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After $138 billion in bribes already, Biden visited Wisconsin to corruptly promise “student loan debt” transfer from his potential voters to the taxpayers who are already facing $100,000 in debt per household from the national debt.
Why Wisconsin? It’s a battleground state.
While student loan debt transfer loaded onto taxpayers is bad enough, Biden is fairly blatant about making it a bribe by doing it in a battleground state as part of his election campaign.
Biden has boasted about ignoring the Supreme Court’s ruling to push what he misleadingly calls “student loan forgiveness”. It’s not forgiveness, it’s a transfer of the debt from the people he sees as his voters, younger college graduates, especially those with MAs, to those whom he sees as political enemies, older taxpayers.
What’s the cost of this particular bribe? Biden isn’t saying, but the last time he tried this (and was shut down by the Supreme Court), the cost was estimated at $430 billion for 40 million potential Biden voters. This time around, the Biden administration is claiming that it’s bailing out 30 million potential voters. That may mean around $300 billion.
We’ve always wondered what a vote costs. In this case, it comes out to be about $10,000 per voter.
That’s a whole lot of money, but Biden isn’t paying for it, the American people are.
Much like the Strategic Oil Reserve, which Biden drained to buy votes previously, this is an unprecedented greedy bank robbery that will cause tremendous damage and suffering to the American people who will be left holding the bag.
Algorithmic Analyst says
The student loan program is a hopeless mess. Vouchers are probably the only solution.
Spirit of San Jacinto says
Everything the Feds touch turns to bovine muffins. Back when I was in school (and dinosaurs walked the earth), there were a good assortment of private college loan companies – competition, accountability. There were Pell grants by the Feds, but they were grants not loans and did not amount to a hill of beans.
You are so right about the mess. Me personally, I think we should not place such an irrational import on a college degree, make trades an honorable vocation (as they truly are), and start building our own sh#t so as to be self-sufficient.
Mickorn says
Hold on. Is it a bribe, or is it a bank robbery? Both? Also engrossing misfeasance? What else can we make up?
Spirit of San Jacinto says
Does not matter. It is one thing for sure…. UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Jeff Bargholz says
It’s you sucking a dick.
Domenic Pepe says
In a corrupt depraved psychopathic berserk society government and culture,
bribes work quite well.
And corrupt Biden and the dems know that.
BLSinSC says
NO, the solution would be for the Colleges to FINANCE the student loans or an individual could get a personal loan at a bank. If a college considers a student worthy of risking THEIR money then have at it! US TAXPAYERS should not be footing the bills for kids to waste years studying to be uneducated nitwits! If this was done then you’d see most of the “deadwood” eliminated from campuses and the cost come down to sane levels! I posted long ago when oblama took over the student loan program it would cause costs to explode and then be a vote buying scheme – didn’t take long for either to happen!
Now will the SUPREME COURT hold Joe in contempt? Should they issue a ruling that anyone accepting this “offer” be considered a CO-Conspirator in the effort to DEFRAUD the US Government and TAXPAYERS??
Jeff Bargholz says
And could anybody be uglier than Zombie Joe?
Jeff Bargholz says
Three down votes? That’s three faggots right there. Wipe your chins.
Greg says
Buying votes won’t get the Demo-rats over the finish line. The Demo-rat base demands human sacrifices: unborn babies and pesky Jews. They’re foaming at the mouth. What will Joe Bite-Me promise them next? Subsidized killing of unborn Jews?
Kasandra says
Unfortunately, we have a dumbed down, thoroughly propagandized population that neither knows nor cares that the Supreme Court has already told him he has no such authority. If a Republican defied a Supreme Court ruling like this, our media, and large segments of the voting public, would be frothing at the mouth about dictatorship, rule of law, impeachment, imprisonment, But when a Dem does it, crickets. How can you have a democracy when you have a thoroughly dishonest, corrupt, and partisan “news media” (see also, “garbage”)?
Ron Kelmell says
Again…never underestimate the ability of professional politicians to buy votes from their ignorant, immoral, and lazy constituents. America has done itself in.
Without a renewal of the Judaeo Christian ethic and restoration of the spiritual strength growing from faith in the Risen Savior, our country will continue its march to the trash heap of failed nations.
Domenic Pepe says
The corruption of the woke leftist DEI BLM democrat party absolutely knows no bounds.
The Republicans must start fighting like hell in order to stop the Biden stab in the back policy against America and US citizens and Israel.
It is a great disappointment that corporate America and the financial titans of America are not fighting against Biden and the democrats. and America’s enemies.
Like Larry Fink and Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, JP Morgan, etc.etc.etc.
If these big shots do not vigorously fight against the woke leftist anti-American policies they will ultimately also suffer tremendously as America is lost.
Verneoz says
“Biden offers $300 Billion bribe 30 million voters.” This was predicted in 2010 when Obama federalized the student loan programs and put the American taxpayer on the hook for all the student debt. It was known that Democrats would eventually get around to using student debt as an election ploy. This has been done by Democrats for over 59 years with the War On Poverty legislation of 1965. 59 years later and over $30 Trillion dollars later poverty levels today are little changed from 1965. Welfare & food stamps became Democrat vote getters…and there are 50 million of them. 50 million + 30 million = 80 million votes, exactly what Biden allegedly got in 2020.
Biden wants to buy a Vowell that will by $10:000 each
Angel Jacob says
That’s grand theft. Plain and simple.
The criminals and terrorists are in charge now.
Vetmike says
Which means the Bidens stand to make at least twice that. No politician does anything without payment.
Steven Kardas says
What biden is doing is a slap in the face to every other person would honored their depts. Many paid back their loans with a lot of hard work over time, delaying gratification, living within their means and discipline. The message is that signed contracts are meaningless for a chosen group ,but the rest of us peasants better pay up.
robert curry says
“This was predicted in 2010 when Obama federalized the student loan programs and put the American taxpayer on the hook for all the student debt.”
That’s it !! It was a con (a long con) all along.
Martina Vaslovik says
Well I guess the cost per vote doesn’t matter when you can just print all the money you want out of thin air.
CowboyUp says
For a while, anyway. – Have to add more to get by bot censors, comment too pithy.
CowboyUp says
Well, it’s not like biden, or more accurately his and jill’s handlers, are spending his money. It’s just a number to them. But paying what you owe, is a basic of civilization.
RS says
Its obvious Biden is not a candidate of sound choice for a freedom loving people. Theres no way the administration can win honestly.