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The Biden administration keeps pretending that it didn’t want the mass migration crisis that it did everything possible to make happen, including fighting in the courts to enable the end of Title 42.
And the endgame, an even more massive surge of illegal aliens is everything that the administration desperately wanted. The illegals are coming because Biden has made illegal migration into a more sensible immigration approach than going through the system.
As Joe Edlow at Heritage notes, “”New reports indicate that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has been ordered to shift its staffing to meet the higher demands at the border… This move is not intended to control the border; it is aimed at more quickly processing illegal aliens into the United States. As the administration has continually ignored statutory mandates to detain aliens claiming credible fear, this move is nothing more than a veiled attempt to keep the pipeline unclogged for the free-flowing open border.”
“Since the earliest days of the Biden administration, policies and regulations have been designed to ease procedural “burdens” in context to credible fear and asylum. This personnel shift will support those efforts and ensure that those claiming fear, regardless of the veracity of the claim, will witness a streamlined process. They will be welcomed, interviewed rapidly, and given work authorization—the No. 1 goal of most of those coming here illegally…
Those who have complied with the law and are awaiting adjudications of lawful applications are now shelved, as immigration authorities direct the government’s resources toward those who disregard our laws and those who make baseless protection claims along the southwestern border.
And the pending application caseload will only worsen. Almost 9 million applications await adjudication, including more than 700,000 asylum applications. To add insult to injury, the Biden administration refuses to charge a fee for asylum applications.
That means those lawful applicants seeking a green card or a change in their non-immigrant status are not only forced to wait longer to have their cases decided, but also have to subsidize the asylum applications that are frequently fraudulent and should not be in the pipeline to begin with.”
So why come to America legally?
There’s no actual reason to do so. Invading the country illegally produces much faster and cheaper results than following the law and working within the system. Why go through extended interviews and pay fees when you can just show up in a huge mass and then be released and pick up a work permit and refugee funds?
There’s a massive surge because the Biden regime is Cloward-Pivening the immigration system, attracting a mass migratory surge by making it a more preferable process than any legal one, while acting like this is not exactly the outcome that it had desired all along.
What’s happening at the border isn’t “chaos”, as many claim, it’s the implementation of a plan.
ABSOLUTELY!!!This is”PLANNED”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah. It’s obviously deliberate and planned. Everybody in the puppet Biden administration should be legally executed.
This is a Invasion with the aid of a Liberal. Democrat, Traitor and the UN/CFR
Biden at the pre election debates:
Which I assumed was about covid, and a lie.
It seems I was zero for two.
Yeah, he plans to take a dump in his adult diapers.
Even without work permits, they can work for cash in the underground economy, off the books. It’s a curious economic situation, an underground economy funded partly by social welfare monies and partly by money from working off the books. In the black inner cities a lot of the money coming in comes from drug sales.
A curious situation, collecting welfare illegally on the one hand, and a little illegal hustle for a small income on the other hand, adds up to enough to get by, and raise a big family with lots of kids. That seems to be the default role for the illegal immigrants. Welfare and a hustle on the side.
Who benefits? Whites who get cheap labor, from house cleaners, care givers, etc. Lower grocery prices due to store employees working off the books, etc., etc.
Us whiteys also get crime and fentanyl forced on us. And a shit load of drunk wetback drivers.
The current Labor (Leftist) government in Australia will allow 700,000 immigrants over the next 3 years. BUT we currently have a housing shortage, so where are these immigrants going to live? It wouldn’t surprise me if they make/force folk where there is just one or two in the household ( e.g. an elderly couple whose children have left home) to take in other families regardless of whether they can get along.or not. They could even force people out of their homes and into small apartments so the new arrivals can have the house to themselves. NEVER trust the left!
Never surrender private possession of military grade weaponry.
You don’t see the kind of crap pulled in Canada, Australia and New Zealand done in Switzerland.
