“If there’s American citizens left, we’re gonna stay to get them all out,” Joe Biden
From the very beginning of this disaster, the media pressed Biden and his cronies to answer whether the United States would keep the troops there until all the Americans were evacuated.
Biden’s spokespeople, national security people, etc refused to answer in the affirmative. They kept insisting that they didn’t want to get into hypotheticals, that they were protecting operational security, or that they just couldn’t address the question.
When pressed on the subject, Biden offered the above response on ABC News. It was very obviously a lie.
Biden’s cronies claim that “only” a few hundred Americans were left behind. They also admit that they don’t know exactly how many Americans they abandoned. So the numbers could be much higher.
But you’ve got to give Biden credit.
He broke his promise to Americans, but he kept his promise to the Taliban.
Just as he broke his promise to Americans on immigration, but kept his promise to illegal aliens. And broke his promise to Americans on racial healing, but kept his promise to Black Lives Matter.
The definition of an honest politician is one who can be bought. Does Biden’s determination to keep his promise to the Taliban and pull out by August 31 to meet their deadline, while breaking his promise to evacuate all Americans make him an honest politician?
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