There’s no such thing as a leak anymore. At least not among the upper echelons of the Democrat machine. A ‘leak’ is a staged declaration of war and the leaks targeting Kamala Harris were clear efforts by Biden’s people to undermine her. As was putting her “in charge” of the border.
The leaks are a civil war between the Biden camp, which wants its guy running against in 2024, and between Kamala’s people who believe that the job was promised to their girl.
And it was.
Biden all but promised to step down and make way for Kamala in 2024. Once in office, he began walking that promise back and signaling that he was going to run again in 2024.
A public clash with the first black female Veep in the era of BLM and #MeToo would be dangerous, but undermining Kamala, circulating poll numbers that make it clear she’s unpopular, and running targeted leaks are meant to keep her in her place.
Don’t get me wrong, Biden isn’t all there and Kamala was never all that bright. But powerful people, no matter how out to lunch they may be, attract ruthless political operatives who are riding the train. And they’re going to fight this war on their behalf because they want power.
Team Biden consists of the loyalists he cultivated in nearly half a century in politics. Team Kamala is much shallower and more erratic because it consists of her old California crew and some of Hillary’s former people who don’t even play well together. This makes her an even easier target.
Biden’s pros have been able to paint Kamala as inept, unready, and unpopular. All of which is true. The question is when Kamala’s people will start actively fighting back.
While this may sound like inside baseball that doesn’t matter, here are a few things to consider
1. This is going to determine who runs in 2024
2. It’s also going to determine how dysfunctional the Biden administration is going to be until 2024
And the more this infighting goes on, the more the former Democrat contenders, from Bernie Sanders, who’s sticking close to Biden, to Elizabeth Warren, will go on acting like 2024 is open. And all of that is going to weaken the Democrats in the next presidential election.
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