The Biden administration is effectively moving to ban cars. And they’re not even hiding this. The spin here isn’t even that this is about “air quality”, but that it’s about forcing consumers to buy electric cars (which they can’t afford) in the wake of Ford losing $3 billion on worthless battery vehicles.
E.P.A. Is Said to Propose Rules Meant to Drive Up Electric Car Sales Tenfold – New York Times
This abomination is why the EPA’s ability to set emissions rules needs to go. And any such proposed measures should be subjected to the same scrutiny, up to the Supreme Court level, as Trump’s census question was.
The Biden administration is planning some of the most stringent auto pollution limits in the world, designed to ensure that all-electric cars make up as much as 67 percent of new passenger vehicles sold in the country by 2032, according to two people familiar with the matter.
These are not air pollution regs, they’re a car ban and should be described as such.
The move will price cars out of the reach of most working-class and many middle-class people. Actual cars will continue to increase in price to meet these standards while EVs are unaffordable. Period. This is the kind of kitchen table issue that Republicans would be able to capitalize on if they weren’t in a state of dysfunction.
Michael S. Regan, the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, is expected to announce the proposed limits on tailpipe emissions on Wednesday in Detroit. The requirements would be intended to ensure that electric cars represent between 54 and 60 percent of all new cars sold in the United States by 2030, with that figure rising to 64 to 67 percent of new car sales by 2032, according to the people familiar with the details, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the information had not been made public.
These are not emissions standards. They’re meant to give people no choice but to be carless or buy electric cars. They’re betting that public outrage can be directed to demanding massive industry subsidies. Or that the public will learn to live without affordable personal transportation vehicles.
The proposed rule would not mandate that electric vehicles make up a certain number or percentage of sales. Instead, it would require that automakers make sure the total number of vehicles they sell each year did not exceed a certain emissions limit. That limit would be so strict that it would force carmakers to ensure that two thirds of the vehicles they sold were all-electric by 2032, according to the people familiar with the matter.
The used car market will heat up even further and expect cars to be smuggled across the border, if this happens.
In a statement released Friday night, Maria Michalos, a spokeswoman for the E.P.A., did not confirm the new targets but said the agency was working on new standards as directed by the president to “accelerate the transition to a zero-emissions transportation future, protecting people and the planet.”
This whole thing is vastly outside the EPA’s powers so expect a major judicial battle as well.
At this point, the Republican judiciary is functioning better than its electoral apparatus and that dysfunction seems likely to continue through 2024 and beyond. That means Americans have little to count on except some state governments and conservative judges to hold the line. And yet a car ban is so massive and comprehensive a policy that any halfway competent politician ought to be able to run on it.
It also ought to go without saying that this means the end of the American car industry.
Such government interference in the marketplace leads to all kinds of problems, which is mathematically provable.
On a tangent, I enjoyed the way Ford brushed off a mega loss on EVs by saying it would get it all back, and more, in future.
The used car prices in the uk have increased dramatically since the government started subsidising expensive electric vehicles.
This is one of the 17 UN development goals, to end car ownership period.
I was surprised to learn that Jordan Peterson was involved in the drafting of the goals but they changed them after.
Yeah, the fate of the used car business is one of the fascinating aspects of this situation.
Without individual transportation just about every person not living in an urban area cannot get food as they wish, see friends and do such things as dine out, go to church, play on a neighborhood sports team, obtain medical care, receive a home repair or earn a living.
It is a fantasy that there is public transportation possible in suburban or rural areas. There are no buses that travel each road to stop at each door to bring people to work or other needs. There aren’t even taxis or “Uber” where I am and I am hardly in the wilderness. There are houses dotted everywhere in this nation with their inhabitants only connected to other people by the automobile.
One drives or cannot leave their home. That is the reality. All other discussion is fantasy or involves some darker plan of mass elimination of people.
The World Economic Forum and the UN are assuming the Dictatorship Position with their agendas. They strongly believe that there are too many people in the world. They intend to force all the non urban people into the cities causing massive population upheavels and eventual murder and imprisonment for everyone who wont or cant cooperate based on their social credit score. Things like mass poisonings and bioweapons and limited nuclar wars are on the program. There is no way to vote them out because elections now are electronically manipulated.
They will not even say, “Let them eat cake.” We will be expected to eat insects without even a means to cook them.
They have no ìntention of letting us stay in rural or even suburbs. That’s what the 15 minute cities are çreated for
Yeah, lions come prowling around here, looking for food.
I totally agree with u on this!! I live in a very small town that only has a gas station and a Dollar General yet the state of Iowa, where I live, likes to control people by taking away what should be a right, and not a privilege, which is the driver’s license. I can tell you that being surrounded by gravel roads there is no options for public transportation here. Like how are you expected to live when this basic need is taken away?? It makes no sense to me at all, yet I live in this place where 8 out of 10 people don’t have their license bcuz of silly things. Crazy that this is still considered a FREE country.
Thanks Cat. Reading your comment, it occurred to me that those “15 minute cities”, would be infested by street criminals. So even if elderly or disabled individuals were able to get to their destinations on foot, they would be liable to being robbed by those street criminals.
For us: the dacha.
For them: the Cheka.