Flu d’etat followed by migrant coup de grace
Don’t be surprised if the President issues an executive order requiring homeowners with extra bedrooms in their homes to take in illegal migrants to relieve the congestion at shelters across the country.
Pity our country, and pity the poor folks who actually took the time (years) to go through the legal process. D_mn this administration.
Gee, and here I thought the Presidential oath of office required that he/she assure the laws are faithfully executed. Why is this guy still in office? What do we call a leader who ignores the requirements of law? Wait, I have it. A dictator. Thanks Dems.
Also, a tyrant 🙂
I think a certain community organizer familiar with both the Alinsky method and Cloward-Piven is behind this.
Bareback Obama couldn’t plan a wet fart. He didn’t do a damned thing when he was the unqualified, incompetent and LAZY Resident of the White House and all of us sudden he’s a mastermind? I wish conservatives would drop this nonsense. It’s even dumber than thinking Ron DeSantis is going to run for President.
Yeah, he’s just a stooge 🙂
Does the proportion of asylum claims which prove valid approach 1%?
Why is it the entire concept appears a deceitful attempt upon our national existence?
Is it not simply true, that every inspired unnecessary crisis Team Biden has concocted is intended to obfuscate and distract from the demographic damage dealt the USofA, and that damage is intended to be irreversible, and fatal?
All to escape prosecution?
Obviously it’s a very good plan. Obviously, not exactly good in terms of goodness.
How good it is we can refer to Trump to know. Build that wall.
Build that wall suckers!! Obviously that Wall, Not!!
And this is why Bannon was ejected within the first 6 months or whatever it was, Not that anybody gave his European style nationalism much more time. His European nationalism is about as foreign in the US as anything else but less foreign than I hoped it would be.
Consider the consequences of mandating in person voting, with exceptions reserved for military or medical cause, with every citizen carrying required proof of their required electoral participation.
But, carried for how long?
Until each and every individual satisfactorily establishes that they did indeed comply with the legal requirements and showed up to prove their identity and vote, or they failed to so comply and are prosecuted for such noncompliance [ regardless of whether said penalty is trivial ] and at the proceedings, prove their identity and right to vote, or that they could not comply due to non-citizenship.
Consider it a project yielding two benefits, that would require planning and preparation.
It need be conducted by the Right, as the Left is incapable of actuallizing anything more substantial than a useable hoax, and the desired result of the project is indisputable and utilitarian honesty, with which the Left is unfamiliar, if not allergic.
A cleansing of the voting rolls of entities other than metabolicly active citizens, and a demographic purge of those unentitled to be inside our borders at all may prove unpopular with Leftist leadership, the komrades of the Democrat Party and the American people. It appears there exist little intersection between their interests and those of this country.
I always thought the inability to cleanse the voting roles was due to laziness or incompetence. Nope, they kept all those ineligible voters on the rolls to make it easier to cheat.
Consider the consequences of mandating in person voting, with exceptions reserved for military or medical cause, with every citizen carrying required proof of their required electoral participation.
But, carried for how long?
Until each and every individual satisfactorily establishes that they did indeed comply with the legal requirements and showed up to prove their identity and vote, or they failed to so comply and are prosecuted for such noncompliance [ regardless of whether said penalty is trivial ] and at the proceedings, prove their identity and right to vote, or that they could not comply due to non-citizenship.
Consider it a project yielding two benefits, that would require planning and preparation.
It need be conducted by the Right, as the Left is incapable of actuallizing anything more substantial than a useable hoax, and the desired result of the project is indisputable and utilitarian honesty, with which the Left is unfamiliar, if not allergic.
A cleansing of the voting rolls of entities other than metabolicly active citizens, and a demographic purge of those unentitled to be inside our borders at all may prove unpopular with Leftist leadership, the komrades of the Democrat Party versus the American people. It appears there exist little intersection between their interests and those of this country.
More than enough reason the Throw every Democrat in Jail for the Rest of Their Life, and Ban the Party!