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Remember the “conventional” part.
Elections don’t just come down to swaying the electorate, but increasingly to turning out your base. The Dems are parasitically dependent on black voter turnout. Especially with Latino and Asian voters becoming more erratic. While some Republicans are touting gains among black men, the thing to remember is that they vote in small numbers and the actual Democrat base is the ‘church lady’ electorate. Older black women.
A threat to the Dem black electorate is politically fatal. Or at least it ought to be. And things look grim.
Mr. Biden’s weakness among nonwhite voters is broad, spanning virtually every demographic category and racial group, including a 72-11 lead among Black voters and a 47-35 lead among Hispanic registrants. The sample of Asian voters is not large enough to report, though nonwhite voters who aren’t Black or Hispanic — whether Asian, Native American, multiracial or something else — back Mr. Biden by just 40-39. In all three cases, Mr. Biden’s tallies are well beneath his standing in the last election.
Those are still majorities, but they’re increasingly feeble ones.
Dems don’t win by scoring less than three-quarters of the black vote and the Hispanic vote isn’t supposed to be this close. Biden is within a margin of error of losing the general mass non-white voters.
These are bad numbers, but the numbers were also bad in 2022. What the Dems did was focus heavily on turning out the new emerging base, upscale young white voters with college degrees. Republicans have made crucial inroads among working-class minority voters, but Democrats have more than compensated for it by gobbling up suburban and upscale urban white voters. That Kung Fu move worked pretty well in 2022.
And the Democrats have learned even more heavily on abortion, global warming and LGBTQ issues.
The problem is that this just worsens the drift. The more you court a different set of voters, the worse the bleeding among your existing base gets. Both Republicans and Democrats are experiencing this. A lot of suburban more liberal Republicans have left because they don’t like the party’s new tone, but likewise minority voters are leaving because they think the Democrats have become a woke hipster party.
The Times/Siena data suggests the emergence of a fairly clear education gap among nonwhite voters, as Mr. Biden loses ground among less affluent nonwhite voters and those without a degree. Overall, he retains a 61-23 lead among nonwhite college graduates, compared with a mere 49-31 lead among those without a four-year degree.
And the white working-class vote obviously got on a boat and sailed away.
The white college electorate is a pretty good bet because they have high voter turnout and money. But those elements are more effective in midterm elections. Republicans used to do better in midterms than Democrats because they leveraged that base. Now Dems may end up outperforming in the midterms, but what happens when the White House is on the ballot?
Biden may be facing an unwinnable election by conventional means. But elections are becoming unconventional. 2020 was a hell of an unconventional election. 2024 is already being shaped by indictments and trials of a possible opposition party nominee. And you can bet that’s not the only unconventional trick here. The Dems may be running out of Moneyball games they can play with the electorate, but there are still a whole lot of possibilities that can be used to reshape the battlespace itself from election rules to trials.
To that 14th amendment coup they keep dangling in front of us.
The more the election becomes conventionally unwinnable, the more it will be waged unconventionally.
The main advantage Democrats have (other than cheating) is massive MSM Big Lie propaganda. Many people just seem to believe whatever lies they hear from MSM. Just the way their brains work, without critical thinking ability. Look for logical flaws and rhetorical tricks and fallacious assumptions and reject the rest of the article if you find them. Like “debunked”. Anytime you see the leftists used “debunked” you know they are lying.
You remind me of the memes that are on this page:
Go there and look at all of the memes until you get to the bottom. It encapsulates perfectly what you often say here.
Thanks KH !!!!!
“Anytime you see the leftists used “debunked” you know they are lying.”
Anytime you see hear or read anything the lefties say or print,….you know that they are lying. Through their teeth,….their fingers,….their hands, their hair, ears, brains (if they have any) or any of their other orifices etc. Lie, lie, lie lying liars, cheats, traitors and America haters.
That’s for sure. I know most people are dogmatic and readily believe obvious lies but I don’t really understand it.
It’s like swimming with sharks or eating bugs. Completely incomprehensible to me.
Vote for the Ditbagocrats? The OBVIOUS anti-American party of evil? Do those idiots enjoy buying eight dollar cartons of eggs and gas that’s four times what it used to cost? And don’t get me started on utility costs, and God help you if you need to buy lumber.
When Trump was President everything was cheaper and better, but D-Bag morons hate him and support a senile criminal who was a moron on his best day. And he’s a pedophile!
Those retards shouldn’t be making ANY decisions that affect our lives.
After reading the headline, the first thing that came to mind was a sarcastic southern colloquialism: “Ya reckon’?”
