bigger and better Holocaust 2, nurtured by the same old shameless world, which we see unfolding daily before our eyes, will fail.
Like the plans that came before, no matter how devious, how global, no matter how brutally executed. no matter how much destruction, no matter how much pain and loss, we endure.
And the world knows this! Why else would they set up the game (with teams) and sadistically watch it play out?
“When will Israel go into Gaza?”, they ask.
It’s like asking what time to tune in to a tv show.
Genesis 12:3
“I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
So says God!
God never lies either, he means what he says…. his word is Truth.
And he has a bad temper.
Well, let’s just say He is not the doddering, half-blind old grandpa the world thinks He is.
He sees everything, He forgets nothing. His anger burns white-hot at the sight of evil.
And He has already set the payback in motion.
“Vengeance is Mine, and retribution; in due time their foot will slip. For the day of their disaster is near, and the impending things are hurrying to them.”
When that day comes, His enemies will wish it WAS just a bad temper.
Biden’s support of Israel is proof of the adage that talk is cheap
hussein obama in his third term is running this entire anti Israel show. Biden has jello for brains.
Reread Daniel’s article and substitute “Obama” for “Biden” each time the latter’’s name is mentioned.
Bareback Hussein couldn’t run a shit stain in his panties without Big Mike slapping his ass.
He doesn’t control ANYTHING.
Whoever down voted me sucks Bareback’s little willy and rim jobs him.
This is the 3rd term for the 3rd term termite.
Gaza is a second Beruit , or even a Stalingrad .. as such Israel should stay out of street fighting and bombard it from a distance until maximum destruction has been done
That’s what Israel has been doing, to good effect. FUCK sending in IDF troops, unless it’s to sabotage the Hamas rat warren tunnels.
Just blow up their hideouts with the push of a button. Why risk worthy lives?
Biden speaks with ‘ forked tongue’.
My belief and experience is that God oversees the timing of things. And what appears to be delay to us, is God’s greater wisdom, and worth the waiting.
( I dont mean waiting on Biden or other such ‘forked’ tongues).
Wokelings hate Jews. So does the Great Narcissist Barack HUSSEIN Osama. Biden is but a mindless puppet. Their real sympathies can be judged by a recent press briefing when Biden mouthpiece (well, someone HAS to talk for him- he can’t even speak coherently with a teleprompter while jacked up on Ritalin) KJP was asked about the surge of antisemitism.Instead of the usual happy horseshit about attributing it to “right wing white nationalists” she ignored Jewish victims altogether and instead spoke of “Islamophobia” and “attacks on Palestinian Americans”. She later claimed she misheard the question.
A fitting punishment for that charcoal supremacist is to cut out her tongue. With a dull knife.
Remember folks, the part of the ice berg that you see, the “tip”, is only a very small part of it. 95% of it is hidden beneath the surface. I am 100% convinced that Ham-ass is in Congress and also in the Joke Biden administration and white house. Questions are how many Ham-ass operatives and agents are in the Biden Administration and Congress. Last question is who can find out.
True, for sure.
Actually, it would not take much to find out. Just off memory, Brandon had or has a person obliged to Iran in a high position first in our military then in the State Dept. #2 i believe. Maybe “Malory”, or something like that. Then last week there were reports of other Iranian spys in the upper reaches of the White House and State Dept and Pentagon. Of course, Valerie Jarrett’s family came from Iran and she expresses herself very suspiciously on Iran. In my little view, Biden’s release of the frozen Iran assets is very suspicious in its timing. Hard to believe but still one might ask, was he getting anything under the table in those dealings? Worse – that the FBI/DOJ had received so damn many calls to investigate money laundering operations from some 170 banks and another 40 from recognized others asking authorities to investigate but merely covered for the corrupt operation, really sounds the alarm for corruption in our agencies. By such coverups, they, the DOJ/FBI, are complicit, imv. Both the DOJ and FBI really need to be erased and started completely over. They are corrupt from bottom to the top. Wray merits some jail time for lying to his overseers and the coverups.
Ham-ass terrorists wouldn’t have attacked Israel if they weren’t sure the US government is compromised.
It has been the art of influence, from academia, public opinions and the propaganda machine, that makes irrational decisions.
Joe Biden may regret his spiritual connection to the people of evil.
There is no negotiating with terrorists. There goal is to obey their evil soul to no end.
No not just academia, public opinions and the propaganda machine,. I am convinced that Ham-ass has operatives all over the Federal and State governments.
Including out of the closet Hamas operatives, such as Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and of course, Joe Biden (via Barack Hussein Osama).
Is there any doubt? No $#!+..
Jewish students locking themselves in the library of a Manhattan college (Cooper Union) for fear of being attacked by the anti-Israel protesters pounding on the door. This is America???
It is. Thanks to Biden and his handlers.
It was obvious that the Biden handlers would demand a cease fire as soon as they got their pants on. They have been actually giving huge sums of money to the Jihadis since he took office just like the Obama administration did for 8 years. They bankrolled ISIS in Syria and doled out multi million$ to the PLO and Hamas and got many thousands of Christians killed. Netenyahu either blew it out of incompetence or planned it all from the 7 hour stand down when the Hamas jihadis coincidentally showed up with Jeeps, trucks and even a Buldozer or two to breach the border to the delay in going after Hamas until they got away . It all adds up to failure. Israel had a window of time to wipe out Hamas and failed to use it. Back to square one.
