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Joe Biden’s farewell address was one of the least notable events of the year. It’s doubtful that anyone outside the media even sat through the whole thing. Not necessarily because it was badly written. The image of the Statue of Liberty was even poetic. But the speech was delivered by a shambling wreck of man pushing blatant self-serving lies like a 50-year-low crime rate and an economic recovery that no one believes.
Not one single human being believes this stuff.
So Biden had to swerve into warning about “an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedoms and a fair shot for everyone to get ahead.”
An oligarchy isn’t taking shape. It’s been here for a while. Where does Biden think he and Kamala got $2 billion to blow on their presidential campaigns? Biden has been to more dinners with billionaires than dinners with middle-class Americans.
Then Biden decided to warn Americans about the threat of… a lack of social media censorship.
“Americans are being buried under an avalanche of misinformation and disinformation enabling the abuse of power. The free press is crumbling. Editors are disappearing. Social media is giving up on fact-checking. The truth is smothered by lies told for power and for profit. We must hold the social platforms accountable to protect our children, our families and our very democracy from the abuse of power.”
The Free Press seems to be doing pretty well on Substack. But Biden really means the corporate press serving as his echo chamber. And the only way to protect the free press is by taking away free speech.
And imposing political censorship across social media.
Instead though the Berlin Walls of online censorship are falling and light is shining through the cracks. The Statue of Liberty can hold her torch high because free speech is coming back to America.
The Democrat party hates Nazis, but they sure do love them some Goebbels.
I was wondering when he would get around to plagiarizing Eisenhower.
Gee, someone should introduce him to his own (former) staff, White House digital director Robert R. Flaherty. He was the guy yelling at Zuckerberg to get Facebook to censor even true information. And he isn’t “former” because he was fired for it. He left to go work on the Harris campaign
Leftist know full well making people shut up is essential to their cause. History has show to what extent they will go the shut people up and it ain’t pretty.
Olde Joe’s work of fiction is indicative of how far divorced from reality he really is.
Biden just echoed the same Marxist garbage the NSC (National Security Council) spews. They increasingly sound like the former Soviet Union’s Khrushchev. The NSC displays contempt towards the Constitution and US citizens.
Trump needs to remove most all of them immediately.
The misinformation and disinformation we get from CNN/NYT’s and a stumbling Dunb-Koff like Biden and his Big Brother/1984 Global Government, UN
I won’t use my time and spirit to watch the devil spew lies either – anymore than the devil’s decuples like Joe Biden
After the segment on too much wealth and power influencing government, Biden should have no issue explaining how he went from living in a very humble home when he was elected to the Senate in 1972 to owning 3 mansions worth upwards of 25 million, a million in antique cars, a million $ yacht, his family members all millionaires, and very likely millions in cash, stock, gold, and bonds.
Yes- inquiring minds want to know how lunch box Joe accumulated his multi-millions on his ~$150K a year “public servant” pay.
Biden finishes at the very Bottom of the Dumpster and can return to his Basement his monster misses him
Biden is the prince of projection. Everything he warned America about is exactly what HE did. The ability to ignore reality and assign your faults to others, is psychotic. When the DOJ accumulates the evidence against Joe and his family, their world will come falling down around. It is important to recall the statement that Obama made about Joe in the past; “Joe has the ability to screw up everything he touches”. Looking back at the last four years, this is exactly what has happened. Every decision that Biden made on the economy, the border and feckless foreign policy, harmed the USA. I am glad the Delaware hillbillies are clearing out of the White House for good.
I ran Biden’s comment through my very reliable Democrat Translate-O-Tron and came up with what Biden actually said:
“Americans are being buried under an avalanche of misinformation and disinformation enabling the abuse of power.”
“The free press is crumbling. Editors are disappearing. Social media is giving up on fact-checking. The truth is smothered by lies told for power and for profit.“
“We must hold the social platforms accountable to protect our children, our families and our very democracy from the abuse of power.”
Hope this helps.
Unfortunately, FP doesn’t allow you to edit before posting. Allow me to repost as I meant it to be.
“Americans are being buried under an avalanche of misinformation and disinformation enabling the abuse of power.”
“The free press is crumbling. Editors are disappearing. Social media is giving up on fact-checking. The truth is smothered by lies told for power and for profit.“
“We must hold the social platforms accountable to protect our children, our families and our very democracy from the abuse of power.”
I now return you to your originally scheduled program.
Your Party and their RINO Recruits ARE THE DANGER Old Man Idiot!
Keep those cards and letter coming. We save the incoherent ones for cocktail hour.
You shouldn’t make a career out of cocktail hour.
How dystopian. They very same people that have been calling Trump and MAGA Republicans NAZIs want censorship just like the original NAZIs from 80-90 years ago. It’s all standard OP from Saul Alinsky’s rulebook: “Blame the opposition for doing precisely what are doing.”
In other words, censorship is a bad unless we (Democrats or the establishment) are doing it. Or, information is disinformation/misinformation if we disagree with it, particularly if it is true and refutes our lies.
Even his lies are decrepit.
Bidumb is leaving office with shit in his pants and no brain in his head. Good riddance. It’s been a horrible four years. All the prosperity created by Trump has been destroyed – in the very first year of Bidumbs fake Presidency.
Thank God Trumpy beat the vote fraud this time around. 20 millioin fake D-Bag votes for Bidumb disappeared this time around. I wonder where they went? Up Obama’s ass, probably.