First of all, political polling has been proven, over and over again, to be meaningful primarily to the livelihood of the poll taker, but also of late they’ve been used as a weapon of discouragement. The day of the election in ’16, ‘USA Today’ had a poll showing the “favorability/chance of winning” in Hillary’s favor 97% to 3% for Trump. So…yeah.
Secondly, Biden didn’t win the election last time by “conventional means”, and as far as I’ve been able to gather, very little has been done to ensure election integrity since then. So, it would appear that the country’s on the march towards totalitarian Marxism until such time as Americans (without F-15’s) decide to take their country back.
Yes, most polls are designed to manipulate public opinion rather than gauge it, especially political polls. They’re designed to discourage Republican voters and build up Dirtbagocrats. Complete bullshit.
Democrats also have a massive lead among the dead, xerox machines, vote counters, illegal aliens, non-registered voters, and among imaginary people who live 1,200 to a vacant lot.
Don’t forget pets! Plenty of doggies and kitties vote D-Bag.
Biden sails into the storm without any way to find his way out his future looks bad
The political divide comes down to one issue – plunder. The producers of wealth do not wish to be plundered. The original constitution protected them by recognizing the property they created as belonging to them as their right – created with their own minds, bodies, risk, time and energy as they pursued happiness for themselves and their posterity.
The word “rights” is not limited, as it once was, to God-given life, liberty and the property created by it. Now, that word has morphed to mean government-provided medical care, housing, citizenship and generally anything one desires. It is the forcible taking of the property of one to give to another by “right.” Plunder.
The only guard against this a moral and religious people. We left the Anglo Protestantism of our nation’s youth and have become progressively more wicked as we move farther and farther away from it.
So what? Biden faced an election “unwinnable” in 2020…so he and the Democrats just stole it, instead. 2024 will be no different. Well…maybe it will be a different Democrat stealing the election if FJB continues his staggering mental decline. But the name/candidate is interchangeable in the DNC.
Your comment is right on! The average democrat voter has an IQ equivalent to a house plant. I’m waiting for Big Mike to make his/her entry. Democrat voters continue to vote for the party that has opened the southern border, raised their taxes let crime run rampant and they don’t care. It might be time to talk about carving up the US.
And the big reveal that yes, he is trans. If you’re hatin’ on Mike for being trans you’re trans-phobic and causing suicides. blah blah blah
Yeah, trannies are murdering everybody in sight and we’re supposed to believe THEY’RE the victims.
MO is not a tranny. It’s unfortunate that this myth got started because for one, it tends to obscure BO’s sexual deviance. It also means that no one will pay attention to the real Michelle Obama, the grossly over-paid hospital administrator who sent black patients to other clinics and hospitals because Medicaid didn’t pay as well as Medicare and private insurance companies.
Biden “won” the Presidency by the unconventional means of election fraud in 2020, and Democrats stopped the election of a GOP Senate in 2022 and nearly prevented a GOP House the same year. I wouldn’t bet a nearly worthless dollar on the Democrats not repeating that in 2024.
2000 mules, HAMMR and Scorecard, and the media = the unconventional means.
I believe this can expect all manner of stuff coming from the Democrats this next election. It’s not too much to know that they have as a political party a even greater mess this time than what they did in 1972 putting McGovern up for the republic.
Even if, they lose, we can surely expect all manner of acting-out across the nation. And yes, namely riots and other direct actions that gang love so much.
and with police who stood down and enabled Antifa, capital police who killed, and the military filled with weirdo generals and the unqualified … could be dicey. But its the only shot we have.
McGovern was the candidate in 1972 not because the Democrats expected him to win. He had no chance. with the election rules then. The aim was for the left to take over the party. The next Democrat convention had quotas for delegates based on sex (still only two) and race.
We’ve reached a point of rediculousness. Even Democrats know Biden is not capable of doing the job, nor is he a leader that people can depend on!
If you mean RIGGED elections, assassinations and show trials of political opponents………I would say that meets the definition of unconventional(or at least it used to).
I think there’s a whole lot of unconventional on the horizon in the former USA.
he didn’t win it last time by “conventional means”. The DNC will have thousands of laser printers working at warp speed putting out fraudulent ballots by the truckload.
So why are you promoting this? Are you actually trying to have the DNC replace Biden with someone that’s stronger and more if a challenge for Trump?
Whose side are you on?
The Democrats have HAMMR and Scorecard, the CIA software that BO and James Comey stole back in early February 2009.