We’ll have the boys from Perkins Coie get it all wrapped up in the next “election”.
Nothing clarifies power better than a properly orchestrated democracy. The kind that makes trains run on time.
America, America, you just don’t understand. we have to make sacrifices to save the planet. First, we get rid of the gasoline powered car for electric cars. Then the U.S. government realizes they made a mistake, but we can’t go back because all those factories have been shut down for good. Now, the U.S. government looking out for our health decides that everyone will have to use bicycles to travel.
Why, you will be able to stop paying for auto insurance and put all those people out of work. That will mean less people on the road. Gas and electric stations will be closed as well putting all those people out of work. Bicycles factories will be completely automated with robots doing the work. In no time at all, bicycles will be banned for some reason, then we go back to the stone age and live in caves.
I can see it all now. millions of people running around with no clothes looking for bugs to eat from Bill Gates farms.
A little humor for the day. Can government become even stupider? Yes, I think so!
P.S. I just read an article indicating that it will cost more to own and operate an electric powered car plus do more damage to the environment than a gasoline powered car. Good going Biden, you are doing a great job.
Sounds more like the movie Americathon except people lived in all the abandoned cars and roller skated or rode bicycles everywhere.
The conflicts in the Middle East were solved by the formation of the United Hebrab Republic (formed by the merger of Israel and the Arab states
There are some practical solutions to some environmental problems, such as using clean burning diesel engines, using smokestack scrubbers, etc., but instead the masses are raised to hysteria, with the object not of helping the environment, but expanding the government. The masses aren’t capable, at present, of thinking logically, and focusing on concrete practical solutions.
The lumpenproletariat are, indeed, incapable of logical thinking because most get their information about current events and issues from the hopelessly compromised mainstream and/or social media. It’s ironic that so few people actually take the time to seek out other, heterodox information sources from the World Wide Web despite (or perhaps because) of the immense amount of information instantly available to virtually everyone. Without solid fact- based grounding, conclusions arrived at will necessarily be spurious. And that is a tremendous problem.
David Horowitz and Peter Collier used to produce a newspaper called “Heterodoxy.”
At this rate the 2024 presidential election can’t come quick enough to get this crazy moron of a president out of office. The government has completely overlooked the potential of possibly glorified golf carts and to install a solar power receptor on the tops and trunk lids and hood surfaces of electric vehicles to constantly help generate clean energy to replenish the car batteries as it is moving or just parked where sunlight can reach the battery surfaces.
All we need is a perpetual motion machine, and all the Greenies dreams can come true 🙂
NEPA required the federal government to evaluate environmental impact of government actions before they were taken. Nothing in the law created federal authority to regulate private actions. Nixon created the EPA by executive order. President Trump should dissolve the EPA by executive order and revoke every regulation promulgated by the agency since its creation.
This Whole EV Thing is So Ludicrous!Enormous strides have been made in Reducing Emissions from gasoline-powered vehicles while our capacity to produce Electricity is Under Attack!!!And just what are we going to do with all those Filthy Batterries??????????????????
Not all cities have very good public transportation. And for disabled people like me, a car is a lifeline to just about everything, from the necessary to the desirable. I guess the idea is to get people like me out of our houses and into institutions, where we can be quietly done away with so that the US can brag about having a population of only healthy, young, fully-abled people.
Not the US it’s the UN driving (pun intended) this Agenda 2030
Even though they are just the WEF
Look at what the government did with patients infected with the Covid-19 virus, they put them into nursing homes.
Now they started to inject mRNA gene therapy vaccine for cattle and pigs. Read the article on Scroll down to April 7, 2023, for the article titled Eat Your Vaccines: mRNA Therapy is Coming to the Food Supply This Month.
“it would require that automakers make sure the total number of vehicles they sell each year did not exceed a certain emissions limit.”
With this, Biden and the inept EPA will have set up the same scheme as the Flue Gas Emissions Credits of the 90’s and other similar programs operating from then thru today. With the creative use of subsidies coupled with earned and then sold emissions credits and other schemes, the left will simply separate the population’s money from those who cannot afford it and transfer to those who don’t need it.
Biden is a dimbass
Come on man !Lol
There is no way the electric grid can power 60% of cars in America.. Specially when American Marxists are pushing for utopian wind and solar.
All this is designed to push people out of the suburbs into crime infested cities. Basically Marxists plan to destroy America. Is that simple
Buss off we country boys will drive tell we die
Everything joe biden does, every bill signed, every executive order, is NULL AND VOID on it’s face! He is illegitimate. The entire world knows he didn’t win the election. The entire world watched as the election was clearly stolen. He is a criminal and a fraud. He does not get to do anything legitimately while he squats illegally in our white house. DO NOT COMPLY with anything the mentally deranged weirdo demands. Republicans in congress need to be screaming this from the rooftops.
Airplanes and jets needs to be banned. They put off more fumes and air pollutants than a car does. Just saying
Imagine how nice it would be if governors stood the hell up for the Tenth Amendment. No, the feds have no constitutional authority for: cars, marriage, abortion, gays, trannies, sexual preferences, foreign aid, general police powers (the FBI), schools, sports….
It’s a government of LIMITED POWERS. and Governors – the executives of the SUPERIOR States need to enforce those limits. It’s that simple.