The Biden administration’s abject incompetence and focus on anything except the well-being of Americans is leading numerous analysts to start talking about the decline and imminent fall of the United States. One among the chorus of voices in the Islamic world crowing about America’s supposed coming demise is Islam Al-Ghamri, an Egyptian political analyst and former senior official of Egypt’s pro-Sharia Building and Development Party. Al-Ghamri recently appeared on Turkey’s Channel 9, a Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Arabic channel, to predict that the fall of the United States would happen fairly soon, possibly even during his lifetime. Thanks to Joe Biden and the people who are running his administration, the possibility cannot be dismissed out of hand.
According to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Al-Ghamri declared: “America is in a period of decline and waning. I believe that American expansion and the American Era have come to an end, and a new era has arrived.” Referring to the recent catastrophe in Afghanistan, Al-Ghamri continued: “This era is introduced by this horror film. What is happening now is a starting point, a bugle call signaling that a new era is taking shape, and that the U.S. will never be the same after its withdrawal from Afghanistan. This is a historic and pivotal point in time.”
After making this bold prediction, Al-Ghamri immediately began to hedge: “How long will the period of American decline take? Years? Decades? It might take even more time, or maybe less, but the period of downfall, waning, and collapse has begun. Maybe we will witness the disintegration of the U.S. in the future. Maybe the U.S. will disintegrate, just like the Soviet Union did. This is a huge earthquake. When there is an earthquake, the land fractures, and collapses that were unimaginable in the past – suddenly happen. What happened is a huge earthquake that will strike Europe, the U.S., and the entire Western civilization.”
That may well be, and if Al-Ghamri turns out to be correct, the responsibility will lie with the feckless, self-serving, and treasonous leaders and guardians of the various outposts of that civilization, and principally with Joe Biden and those who are propping him up. After all, it was a good idea, and extremely long overdue, to get out of Afghanistan, but the disastrous way Biden’s handlers have conducted the withdrawal has handed a huge propaganda victory to those who hate this country. The day after Kabul fell, according to the New York Post, “pro-al Qaeda social media accounts published an unsigned statement congratulating their Taliban ‘brothers’ on the stunning military victory. ‘Afghanistan is Conquered and Islam has Won,’ read the message, translated by the SITE Intelligence Group. Similar statements emerged from Hamas, which welcomed ‘the defeat of the American occupation on all Afghan land,’ and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which hailed what it called ‘the liberation of [Afghani] land from the Western and American occupation.’”
Even before the debacle in Kabul, Khaama Press reported that Noor Wali Mehsud, the leader of the Pakistani Taliban, “was interviewed by CNN through intermediaries somewhere along the Pak-Afghan border,” and “acknowledged that the victory of the Afghan Taliban in Afghanistan is not limited to the country but it is a victory for the entire Muslim people in the world.”
Joe Biden and his handlers handed them that victory, and have clearly learned no lessons from what has happened. That was clear on Friday, Al Jazeera English correspondent Kimberly Halkett asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki: “Does [the president] believe he was given bad advice? And will he ask for any resignations of his generals given the high cost of American and Afghan lives?” Psaki responded: “No to both of those questions.”
And so no generals will be held responsible for the wrongheadedness and mismanagement that led to the murder of thirteen Americans on Thursday. As Daniel Greenfield has noted, they spent the summer imposing wokeness on the U.S. military instead of preparing for a safe and orderly withdrawal of our personnel and materiel from Afghanistan. Nonetheless, if Biden’s handlers had it to do all over again, they would. As long as the military is committed to “diversity” and the top brass are busy weeding supporters of the last president out of the ranks, all is well.
In light of all that, Islam Al-Ghamri may have understated his case.
Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 23 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades), The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest book is Did Muhammad Exist?: An Inquiry into Islam’s Obscure Origins―Revised and Expanded Edition. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.
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