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Old Joe Biden broke with custom by not holding a big festive rally to announce that he was running to pretend to be president for four more years; instead, his handlers put out a canned video in the dead of night. That was such an odd move that the whispers started immediately: Is Biden still alive? Is he so far gone now that he can’t even appear in public? So on Tuesday, the regime trotted out Old Joe to make his first public appearance since announcing that he wants to continue afflicting America until he is 86 years old. And he started off his 2024 campaign by doing what he does best: lying.
Biden addressed the North America’s Building Trades Unions Legislative Conference, and in the course of his lengthy socialist ramble, he went into his Lunchbucket Joe routine. This involves Biden retailing stories that are designed to make his audience think that this craven and mendacious corruptocrat is just an ordinary guy, one of us, lovable and trustworthy. Average Joe declared: “My grandpop, who I never met — he died in the same hospital I was born in two weeks before I was born.”
Old Joe didn’t say whether he was referring to his maternal or paternal grandfather, but either way, what he said wasn’t true. His paternal grandfather, Joseph H. Biden, died on Sept. 26, 1941, at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. Old Joe’s maternal grandfather, A. J. Finnegan, died on May 27, 1957, at St. Mary’s Hospital in Scranton, Penn. The alleged president wasn’t born within two weeks of the deaths of either of them. He was born on Nov. 20, 1942. He was born in St. Mary’s Hospital in Scranton, where Finnegan shuffled off this mortal coil, but when Grandpop A. J. died, Young Joe was fourteen years old.
The New York Post observes laconically that “the White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment or clarification on the misstatement.” Of course, they didn’t. What could they possibly say? “Yeah, Old Joe is a serial liar who likes to make up stories about his past so as to manipulate people in the present”? “Old Joe’s dementia has gotten so bad, he can’t distinguish fact from fiction anymore”? “Old Joe will say anything, literally anything, to win the sympathy and support of an audience”? There are no good choices.
What’s more, it’s hard to figure out where this particular lie was coming from and what Biden intended to accomplish by telling it. He said it in the course of claiming that switching over to green energy will be good for the economy and create jobs. This involved Old Joe telling a story about how his grandfather “worked for the American Oil Company. And his job was to open up new gas stations around the country back in the late — of the ‘20s and ‘30s.”
Joseph H. Biden did indeed work for the American Oil Company, but the bit about him dying two weeks before the putative president was born added nothing to the story and wasn’t part of the point he was making. It was just a small, homely detail designed to humanize this cynical and dishonest career kleptocrat and add a sense of veracity to the story. That makes it all the more ironic that it was a lie.
Biden likes to lie about his family. On the campaign trail in 2019, he told a story about a Navy captain who tried to refuse a Silver Star after trying and failing to save a wounded comrade. The story wasn’t true, as even the Washington Post admitted, but it was such a good story that instead of discarding it after it was publicly revealed to be false, Old Joe tweaked it a bit and brought it into his family. In December 2022, Biden retold the same story, but this time it was about his uncle Frank being awarded a Purple Heart. It wasn’t true in that form, either.
All politicians lie, but Old Joe Biden is unusual in so rarely doing anything but lying. He is such an accomplished and relentless liar that if politicians were given a prize for lying elaborately and often, it would be called the Joe Biden Award. In this, he is the perfect frontman for the regime that bears his name, even if he isn’t actually the one making the decisions, because the Biden regime as a whole is as cynical and dishonest as Joe is. A regime bent on forcing us all to acknowledge that men can become women and vice versa (among myriad other lies) is just what one would expect once this serial liar became president.
I wouldn’t call him “an accomplished and relentless liar” I’d call him a pathological liar, a sociopath. He lies about everything big and small whether it is important or irrelevant. And he’s been doing it his entire life. It is very sick but our media act as if this loathsome person is just some sort of loveable story-telling Grandpa Simpson.
The heading of this article is right on the mark that it informs it’s readers that “Joe Biden kicks off his 2024 campaign by doing what he does best : lying.”
For “Big Brother Biden “ chronic liar and a villain , for he is a traitor to America and the American people. So much so, let us not be naïve about him, that if possible he would inflect upon American and Americans a socialist /Marxist tyranny if he could.
As the type of tyrannical government as in, the classic novel 1984 by George Orwell that was later made into a movie. In which , is headed by “Big Brother,” who issued a new speak dictionary with taught “Peace is war” and “Love is hate” and “Freedom is slavery” as well as “Ignorance is strength” and that the State headed by Big Brother declared that if it say “2+2 = 5 then it is 5.”
Likewise, lying Big Brother Biden calls the American patriots of January 6,2021 “Insurrectionists.”
Further, that liar, Big Brother Biden, slanderously calls Concerned Conservative parents at school board meetings “Domestic terrorists.”
Also, Big Brother Biden, first declared,” Inflation is strength.”
Now Big Bother Biden proclaims the Economic failure is “Economic success.”
That pathological liar, Biden ,who is always speaking lies is an abomination to the Office of the Presidency of the United States.
That narcissistic Joe Biden has the gall to run for a seconded term of Office in spite of all the harm that he has inflicted on America.
Furthermore, the only reason that Biden finally allowed the US military to do its job and shoot down that Communist China spy balloon isn’t because he cares about American or her people. It’s because Biden still has the conceited fantasy that he will run for reelection in 2024 and if he permits the American forces to take action and destroy that Communist spy balloon , Biden feels that will impress the American voting public that he is “strong President” and “deserves” to be reelected.
He doesn’t consider it lying if he’s standing up.
monkey see monkey do
Biden and his handlers have inflicted such staggering harm to the Republic that it is very doubtful whether the Republic will survive.
Thanks to the hundreds of thousands of Independents who voted for him because Trump said “mean stuff” on Twitter.