We have no business dictating anything to the most persecuted people on the planet. Our turn is coming. All these Hamas lovers will find out they are targets too. Nobody will survive except warriors.
That Biden has the chutzpah to lecture Israel on the conduct of a war is absurd. Non-Israelis have opined that Israel’s is the most moral army on the planet. It is really insulting that this dishonest corruptocrat thinks he is in a position to instruct Israel on morality of any type.
Biden is lieing
What else is new
He MUST go
The U.S. brought a sudden, victorious end to WW II in the Pacific with just two atom bombs, the first one dropped on Hiroshima, the second, a week later, on Nagasaki. And Truman’s threat that we had more of them to drop (we actually had just those two at the time), and would use all of them, one after another, until all of Japan had been reduced to hot, radioactive ashes.
They utterly destroyed both cities, even though the 10-15 kiloton energy released in microseconds by Fat Man and Little Boy was considerably less than that of most of today’s nuclear warheads. But the real-time “demonstration” of the A-Bomb’s devastating power worked, and Japan surrendered. The enemy had no choice.
Preparations had been underway since VE Day for a massive, conventional U.S. amphibious invasion of the Home Islands; but the bloody experience of fighting the fanatical Japanese defenders in the Battle of Okinawa, earlier that summer, caused the Joint Chiefs to calculate that a conventional amphibious invasion of the Home Islands would likely result in a million American casualties (and probably many more than that among the enemy–not just enemy troops, but also Japanese civilians–including the Japanese schoolgirls who had been brainwashed to fight Marines block-by-block with bamboo spears).
So the atom-bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, with Japanese civilian deaths estimated to have been somewhere between 80,000 and 100,000 in each doomed city, actually did “save lives”–the millions of others who certainly would have been killed in conventional warfare dragging bloodily on for another year, or longer.
I remember once, 50 years ago, asking my father, a WW II U.S. Navy veteran, how he and his friends felt about the atom-bombing of Japan at the time. I’ll never forget his answer: “We felt relieved, because we knew we would live.”
Pardon me, but I can’t help hoping that Bibi Netanyahu keeps that history, and that option, open, with one missile warhead targeted on the coordinates of Gaza City, and the other on Tehran, with a “launch on detection of a launch” order programmed into the IDF’s Missile Control HQ.
Netanhahu shouldn’t beg Biden for “permission,” nor give him advance notice of his intentions (which Biden and his handlers, and the NYT, would instantly relay to the terrorists).
He should, instead, (with a smirk, or a sneer) tell Biden to “G.F.Y.”
Democrats support the intolerant Muslim Palestinians against the descendants of the tolerant Jewish Palestinians who now have a very successful and prosperous state named Israel. The Muslim Palestinians were offered their state of Palestine by the UN in 1948, but their religion forbade them to coexist with a Jewish state. So now the Muslim Palestinians have nothing. Yes, the Muslim Palestinians are oppressed, not by the Jews, but by the intolerance of their religion.
“laws of war” ? What an insane hypocrisy that only Israel must put them into practice..
This generally sensible writer says
>The hostages weren’t actually ‘hostages’ until Washington D.C. and Brussels made them so by blocking an Israeli ground assault on Hamas
That is the most blantantly silly statement I’ve seen in a while
Yes, exactly the Obama/Biden/Hamas plan in action to prevent Israel from settling this insanity once and for all! Rules of War apply to Israel, but not the Hamas perpetrators! USA stop funding Hamas go after the rich Hamas leaders that have been stealing aid money no matter where they live!
This probably won’t make the cut but if the US turns its back in Israel, so will God turn his back on the US. Anyone who don’t know this and is not for God will endure his wrath! God be merciful on those who don’t know and on those who do know and don’t care!
The US is now a sponsor of terrorism through its proxy, Iran, to which it gives millions upon millions of dollars then used by Iran to finance terrorism. Full stop. The United States has become an enemy of civilization and of decent people everywhere. The decent people of America, those who are left (I should say those who remain), are obligated to humanity to put a stop to the butchery and degradation of ethical standards. The first step is the complete understanding that the current US administration is utterly evil and deserves no compassion or quarter. They will try to destroy all who oppose them. The hour is seconds away from complete darkness. Retake the high ground or die.
There is a great difference between the fool and terrible “advice” of Joe Biden, of “Not hitting Hamas too hard” As if such, a thing is possible and in contrast, the wisdom spoken by a genuine US President, Thomas Jefferson, who had rightly said “With every barbarous people….force is law.”
It should also be added that the jihadists who make up Hamas cannot and will not take heed of reason or logic. The only language that they are capable of understanding is that of the language of the might of a strong brutal military might. Therefore, they should be dealt with that way.
Joe Biden actually gave the warning type message to Benjamin Netanyahu of “No to hit Hamas too hard.” It’s very obvious that treacherous old Joe must really admire and like the aggression of the hostile violent and murderous jihad of Islam.
It’s actually impossible to “hit Hamas too hard.” The reason why this is so is because as hard as the Israeli military can strike Hamas it never hard enough..
Nevertheless, Israel does need to strike Hamas as hard as she can keep on hitting that deadly savage jihad entity and not stop hitting it.
If not, Hamas will a resurgence, and in time, launch another malicious jihad attack against the State of Israel and murder more of her citizens.
Israel has every right to retaliate against Hamas for its vicious and murderous jihad attack against her. Israel is very justified in fighting back against Hamas.
As the former US President, James Monroe, had so well said “The right of self -defense never ceases . It is the most sacred , and alike necessary to nations and individuals.”